
Happy Princess vs Sad Princess


wow look the tear of the princess made the stone statue move what was happening

let's follow what my fairy tales with today's Story Once Upon a Time in the

Magical Kingdom of Amalia which was ruled by the wise King Alma and the gentle 

Queen Banner the king and the queen loved each other so much and their love 

quickly bloomed they were expecting for the birth it was expected to be a happy 

event of the whole Kingdom but when the princesses were born the thing was not

like that the sister was really beautiful with a blonde hair but the younger 

sister had a sad face with dark hair and strange different eye colors the king and 

the queen got quite upset about her appearance but the love for their daughter 

made them forget it immediately the Elder princess when we're shining here I 

named you Aurelia and the little princess with the mysterious hair like the dark 

I will call you Brenna the king and the queen happily looked at their dogs your 

majesty huh I regret to tell you this by the birth of Princess Brenna is a threat 

what how can it be tell me clearly I heard an ancient prophecy that when a

princess would mysterious dark hair and different eye colors is born that Kingdom 


will be perished so what do we have to do now what do brella supposed to do please 

let me bring the princess far away from this Kingdom that's the only way for us 

to say both the kingdom and the princess hmm if that's the only way so please take

care of Brenda we will be inside it to you for the rest of our life they thought 

that the little princess Brenna would be safe when being raised by the sorcerer but 

the king and the queen would never expect that they had just sent the fox guarding 

the handhelds little princess you have a great power do you know it that power will 

help me overthrow your trustful father I'm really looking forward to the day you

grow up if I could take this power from you by myself I wouldn't waste time and


effort like this therefore a little princess quickly grow up and give that power to 

me hmm poor little princess just luck your parents only love your sister they abandon 

you since you were a baby luckily I brought you here and race you honestly I feel 

really unfair for you give me your power I'll help you bring your Justice back I I 

need a little time I believe that my parents must have their own reason while

doing that they would never want to leave me behind because of that thought one day 

when Paul was away from the castle to find the way back to their parents sadly when 

she reached the castle she saw the image of her sister and her parents walking 

together smiling happily they really loved and pampered her elder sister and Brenna 

was lonely in the dark horn Laughter um I agreed to give all of my power to you

for the rest of my life I just want to stay here away from the world outside Paul 

laughed out loud and immediately after having the power of trainer Paul Smiles in 

satisfaction and immediately not to bring out far away Avenger team are in the 

castle with a fence of thorny Vines into the kingdom and attacked the king the king 

of the crew seriously fought back but he had great power at that time they were no 

match for him Amelia go to the highest mountain of the Kingdom to find and protect 

your younger sister Anna you two are the Last Hope of this Kingdom listening to 

her father wiping her tears Aurelius set out to find her sister Aurelia follow the 

instruction of her father and she was able to find a place where her sister was 

being detained but she was brought Target for an event then she casted a spell to 

make a light sword appear she intended to cause that throwing fence out but when 

she caught it by now another one immediately grew up she said no other way but to 

accept the thorn to pierce herself in pain she still tried to cross it quickly to 

find her sister crossing the corner fence he quickly climbed up to the top of the

rising Cliff to enter the castle even when she slipped sometimes but she didn't 

give up finally after reaching the top of the mountain she immediately entered the

castle and saw her sister was lying down weakly on the floor with the tears in her 

eyes she quickly rushed there to raise her sister up and used her light power to 

heal all of her sister's wounds after being healed by her sister Brenda gradually 

woke up Brenna finally you woke up the kingdom is now in danger huh I'm really 

worried that I had also lost you huh sister you you really worried for me what are 

you talking about why don't I worry for you parents risked their life to fight 

against Paul but they always thought about you and told me to protect you well

turned out that I misunderstood about everything Paul fooled me that I had been 

abandoned by my own family and told me to give all of my power to him it's me who 

harmed our parents it's all right don't cry no one will blame you sister just get 

back to be with our parents okay then let's go back to the Palace the two words when

seeing their parents were sucked up all of their power and then they were turned

into stone I Brenna was so angry that she ignored everything and rushed there to 

attack Paul however without her power she was badly beaten by Paul Aurelia stood 

up to protect her sister she used all of her power to fight against balls but she 

also lost quickly and all of her power was sucked up by Paul China you Rena cared 

nothing about the wounds rushed there and hurtfully hugged her sister balls 

unintended to finish Brenner nevertheless miraculously when Brenda was crying and 

holding her sister her teardropped to her sister's buddies were her hard place

dude the ground immediately shook less tattoo fact he brought the elder sister 

back huh at that very moment the Two Sisters knew that the supreme power which 

could help them defeat our face was the power of love the connection between 

their souls they smiled and held each other's hand and all recovered them 

together they casted a spell to make the dark scepter and light scepter appear 

they confidently looked at each other and together finished evil bold bringing the

peace after defeating Paul the to the spell to bring the king and the queen they 

heart the king also gave the throne to the sisters from that moment people lived 

in Harmony and happiness under the rule of the two queens.

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