
Secret of The Red Magic Shoes

Look why is the monster standing in front of people's door what is she going to do if you 

want to know let's follow fairy tales with today's story right away kids once upon a time in 

a remote Countryside there was a little fatherless girl named Karen who lived with her mother 

in a small house the family was so poor that her mother had to sell every single piece of                         

wild food in the market to live by her mother couldn't afford to buy her a decent pair of shoes 

while Karen was very fun of nice shoes I would love to dance mom could only meet her a pair 

of straw flat shoes mom I want a beautiful pair of red shoes not straw shoes that cause itchiness 

darling try to put on those shoes for a while I will try to buy you a nice pair of shoes hmm because 


of the love for her child and all the burdens in life she worked hard then got exhausted one day 

Karen's mother was seriously bedridden there was nothing left in the house to eat and no money 

to treat her mother's illness Karen had to go to the forest to find fruits to sell to the market 

although she didn't want it on the way to the town she stood in front of the shoe store every day             

looking at the red shoes on display the image of the little girl sitting in  corner of the market selling


 Goods caught the eyes of a noble column whose daughter had passed away at a very young age             

 incidentally Karen looked so much like their daughter cute little girl why are you sitting alone 

in this cold winter would you like to join us home and have a cup of hot milk thank you but I 

have to quickly sell all these wild berries to get back to my mother she is seriously ill we're                   

going to invite a doctor to your mother and give her a lot of money to help her provided that you 

accept to be our adopted daughter okay yes I I agree couple kept their promise to cure Karen's 

mother huh soon after Karen immediately followed the castle to town Karen think carefully 

again are you willing to leave me alone I only have you in this life mom accepting their offer                

will make our lives better don't you want it Karen was much loved by her adopted parents like a

 princess being well dressed and having servants every day her adoptive parents knew Karen had a

 hobby of dancing so they took her to the shoe store and let her choose what she wanted Darren 

happily picked back and forth and finally chose the red shoes she had long love foreign about her


 mother who was waiting for her to come back the more spoiled she got the more arrogant she 

became no one in town liked her especially when she always wore a pair of bright red shoes which 

was unsightly deceited one day a pastor of the Town passed away everyone in the town Mourns 

it and went to his funeral to say their last goodbye Karen you can't wear red shoes to church 

because it's disrespectful to the one who passed away do you remember yes I remember Mom               

but Karen ignored the advice she still wore a long skirt to cover her red shoes at the funeral well 

everyone was paying their respects to the pastor Karen stood behind and pulled up her skirt 

enjoyed her red juice and started to dance that got everyone's attention they berated her badly 

despite all of that Karen didn't care she was still perversed at that moment a live flash a fairy 

appeared and angrily looked at Karen if you love dancing that much keep dancing for the                       

rest of your life with that ratchet you insolent child as the fairy finished talking the shoe                         

suddenly started to move and drove Karen away into a Restless dance Karen kept dancing 

through all the thorny bushes through the burning fires through the roads at full of gravel her 

feet were in so much pain but she couldn't stop Karen said dancing and dancing she passed by 

her old house watching her sick mother lying in bed holding her daughter's picture and crying 

because she missed her so much so much that she became so thin her hair also turned white I'm


such an ungrateful and a bad child yeah to save your mother I will turn you into a dump ugly 

monster with red leg hairs like your shoes do you agree I agree I'm willing to do everything I 

can to save my mother the fear we immediately turned Kevin into an ugly monster since then 

Karen had been hiding in the woods she could only just stand as a victim looking at her mother 

because she was afraid that her mother will be panicked when she saw Pharaoh day by day Karen 

was singing for fruit and left it in front of her mother's house as a gift one day when she was 

sneakily trying to place the food her mother caught her huh I see you giving me fruits every day            

it is delicious and I really appreciate that do you want to come in and sit for a while your eyes 

remind me of my sweet little girl she has been missing for a while I still can't find her I can only 

pray for her to come home safely in exchange for this old life of mine  Karen just wanted to scream 

out loud that mommy I'm here she wanted to hug her mom so much and apologize to her mom 

but she couldn't say it huh blueberry I have one last request please erase my mom's memories 

about me I don't want to see her suffering anymore what would you offer me in return with all 

my life even if I will disappear from this world I'm still with it it seems that you have really 

changed you have realized your mistake I agree to forgive you after returning to her old form 

and regaining her voice Karen happily returned home and embrace her mother huh Mom you're

 ungraceful girl is back I'm sorry for all the bad things I've done Karen my dear I thought I couldn't 

see you again for the rest of my life I don't blame you my lifelong desire is to see you live in peace 

and happiness she also went to town to apologize to her adopted parents and ask permission to go 

home and to take care of her mother since then Karen has become hard-working she was no longer

 mean as they lived forever.

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