
The Vampire Bride


Doors was a perfectly normal human girl to one day ah the blood dripping from Doris's wound

caused the surrounding creatures to change abnormal at the same time the scary demons also

came more and more the fear-made doors lose consciousness when she woke up she was with her

beloved grandmother Grand that rabbit why does that rabbit suddenly do that I'm scared Doris your

blood contains the power that makes the demon stronger from now on day we'll always try to harm 

you promise me you'll take this Talisman with you to cover your ability okay doors then grew up to 

be a very beautiful girl and she had the ability to see demons but because of her troubles in the past

Doris always pretended not to see them can you see me let's play oh oh I forgot it's time to go home

can't you see me hey hey at the same time Doris was also extremely prejudiced against ghosts and

demons one day when she was out in the woods collecting herbs doors got lost and lost her precious

Talisman immediately a demon appeared it wanted to hurt her in a panic Tony the vampire appeared

and temporarily stopped the demon you you're not human either why it doesn't matter what I am           

you be my bride and I will keep you safe come a bride of a devil no no disagree so please just 

waiting for that the bloody demon continued to rush towards Doris I I agree stop it quick Tony 

then stop the demon at the same time a contract was summoned at least if she became his bride 

doors could live longer a little bit huh after Doris made the oath Tony destroyed the demon taking 

her back to his castle deep in the woods our whole process caught the eye of a mysterious black crow 


in her early days at the vampire castle Doris always stayed on guard looking for every opportunity to

escape it's useless as long as the sign is on your forehead you can't go outside according to the 

memory from the rumors Doris tried whatever she believed the vampire was afraid of Doris fulfills 

her role as a wife for preparing a delicious meal full of garlic Tony ate it all and thanked her for 

the delicious meal huh she tried picking up things to make a cross she took all her courage and 

showed it in front of Tony it's ugly throw it away dorsa's hopes were dashed when Tony concluded

come on stop messing around vampires aren't afraid of the nonsense things that you humans always 

talk about Doris waited for days but Tony didn't do anything to her not even sucking blood as the 

rumor said um so in short when I become your bride what will I do you're doing great doors gradually

got used to life in the vampire castle huh she then no longer looked for a way to escape Doris was 

free to do as she pleased to go anywhere in the castle hahaha except for the room at the end of the

corridor with the door covered with dust curiosity is prohibited if you don't want to lose your life 

don't ever open that door never again thought that door might help her get out of the castle one day

Tony was out for his own business door sneaked to the Forbidden room and open the door inside


the secret room was a terrifying event rushing to fight the Curious fortunately the vampire came

back in time and blocked the attack huh are you okay is that bad why she she's very important to 

me she used to be very gentle and never hurt anyone but things happened and she lost her mind 

huh I I am sorry promise me until I find a way to restore her sanity he won't enter this room again

feeling responsible for the wounds inflicted by the bat Doris devoted herself to taking care of Tony 

the two gradually fell more even though Doris had always hated demons Doris you want to go back 

to the Village don't you just wait a little longer and I'll bring you back then one night Doris woke up 

to the sound of something slamming into the window Tony Tony where are you Miss open the 

window I'm a good person I just want to tell you the news about your grandmother my grandma

yes your grandmother is in danger if you don't listen to me you will regret it for the rest of your life

appearing in the room with a girl with black raven wings she called herself Jenna the former Brian 

of Empire oh miss you're not the only bride you know the bat in the room is Tony's old girl she had

been cursed to be a bat Tony kept signing contracts to get to New Bright to come live with him huh 

the longer the bride stays there the more the bat absorbs her energy and the stronger it is the bat 

can escape to harm people just like that until the bride runs out of energy Tony will change a new 

bride I was lucky enough to be rescued by the god of the Ravens and escaped I can't even imagine 

if I wasn't no it can't be like that don't be fooled today he and the demon bat came to the Village to 

drag your grandmother away Doris didn't believe what Jenna just said but when she opened the 

window of the Forbidden room to verify the truth the Bad and the vampire were nowhere to be 

found huh in addition Jenna showed her Grandma's exorcism Doris was really trembling huh

knowing that she was confused Jenna offered to take Doris directly home to verify and stop Tony

Jenna helped Doris temporarily erase the seal on her forehead so she could leave the castle but the

effect was just temporary so they needed to go quickly huh um the bat next to Tony is very strong 

she only listens to him so if you want to catch it there's only one way to get the vampires to turn

themselves in I know you still have hope in this love so let's pretend you've been kidnapped by

me and see if he'll accept the deal of exchanging demon back to save you or not waiting for Doris's

approval Jenna creates the Sonic luring the vampire to come huh Jenna let Doris go despite 

worrying a Jenna's suggestion Tony hesitated to decide Janice right I'm just like her just one of 

those Brides so you can use no don't listen to her Doris do you remember when you signed

that contract and had the seal on your head Jenna is too strong so how could I force her to do it

huh the seal yeah you could even solve my seal couldn't you knowing that everything was revealed

Jenna did not hide her malice anymore she had been in love with Tony in the past but he had 

rejected her again and again all she knew is that she had a bath and loved it more than anything 

in the world Jenna was jealous she tried to eliminate the bat but accidentally turned it into evil

Tony got Furious chasing to take revenge on Jenna but he had no success then Doris appeared

a filthy girl can easily win your heart I don't accept this Tony if you won't accept the deal I'll destroy 

her first huh Tony used his power to create a barrier to protect the demon bat and if he rushed to            

save his prime since half of his energy was used to protect bad the vampire were great the demon

clothes were so numerous so after a short time the vampire collapsed oh my dear you can't win 

against me anyway should I let your little bride give you last words before witnessing the one she 

loves that sacrifice for her dare to steal from me that won't happen yes Tony knew that he didn't 

have much time left to tell the truth huh actually Tony and Doris were once a good couple of 

Empires Doris owed the favor to the witch so one day when the vampires came to destroy the 

village she firmly fought that new protecting the old woman the vampire spells causing Doris's 

body to gradually turn into a child huh the old woman stored Doris's memories in the baby back 

until she found a way to bring her bath doors would truly be Resurrected Tony had to find and 

terminate the bad vampires so we had to leave for a while after that Doris followed the old woman

to the Village by the time he returned Doris had grown up but she didn't remember him at all Tony

 realized Doris has a new life and he then no longer wanted to make her a vampire again Tony had 

been quietly staying with her for years to protect her once Tony was careless Doris was almost

destroyed by the demons Tony understood that things kept running like this was not a good idea

until Tony found a way to clear Doris's vampire bloodline to turn her into a regular person he 

would take her back to the castle to protect her last night the witch said that she had found a way 

so he with the demon bat hurried back to the Village the witch had been taken to a safe place Jenna 

just made up a story to trick doors that's the whole story Doris believe that you're the one I never

cheated on you not even a second you Tony my blood my blood will make you better please no if 

I bite you you'll turn into a vampire again the witch is coming soon I will try to buy you some time

Doris live your human life as you have always wanted it even if there is only one hope to live a little

reason I still protect you oh done Whispering all right now pay for what you did to me Tony no

Tony looked back and saw that his demonic bad protection barrier had been broken door smiled 

sadly and let the demon bad by immediately endorse his body changed her strength increased

Jenna was no longer doors of Life quickly destroyed by her weak enemy whom she once thought

doors have regained her old memories but she also carried in her body the power of a demon back

which could easily lose its mind Tony the devil's blood in me is so strong I am not gonna make it 

please destroy me I don't want to hurt anyone right at that moment the witch returned and brought 

doors to sleep when Doris woke up she forgot everything it turned out that the witch made Doris

again lose her memory so she would not lose her good nature Tony was heartbroken when he was 

once again thrown out of Doris's memory but he accepted it doors couldn't remember anything this 

time but her heart was strongly pounding again when she saw Tony as long as they live time is long

enough for those who truly love will come back together right.

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