
The Wounded Lion | Bedtime Stories For Kids


The wounded lion in a land far away lived Estelle alone she did not remember much of her parents

and she had always lived in this Farm where she tended to wear cattle and made a living by selling 

milk butter and curds one afternoon as she was in the forest in the patch where her cows were 

grazing come here all of you I have never heard a lion here before we must go home at once a minute

the lion sounds as though he is in pain we can't abandon him all of you wait there Estelle went to 

check on the lion she found him seated miserably below a tree oh my poor thing let me get rid of it

for you but remember dear friend I am a helper not dinner now remember the thorn will not hurt I

am a helper not dinner now let me wash your wound and with these herbs you will be all right

huh oh it's okay big fellow take care Estelle was happy to have helped the injured lion she came 

back to the place where she had left the cows and not a single one was to be seen oh Buttercup 

Lena where did they go I still searched everywhere and she could not find them a year passed by

Margo where could our cows have disappeared just like that is that the same lion in this part of the

forest to be in trouble yet again poor thing now all of you stay here safe okay I'll be back before you

know it I still ran in the direction of the Roars and soon found the lion lying painfully under a tree 

the poor animal's face was all scratched and bleeding hey there dear friend what happened remember  


me I was the helper not the dinner can I take a look oh this is bad as before Estelle washed the Lion's

injuries and applied the ointment the animal was at once relieved of the pain but when Estelle Got 

Back where are my sheep Margo come to me Philip canoe I still looked everywhere but she could 

find no sign at all of her goats and sheep thank you this is too much I am not leaving this Forest 

till I find my animals still went home and fed the hens and pigs and returned right back into the 

forest to spend the night there and look for her beloved goats and sheep she climbed different trees 

to look around till it was finally very dark and she could see nothing she settled atop a huge oak 

tree for the night what who was that when the sun came up nice and high lion what is going on 

here when the lion was out of sight she tapped on the rock found herself in a palatial mansion

she tidied the place and helped herself to the delicious food Laden on the table and then before

sun down she came onto the tree again this continued for three days finally Estelle decided that 

it was time to get some answers huh oh so it was you visiting my Palace for the past three days I 

am not surprised what is it with you and the lion come with me I am Prince Pharaoh chair from 

a kingdom far away my father had defeated this giant in battle and as Revenge he abducted me

he cast the spell on me that I become a lion by day and can regain my True Form only at night 

when you help me the giant was so angry that he abducted her animals he keeps them in his den 

on the Black Mountain it can only be seen by day and I cannot climb it as a lion I will go there              

but before that is there no way to break your spell a coat of gold embroidered by a lock of golden 

hair from my twin sister but the spell has made them forget me how will I get that coat I will go 

get it for you then you will my country is a long way away I will go but before I leave I need a

place to keep my hands pigs and geese so they are fed and looked after oh leave them here I promise 

to protect them and take care of them the prince told to sell the way to his country she traveled a 

long time and finally reached the palace where do you think you're going young lady I I am a poor

orphan and I am looking for a job just let me in please we cannot let who was there Brinkley

Madam I am looking for a job please I have nowhere else to go in the world what can you do

I contend cattle I know how to heal wounded animals and I can well we do need someone at the 

Stables very well come in so it still got a job at the palace she was sincere hard-working and 

polite so soon everyone came to like her she was also astute to observe that the King's favorite 

dish was porridge and that the princess love to dress up and tie her thick Golden Hair in different 

styles so can I make the porridge for the king this morning sir I have brought fresh milk for it

all right Estelle certainly in the porridge a still mixed a special delicious Rose honey found

only in her country the porridge is ready please taste it sir um my it is the most delicious I've ever

had I am sure the king will love it in fact the King has a delegation coming tomorrow maybe you 

could cook this for breakfast I shall be happy to can I also take this up to the princess's Chambers 

sure your breakfast your highness I love the way you have done your hair thank you so much 

can you Coal Mine the same way father has a delegation coming tomorrow and I want to look my 

best certainly your highness Estelle cooked the porridge and combed the princess's hair the                    

delegation was impressed and the king and the princess were very happy with Estelle ask for a 

reward my dear pardon me Your Majesty the reward I ask for is strange but I assure you it is for 

a good cause I beg to be spared my life my now I am really curious do not fear my dear I trust you 

tell me I desire a coat made of gold embroidered with the lock of the princess's golden hair and 

then may I be able to take a regiment of your army for a few days that is indeed peculiar But A 

promise is a promise I am sure you think so too my dear yes Father A promise is a promise I

shall gladly give her a lock of my hair the princess took the code to the Black Mountain it is 

Estelle who brings you your heart's desire a coat made of gold embroidered with a lock of golden 

hair really oh it is beautiful wait a minute you are the girl who help the prince lion yes but no your

condition is fulfilled I do not wish to relieve the prince of his curse take the code away then 

perhaps you shall like to be defeated again with the King and his army they followed me here as 

I speak but a thief like you who steals innocent cows and goats and babies surely does not have 

a heart to fight so you will release the prince and my beloved cows and sheep and goats the 

Cowardly giant released the prince of his curse and also returned as those animals thank you 

Estelle I am glad I could be of help now I must return to my farm um maybe we could take care 

of the animals together at Maya Palace The Prince and Estelle rode back to the Palace where the

moment that King laid eyes on him he remembered him to be his son the entire family rejoiced 

as still stayed with him for a while till she finally realized that she too had fallen in love with the 

prince both got married and lived happily ever after. 

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