
My Boyfriend is a Vampire | Bedtime Stories For Kids

Look why did that handsome prince become a vampire what was happening let's follow Roa fairy 

tales with today's Story Once Upon a Time in the beautiful kingdom of Haley which was ruled by 

cozy a talented King who owned the ultimate power of Demon Slayer cozy the king lived happily 

with his Queen and she gave birth to a really handsome and clever Prince my cute little prince from

 now on I will call you dressy do you like it the three of them lived happily together but that happy 

life didn't last long until one day the vampire King came and attacked the kingdom that was a scary

 ancient vampire tribe Legend said that they survived by sucking people's blood to prevent the 

Kingdom from potential risks King cozy used all of his power to defeat and eliminate the vampire 

King unfortunately before being vanished the vampire King left a bite on Prince drassy's body 

making him really painful and his left eyes turn red huh feeling pity for his son the king tried

his best with the hope of pushing the dark curse out of the princess body but to no avail while 

growing up the difference of his eyes color became clearer and clearer as well his pains became 

more serious because there were two power flows inside his body one time the thing became 

serious when the prince couldn't control himself and he almost attacked a servant the King was so         

 worried that he had to let the Prince live in an isolated place where no one was allowed to come 

near for dracy was isolated and hated by everyone then he gradually became depressed he just 


stayed in his room all day no one wanted to talk to him everyone stayed away from him so he 

became more and more cowed and he didn't communicate with anyone until one day he couldn't 

resist the loneliness anymore dracy decided to sneak out to avoid the detection of everyone he 

covered himself carefully and wandered around the kingdom seeing the things he had no chance to 

see before he kept wondering until he was lost in the middle of a Woods while he was confused and

 didn't know how to get out of there he suddenly heard a loud scream he immediately ran there 

and saw a girl who was struggling in the middle of the stream he ignored the danger and jumped

off to save the girl thank you you are really the savior of My Life by the way my name is Stella

after saving the girl the cloak of the prince suddenly dropped out revealing his two color eyes he

 immediately covered them because he thought that Stella would be scared well you have different 

ice color it's really beautiful I have never seen any beautiful thing like that before Beauty beautiful

don't you see it's scary my God scared of what your eyes are really beautiful so what can I call you

I'm dressy thank you so much this is the first time in my life there's someone to tell me that my eyes 

are beautiful the two quickly became intimate the prince snuck out every day and went to the stream

 back to date with Stella they gradually had feelings and fell in love with each other the two were

 immersed in happiness without knowing that they had been caught by Percy a disciple of vampire

King who was still alive in the fight before he tried and tried every day to Reborn the vampire King 

he caught animals in the woods as the food for the vampire King maintained his life hahaha was

 ordinary soul will never be able to help my master Reborn the only thing which can help is the 

blood of that Prince I have tried all the ways to sneak into the Royal Palace but to no avail but 

now that little kid came to me for free my chance really came Percy came up with a plan to arrest

Stella's mother who are you why do you want to capture my mom if you want to save your mom 

better bring your boyfriend here to exchange or I will drain all of her soul the one I love to death

stand here and see my mom in danger I will bring him here and find the way to rescue him I will

 sacrifice everything to keep both of them safe that day Stella lied to drassy she said that she would 

take drassy to a beautiful place but it was the vampire King's Hideaway the vampire King laughed 

out loud he immediately knocked Stella out far away and rushed there to attack dracy he used his 

magic to suck Gracie's blood then he gradually revealed his original form seeing her lover in pain 

Stella ignored all the dangers rushed there to push the vampire King out and she got a magical

attack from him Tracy I'm sorry for reluctantly deceiving you but I love you I will sacrifice all I 

have to protect you Gracie shouted out angrily suddenly his body Shone he turned into a vampire          

and rushed to the vampire King to fight against him he tried his best by his Vampire Slayer power 

but he wasn't able to defeat the vampire King the vampire King laughed evilly and perform a magic 

attack towards Tracy then he intended to suck Gracie's blood once again unexpectedly when the 

magic attack touched Gracie it didn't injure him and it even combined with a Vampire Slayer power

 inside his body dracy could feel clearly the strong flow of power inside his body he bravely stood 

up and rushed there to fight and defeat the vampire King and his disciples making the vampire tribe 

be defeated totally after eliminating the vampire King Gracie casted a spell to heal Stella and 

together they brought her mother home Stella please forgive me for hiding it from you I'm the Prince 

of this Kingdom since I was a kid I got the painful curse from The Vampire King that made every

one stay away from me but it was you who gave me the want of love and saved me from the death

I love you father huh I'm sorry for my unruly actions which put myself in danger but luckily I've 

always had Stella By My Side she saved my life and matured with me the King was really happy 

when knowing that his son was matured he then gave Tracy the throne and the whole kingdom was

 ruled in peace and prosperity Forever After.

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