
My Sister is The OPPOSITE of Me | Bedtime Stories For Kids


In the Far Far Away fairy kingdom there are two beautiful talented contradictory Royal unicorn

princess sisters huh the elder sister Catherine was a hot tempered person who liked fights and

pranks on people especially her little sister huh oh the younger sister Amelia was a person

who loved makeup and had easy going characteristics especially she often sang to have fun with 

animal friends although the Two Sisters love each other sometimes they simply wanted to avoid

touching each other to keep the peace between the two sides that's why they rarely coordinated to 

work this made the Queen the mother who was close to death's door very upset one day the queen 

and her two daughters went to the enchanted forest with a mysterious creatures lived to learn

about a group of demons who were known to secretly collect the magic of the people recently while 

the three Royal members were searching for the demons in whereabouts they discovered a little one

was sneaking around Spells at the demon this must be one of the demons I'll get him and ask some 

questions cat don't do any you are not so good you better stay here waiting for us I will follow her 

to prevent her from using excessive magic hurting the little demon and losing this important clue all 

right Amy go find cat by the time Amelia arrived Catherine had caught the little diva for questions 

but he was just scared pointing at the path of Two Sisters had just left Demon King's henchmen 

arrived come back oh no Mom they rushed back and found the queen was wounded Catherine               

Amelia come quickly and get me up Captain hurry to help her mother but Amelia realized that 

normally the queen would call them cat and Amy not by the full name like that so she tried to stop


her sister but it was too late Catherine had just touched the queen when a dark spell entered her body 

and took all her power Amelia hurriedly pulled Catherine out but the dark magic from her sister

also took all her magic later the queen disappeared leaving the two princesses to faint along with the 

symbol of Magic the unicorn horns disappear the sisters of wolf saw the little demon sitting by

their side and taking care of them Catherine and Amelia didn't see the queen anywhere nor could 

they use any magic so they began to question the little demon the little demon saw Catherine's 

terrifying expression he couldn't speak any word after observing this demon for a while Amelia 

realized that he had some wounds on his body moreover Amelia felt that he also took care of them 

and had no intention of harming the two Catherine I think we instead of threatening this guy with our

fists maybe using using words of advice count the story besides he seems to have taken care of us just 

now so he probably doesn't want to hurt us Catherine was not satisfied with this but it was true

that no matter how much he threatened the demon he said nothing therefore she handed them over 

to Amelia well little demon tell me what caused your injury and why you seemed to be helping us 

now sensing the carry in Amelia's words the little demon hurriedly replied I actually used to be

a henchman of the demon king who was the leader of the Demons who stole everyone's magic lately 

but because I was always clumsy and unable to do his job I got despised and hurt by The Demon

King in his minions so I have always wanted to escape today I heard about the plan to kidnap

the queen from him but I don't want to harm a good person like her and I don't think the Demon King 

to rule this area with his bossiness only because I was too shy that I didn't dare to say anything and 

made you doubt and chase after me without having time to explain anything besides we was just a 

demon disguised to absorb the magic of the two princesses hmm Queen must have been captured 

already but if the princess is forgave me and accepted me I promise to help you to find the place of 

the demons that would be great what do you think Catherine even though you have indirectly caused

this incident you better show the way and redeem yourself quickly if you do anything suspicious I 

will give you a lesson the sisters and the little demon went to a fast-flowing river when they arrived 

they found the bridge destroyed impatient to find the demons Captain defied Amelia's advice that 

they could hard the creatures living in the tree then she still tried to cut down a tree to make a break

When she had taken a few steps the creature is living in the tree attacked her for her impulsive 

behavior and damaging the splits this caused Kathy to lose her balance and fall into the river

Amelia tried to save Catherine but she wasn't strong enough so she couldn't pull her sister up with

out the little Demon's help the hook why did you dare to do this to me I will but you're the one who 

ruined their homes and injured them so they're obviously angry if you calm down and learn to gently 

ask the creatures around here I'm sure they'll help us Amelia apologized to the fairies and promised

to help them restore their trees they help them cross the river we can get people across the river with 

a fairy dust if they agree to help us rebuild our nests unexpectedly with only Amelia's gentle advice 

the little demon and the fairies could easily help us like that maybe it's just like Amelia said it's not 

always possible to solve things with strength therefore Catherine agreed to redeem and work with 

everyone however because of her kind nature Amelia did not know how to refuse so the fairies 

demanded more houses for each person to live in as well as find food Reserves Amelia you can't           

just accept their demands like that but you look so depleted this will affect your health and a search 

for our mother besides how resourceful intelligent fairies like you aren't working as hard as the little

demon no one is allowed to look down on us like that wait and see how we show you two princesses 

our power indeed in a short time the fairies completed the nest independently how can your harsh 

words make them work actually it's just a mocking Noble beings like fairies are just like me they 

hate being compared to their abilities so I took advantage of that to make them work hard moreover 

not always speaking softly and suffering disadvantages without saying anything are the best choice 

sometimes we need to be in the right place and at the right time to do things well huh look at that the 

two gradually got to know each other better and were taken across the river by the fairies to the

bat cave the residents the demons finally with the magic you've gathered for me I have enough power 

to take over this Kingdom well if the source of the Demon King's power comes from the staff then 

we have to think about how to pass those minions and take it but they are too many and we have no 

magic left so we can easily be defeated so I have a way well even the queen is defeated by us but 

when we are here you won't be able to carry out the plan to take over this Kingdom what a big 

mouth I will beat you you guys hurry up and get her however the demons did not know that they 

had fallen into the Trap of the Two Sisters making them unable to do anything and fall into chaos

The Demon King approached to capture Amelia but Catherine quickly set up an obstacle to stop him 

even countering his magic with Amelia's mirror I can't believe your girly things can help us but I still 

haven't seen mom anywhere in this bad cave because she she's still in my hand right now let her

go there's no such easy thing though Catherine Demon King I will not allow you to harm my beloved 

as Malia tried to fight back Catherine heard her sister's words echoing through the cave causing

the bath to start waking up Amelia doesn't your voice always attract animals I hear bats around here 

so if you sing now they'll come and help us Emilia followed the advice and sing aloud making the 

bats in the cave fly towards them thank you this caused the Demon King to lose sight taking the            

opportunity Catherine took his staff the Two Sisters worked together to break the staff causing a

burst of light in return all the magic power to those who lost it the sisters attempted to rescue their

mother a cloud of smoke Rose from the staff and turned the Demon King into a queen to the 

mazement of both of them huh why are you the Demon King because I'm the one behind all this 

thing because I want you two to understand each other's strengths and abilities I have made this plan 

and after going through many difficulties I have seen how the two of you have learned to unite and 

support each other in handling work it turns out that we understood your good intentions when 

challenging the solidarity of the two in the journey we also know that everyone has each other's

interests strengths and weaknesses as well as how to understand compensate and support each other 

best later the queen and her two daughters returned to the palace and then a prosperous period of

the Kingdom began with the leadership of both uniform princesses.

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