
The Snake Princess | Bedtime Stories For Kids


Once Upon a sunny day a certain kingdom was bursting with celebration their beloved princess was 

getting married Elaine was known for her beauty which would Captivate and melt the toughest of

hearts so of course when the time had come she picked the most handsome prince oh stunning her

 highness's beauty is blinding sink in a few moments I'll be married the prince is here oh my good

ness oh my good oh ouch your highness ow that really huh my face Elaine looked at her reflection 

in horror across her face was a tiny scar says it's really nothing nothing it's my wedding day and I've 

got this disaster on my face I feel so Dreadful oh only my beloved can console me she ran to meet 

her prince my beloved you look so what's that on your face it's a it's a scar can't marry you now 

Elaine was stung by his words you can't mean that of course I do you aren't the most beautiful 

princess anymore I'm canceling this marriage with that the prince left heartbroken Elaine rushed           

away in despair how did this happen all because of the scar the garden was a sacred one and had

 belonged to the royal family for Generations it housed a group of spirits that now Rose to help 

Elaine poor child maybe if we take away the scar blah will that do you you're the spirits that help 

and guard my family I know of you we know you too Elaine ever since you were a baby and now 

even with this heartbreak forget about him plenty of fish in the sea no I'm done with love love that

 wasn't love does he know about your other amazing qualities like how you adore bugs or your 

terrible dancing skills ugh these qualities belong to the real you then behind of Assad if he loved 

you  he'd love your flaws your scars I don't care I'm done with people Spirits please turn me into a

snake yes a snake what we couldn't I want this please the spirits looked at each other helplessly with

 heavy hearts they let their magic flow but one of the spirits chanted under her breath unnoticed in 

an instant Elaine turned into a snake oh this is how I will look Forevers goodbye my dear family my

 friends and you my dearest Spirits she left them slithering away oh dear I wish we hadn't done that

give it time she may just be able to break it herself what do you mean a small secret Elaine's new 

body felt odd she moved rather slowly by evening she had reached a small Lake sir what now will I 


have to stay out here in the wild what will I eat Elaine rested upon a small rock a few insects settled 

themselves on her for even as a snake her kind nature drew them to her now as she rested a man 

spotted her he was awestruck at the strange phenomenon all those insects on that snake and it isn't 

even bothered as he moved closer he Lane shook with fright who's there what a talking snake how

dare you mommy Lane a princess you don't look like one Oh you mean a snake princess yes I mean 

no I mean hug Elaine told the man everything so now I don't know what to do oh dear you stayed 

with me if you want um no I wouldn't want to cause you or your family any trouble oh well my home 

is in the next Kingdom close to it in a forest there's an abandoned shed you could live there Elaine 

liked this idea and accepted his offer they galloped away under the evening sky by the way what's 

your name it's Jeffrey Jeffrey reached the shed and placed Elaine on his jacket exhausted she curled 

up and went to sleep from then on Jeffrey would visit Elaine regularly arms Laden with gifts to Jeffrey 

I don't know what I would have done without you but you don't need to spend all your time with me

 that's okay I like spending time with you you're my bestie use yeah my snake bestie stop no we're 

just friends my just friends snake bestie Elaine and Jeffrey would explore the forest quite often Elaine

 soon began to have fun oh I haven't had this much fun in Forever hmm you play Muse sick I your

 Royal hissiness am a man of many talents oh I love this song Elaine began to wiggle to the tune and

Jeffrey watched her with Fascination oh don't stop you look so happy his words took Elaine by 

surprise she noticed that Jeffrey had shifted himself quite far from her why are you sitting there well 

I don't really like bugs Elaine hadn't noticed the swarm of insects that had surrounded her dragon

flies ladybugs caterpillars do you think it's strange for a princess to like such things nope I don't I feel

 being your true self is an absolute accomplishment Elaine was happy hearing this she slithered closer

 to Jeffrey who now looked worried what's wrong my kingdom is being terrorized by Bandits they 

robbed the people in the night and leave them frightened oh how terrible I wish I could do something

 How brave you are I'm sure if something turns up he'll do your part I'm right here if you need me          

bathing steaks need all the solar power they can get till we fully charged for anything even Bandits 

the days pass by and that you got to know each other quite well one night however the shed door 

flew open Elaine heard footsteps and hid no one's here the soldiers ruined our last hideout our plan 

to capture the king must be thorough they're the bandits Jeffrey was talking about he must be the 

leader Elaine listened silently as they made their plans good or what no mistakes tomorrow is the

day we get rich when they left Elaine was in a panic she didn't know where Jeffrey lived and so

she waited until the morning when he entered she left at him whoa there happy to see your Bandits 

no it's bestie no listen Elaine told Jeffrey about the night's happenings we must leave immediately 

come where are you taking me galloped through the kingdom streets Elaine peeped out of Jeffrey's 

bag and saw that they were nearing the Kingdom's Palace wait Jeff that's the palace we can't enter 

there why not I can enter my own home can't I you're home you're the Prince why didn't you tell me

you never asked Jeffy went straight to his parents mother father we may have found a way to defeat 

the bandits defeat the bandits who's we the king and queen screamed when their son Drew a huge 

snake out of his bag huh hello meet my bestie Jeffrey explained everything to his astonished parents

an enchanted princess oh my well let's hear what she has to say Elaine spoke about the bandits and 

how they plan to infiltrate the palace not on our watch we'll inform the guards at once thank you 

Elaine that night the bandits came and snuck into the palace the leader tried finding the king's 

Chambers aha he's not here well the palace is huge so I just used another room oh dear did I ruin 

your plans I'll get you guards what no this is the end for you no more terrorizing my people however 

in another part of the palace Jeffrey was fighting some Bandits and had dropped Elaine being a snake

Elaine couldn't see clearly she could only feel through sound and vibrations Jeffrey where are oh

a snake get away from me Jeffrey's Elaine Jeffrey why did you do that whether a snake a princess or

 even a bug you are someone important to me you are someone I genuinely love with those words 

 Elaine's enchantment broke and she returned back to her normal self the shocked Bandits charged

but Elaine was a skilled swordsman she defeated them easily don't mess with me amazing the bandits

 were all locked up and the next day a huge celebration begun but soon after Elaine returned home

everyone was overjoyed to see her oh princess promise I shall never disappear like that again I 

promise Elaine was still mystified by her disenchantment and so sought out the spirits hmm I made 

a small tweak in enchantment that if someone would tell you they loved you for you the spell would 

break love always exists Elaine you just have to be brave enough to find it thank you a lot did you 

find out what you wanted I found more than that you know I didn't disclose my Royal identity as 

most people only want me for my title you're the first one that actually likes me for me I don't just 

like you I love you in time as our love grew stronger the couple married each other people aren't 

meant to be perfect flaws exist and they are the scars to Perfection something that doesn't exist so 

wear your scars with pride as they are what make you not perfect but in imperfectly Beautiful You.

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