
True Love of Zombie Princess Aurora | Bedtime Stories For Kids


Princess Aurora in the southern Castle had finally woken up the bell rang now nine Echoes 

dispelling the moisture and wildness of the vines after hundreds of years they turn into thousands 

of fragrant flowers and colorful butterflies but the beautiful princess is no longer here there was 

an ugly and extremely scary zombie instead what have I become Aurora you have to calm down

princess I'm coming something must have gone wrong your true love Prince Philip has woken 

you up after Aurora got into trouble the king and queen passed away because they were so 

devastated and merciful for over 200 years the kingdom had no more Prince or princess mean

while the royal blood in the kingdom is considered luck which will make the kingdom flourish 

free from disease and misery the whole country was eagerly waiting to see the princess and also 

the wedding of the century with the prince who saved her there is a stream in the myth when 

people bathe in it they can revive once although it is difficult to find as long as there is hope you 

must try the Fairy Godmother used magic to temporarily restore Aurora's appearance then hurriedly 

left Prince Philip admired Aurora's Beauty Ruster proposed order I I'm sorry I'm not ready for 

this huh princess why didn't you agree to the princess proposal I don't want that either but 

strangely enough my heart doesn't have any fluttering you know people have been waiting for

this moment for a long time the prince is also your benefactor huh princess you shouldn't hesitate

huh I know what I have to do in the face of public pressure Aurora finally agreed to marry Philip


the whole country was bustling with preparations for the wedding except for the princess who               

seemed to wither away day by day the side effects of magic were about to wear off and the body 

began to transform she was scared and hid away from everyone that night the princess was 

crying desperately in her room when she heard a knock on the door outside the balcony was 

Place flowers with very beautiful colors the strange thing was that as soon as she inhaled their 

fragrance the princess began to recover her human form and they immediately faded away

oh my God I am back to normal unfortunately just like fairy powder the effects of flowers last 

only a few days from that day on every two days flowers were brought in the old way Aurora 

watches curiously as she sees the crow she saved before falling into Eternal sleep it's you that's

 impossible you're his descendant aren't you it's been 200 years since then Rosa becomes soul 

mates who share secrets with Princess if you could talk one day when Aurora's transformation

suddenly takes place Prince Philip is also there he was scared and immediately locked her

up thank you this is the price you pay for cheating on me my fiancee when I woke up from sleep 

it was like this I will pretend that I don't know anything if the wedding will still take place why 

what are you plotting you have no right to doubt me if you still wish to lay your eyes on it besides 

if you don't agree I shall announce that the entire Kingdom would have become of their beautiful

 princess Laura had no choice but to agree to Philip's threat on the day of the wedding Aurora did 

not expect Philip to make her appear to be a zombie huh huh people were scared calling her a

monster throwing things at her trying to scare her away huh at the moment a monstrous man 

with black wings appeared grabbing the princess half man half Crow it's hell he is Maleficent's 

son oh that's right I'm back to avenge my mother your princess is under my spell oh hi Prince if 

you really are the true love of the princess then come to the brink of bringing her back otherwise 

I curse this Kingdom to perish your hands as soon as you become a successive the prince must 

pursue both to prove himself worthy to inherit the country and to plot to destroy both Howell 

and Aurora you under Phillips Hale of arrows Howell spread his wings to Shield Aurora and

got wounded finally he was exhausted hugging the princess who fell into the cliff at the bottom of 

the Abyss is a deep lake surrounded by bright rainbow flowers I finally see you princess of how

close your eyes and let me show you an interesting story how is the only son of the dark fairy

Maleficent not only is he handsome he is also extremely Brave creating a barrier to detain the bat

 zombies flying under the abyss spending a lot of energy how fainted when he woke up he found 

that Princess Aurora was there to take care of him it was the best time Howe had in his life hmm      

then Maleficent knew about it she told how to come back she'd help him get the princess that time 

how he thought of what he liked had to have it so he found a way to take Princess Aurora to the 

deep forest perhaps Maleficent had a grudge against the king and queen but since she was forbidden 

to enter the kingdom she could not take revenge ha the day is finally here Princess Aurora brought

 herself to me again it is a pity for the sake of a hundred years that I cannot destroy you at once

then I curse you to sleep for 200 years and when you wake up you're doomed the fairy Godfather 

and the Royal Army chased after it was over he only used the power to seal maleficence and 

reduced a curse by Aurora will sleep but wake up when there is true love huh old bulky Vines 

grew around a princess and then spread throughout the castle so that no one could be with her

Howell regretted that he had indirectly pushed his beloved into such a situation he tried to go in 

stay next to the princess look for her to sleep peacefully time passed quickly and all of Hal's 

efforts to await the princess were in vain it's been a hundred years and if you don't wake up I 

know what to do there's only one way to turn her to a zombie to prolong her life but is that 

really the right thing to do trust me I'll find a way to restore your original appearance hmm

but even after turning into a zombie Aurora still couldn't wake up Hal is now in agreement

he accepted to find Aurora another lover as long as the princess woke up and was happy how

ever the prince also found it difficult to retreat when they appear then that day came Philip 

appeared the princess woke up the man has appeared I will go and protect you from the distance

 wishing you happiness he didn't know it's his love that woke Aurora up the princess will be happy 

but then howl heard crying knowing the princess began to turn into a zombie ah he risked his life 

to descend into the abyss to find the antidote I'll exchange 100 Years of cultivation for one of my

flowers he had only one thousand years of cultivation the flowers he brought to the princess have

 already consumed most of them and how is just a weakling now stop talking I have brought down 

here please make her a complete human I will accept any price but what else do you have to 

exchange hmm so these beautiful Crow Wings what do you think do this Miracle took place Howell

 brought the beautiful princess to the shore only the wings did not exist anymore the late goddess 

please Logic power to howl I'll be a zombie for the rest of my life listen Aura your kingdom still 

needs you if you don't return now it will be without a ruler do you want your people to fall into 

the hands of someone as wicked as Philip I told you earlier that you were cursed by me and now 

that you have returned to human form it will gladly accept you suddenly the sound rang out 

signaling that the zombie Birds guarding the abyss were about to wake up huh we will run

out of the path and leave the valley however just a few steps away from the edge of the cliff 

Aurora slip due to her carelessness even though the zombies have come to the place Howell is 

still determined to use a little bit of force to protect the person he loves the most before turning into

 a full-fledged zombie Howell was able to take the princess away safely hot tears fell on the                   

princess's sad face huh huh come up here Hal if you don't show up I'll be really angry with you

Aurora thank God you're back Aurora reveals Philip's true face and declares hell was the one who

sacrificed to save huh oh huh she ascended the throne became a powerful Queen made people's 

lives happen but only the queen knows how much her heart still hurts soon after the Fairy God

mother returned bringing with her the same rainbow flowers that howl had brought flower to him

when the work is done tomorrow I will visit you again suddenly a flock of brightly colored butter

flies grows from the abyss carrying cowl now human Aurora huh finally the love of the black crow 

the villain's son is also rewarded.

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