
The Heirs of Egypt God's Eye : Ancient Egypt Story


Oh my a powerful Divine eye has appeared for this children that can summon such a thing for what

 were fairy tales to discover today's story patio was an orphan girl who lost her parents at a young age

 and had been living with her grandmother since then she had a long birth mark on her necks and she

 was born due to this peculiarity the towns people were very suspicious and hostile towards the little

 girl believing them the birth month was a mark of the devil and a bad moment look over there it's not

 unlucky girl with with or she might bring us home like she did to her own parents huh then grand

 mother and granddaughter relied on each other and lived in poverty because they were always being

harassed by the people in the town it was thought that her life would be miserable and solitary with 

no one to rely on except for her elderly and weak grandmother until one day a wealthy young man

 named Adonis moved to the town he opened a series of high-end sub shops and jewelry stores creating

 job opportunities for the town's people which made which made him praised by everyone but there was

 something that puzzled everyone Adonis was particularly interested in and eager to befriend a patio

 this pilot Downs people's efforts who speak illiver and prevent it Adonis don't get close to her she 

will bring bad luck to you what bad luck are you talking about I have found her very harming always

 avoided him that day while her patio was trying to collect some rare berries on the island in the desert  

 to bring back to her grandmother Adonis followed her and tried to start a conversation sticking close 

to hadia and refusing to leave her aside feeling annoyed by adonis's persistent presence hapadia turns

 around and gently pushed him away Adonis reflectively avoiding the push cause the patio to lose her

 balance and almost fall into the water luckily Adonis quickly caught her and pulled her back after

 saving papadia a Dominus lift and fell straight into the water bringing bad luck upon himself as a 

kind-hearted child aparia didn't hesitate to jump into the water to rescue her friend unfortunately she

 didn't know how to swim and struggled to stay afloat almost drowned fortunately as honest knew 

how to swim and was able to rescue both of them to the shore once they reached the safety of the 

shore that two of them looked at each other soaking wet and weather faces covered in mud and burst

out laughing I find it strange Adonis why do you insist on befriending an unlucky girl like me I've 

done is quietly rolled up his sleeve and showed how Padia the first mark on his wrist which was in 

the shape of an eye just like the one on her neck because we are very similar this birthmark has cost 

me so much anguish that I always have to wear long sleeves to cover it up that's why I understand

you will after seeing the birthmark papadia felt a strong connection with Adonis as they became 

close friends from then on it seemed like a pottiest life would be peaceful from then on with a loving

grandmother and a close friend who would always be there to help her however fate had other plans 

one day aparia's grandmother fell seriously ill Adonis and a patio went everywhere to find a skilled

 doctor to help her but to no avail her party was worried day and night unable to eat or sleep don't 

be sad anymore I heard that there is a mysterious pyramid in the largest desert of Egypt inside of 

which lies a magical box that can help us fulfill any wish why don't we go find the Box how do you

 know about such a precious box hmm I am a merchant so I know a lot of things what's important is 

that the Box might be able to save your grandmother and that's why I told you about it okay then I 

will go find it right away great the two of them raped many difficulties and obstacles in the tester but

 finally arrived at the Great Pyramid God's honest confidently led her party inside and went straight 

to the room that held a magical box Now give me your hand the two of them held hands and Adonis

 recited an ancient spell that cost of birthmarks on their buddies to light up the two beams of Life       

 merged together and formed an eye that was now wide open the eye looked directly at the small box

 and a burst of energy shot out from it causing the box to levitate in the air shaking violently before

 finally opening up a red smoke emerged from the box gradually taking the form of a beautiful 

woman Adonis thank you for freeing me now you and your friend must use your powers to revive 

my Army help me conquer the world no you must fulfill your promise and revive my parents first

what a naive child you are there's no way I will revive your parents little girl you have been fooled 

into coming here it only approached you to take advantage of you the god Ra what's wrong to let you

 two fools inherit his power when a patio realized that she had been deceived she was very angry she

 looked at Adonis with disappointed Eyes and Tears welled up in her eyes I did not intend to deceive

 you I was also deceived by that woman I was once like you living in poverty and having to steal 

money I happened to hear her voice here and she promised her by my parents if I found someone with 

a birthmark like mine and saved her I didn't mean to deceive you I just wanted to see my parents 

again don't say it anymore you liar I don't believe you oh what a great Mama but it's a Pity that I have 

to interrupt it if you don't help me then I will help you both leave this world together and she finished

 speaking the demon shout out magical beings to attack the two of them the two of them tried to 

defend themselves but they were no match for the demon they were immediately overwhelmed to the

 sight wounded all over their bodies with their lives in grave danger the birthmarks on their buddies

 suddenly lit up huh understanding something the two of them immediately crawled towards each

other with all their might and finally held each other's hand the Divine eye appeared once again 

opening wide and staring straight at the demon with anger it immediately released a burst of power

that wrapped around the demons and turned it into a dust after surviving the overdeal the two of them

 looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief I I'm really sorry for deceiving you but please 

believe me I didn't have any bad intentions towards you it's okay I forgive you after all I can 

understand the longing for family I still have my grandmother but you have none by your side let's 

just go home together the two of them also realized that they now possessed the power of Revival 

and immediately ran home to use their Newfound abilities to save Adonis caring yeah grandmother 

do you know anything mysterious about these birthmarks bye it can't be hidden any longer the parents

 of U2 had sacrificed themselves in the past to suppress the demon and save Humanity when the two

birthmarks on your hands combine they will possess the power of Revival and at the same time they

 will also enhance your protective abilities when in danger this is a gift that the god Ra bestowed 

upon you both and it is also the spell that your parents left behind to protect you before sacrificing

 themselves they figured it out after he read the story then they used their power to help people eat

 everywhere people also felt remorse for their past treatment of their two children and began to honor

 and respect them after spending time together the two children also developed feelings for each other

and together they took care of their grandmother and lived happily ever after.

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