
Princess Magical Bathtub


Huh do you believe that in this world there is a bathtub that can help you change your identity poor 

the rich from commoner to princess from untalented to extremely talented Lily was lucky to own 

that bathtub but before that Lily have you finished cleaning up yet she was just an ordinary girl a

 commoner Lily was the second daughter in her poor family in the town reading again if only you 

were as smart as Susan who reads a lot don't do anything useless anymore instead sort out this grains

Susan the eldest daughter was sent to study at the Royal Academy which had a very high tuition fee 

so Lily had to stop her own studies and help her parents make money from an early age Mom my

 teacher is here to visit hello I'm here to inform you that Sally has been selected to participate in the

talent competition of the whole Kingdom coming soon oh is that so I heard that Susan also performs 

well at the Royal Academy you have two wonderful daughters actually it's three Lily lived in the

shadow of her older sister and was always asked why they were born to the same parents that she 

was so ordinary why wasn't she as good as her sister oh no why is one missing all right then Lily 

have an apple Lily loves apples the most I also like to eat bread the clothes she wore were all hand

-me-downs from her sister and that were no longer being worn mom what about Lily where are 

Lily's clothes you'll both be starting school soon and need new clothes Sally also needs clothes for

 performances with her friends Lily can wear your old clothes for now they're still good as new it

shouldn't go to waste huh unlike Lily's miserable face her cute little sister was much more love oh 

no I forgot Lily bring tea to the teacher okay dear in addition to being compared to her older sister

with the addition of the younger sister Lily also faced the misery of not having a good appearance 

like her younger sibling is this Sally's little sister she's a little short but she'll probably catch up to 

her sisters in a few years oh well Lily why don't you go outside and help you finish some tasks             

actually Lily had his very intelligent and clever especially in quick calculations it's all gone today

 there's nothing left to sell every time Lily helped her neighbor sell Goods they were always in high

 demand but sold out quickly you're really good but it's a shame you're a girl if you were a boy you

 could handle the business and help the family after each day like that Lily's neighbor paid her a

small amount of money in addition to the fixed amount of money she earned to help send her older 

sister to school Lily was careful to save up to buy herself a gift that day finally came and Lily was

 overjoyed to hold the first and only dress that belonged to her however Sally saw it and insisted on

wearing it because it was suitable for her important addition huh can't you two just stop it Lily let 

your sister wear it first after all you're the older sister it's just a dress you don't understand Mom it's 

not just a dress feeling sad when she saw an old lady drove all her belongings in the muddy and dirty

streets Lily didn't hesitate to rush to her rain huh upon seeing the entire dirty state of the young lady 

the old woman insisted on inviting her to her house to take a bath and promised to prepare a new set 

of clothes for Lily despite Lily's reluctance she had to follow the old woman because of a warmth 

and eagerness however while they opened the door to the bathroom Lily couldn't believe in her own

 eyes huh contrary to the shabby appearance of the outside of the house the bathroom was beautifully

 decorated and mystical like a fairy tale Forest warm water made Lily feel much more relaxed that 

she began to think about her past troubles if only I could become someone else anyone as long as 

I'm treated better I can fulfill your wish but remember you must never let anyone know about this

truth or the magic will Disappear Completely who are you what is happening don't be afraid now 

step outside and you will see my gift Lily hesitated but eventually follow through and the Magical        

spell took effect turning her into a sparkling princess huh princess are you ready Lily was stunned 

by the stunning Beauty and Grandeur of the room as she stepped out the servant arranged them

selves in a crowded line waiting to serve Lily the costumes jewelry and makeup were so plentiful 

that they couldn't be counted as the bad Health goddess has said Lily's status changed huh and she

 became a royal princess Lily enjoyed living in such luxury and thought she would never return 

toer previous life she was too happy however when Lily wanted to go out she was stopped as a

 princess she couldn't do whatever she wanted even as a commoner or as Princess Lily she was

still compared to her siblings please get ready today is engagement party of the prince of whale

 land and you what I have to get engaged I have never met him before what if he's an old bald 

and ugly man no no oh just a bit old no never I have to go I won't be a princess anymore Lily's 

request for Freedom was accepted next time she became a captain on a never-ending ship Lily 

had the power to decide everything forcing others to obey her natural intelligence nearly found 

many vast Treasures however the great power became great responsibility pressure and even 

looming Adventure she almost got assassinated while fighting for Treasure and realized that this

 was not an ordination but the pirate ship so in the end Lily ran away once again on the third 

occasion the bathtub fulfilled lilies dream of becoming a prominent person like herself by granting 

her the identity of a famous dancer come on Lily's past resentment returned and she made a small

 decision to defeat her sister and prove that she was not inferior to her Lily participated in the

 competition her sister joined and as predicted she is surpassed Sally in all of the challenges she

 thought she would be happy she and her sister supported and helped by the family all the joy in            

Lily seemed to vanish Lily realized that all she needed was recognition and love from her family

wanting to win and defeat her sister was like that but as soon as Lily saw her sister being sabotaged 

by another contestants haranga flared up huh don't act anymore I thought you had a Sally so much

 that poor little girl from a poor family is likely to win that prize whether I hate her or not is not

your concern never touch Sally it's too late this was just a backup plan but for now however Sally

 stepped on to the stage due to the faulty props she was injured and needed emergency treatments

Sally needed a large amount of blood transfusion and although all family members volunteered to

 donate it still wasn't enough huh take more of mine I don't care how much please save Sally no way

 everyone has already donated a lot if we add more it will be harmful to the body Lily remember the

 words of the bathtub fairy that if she revealed her identity all the magic would disappear she would

 have the return to being a poor girl named Lily however nothing was more important than family so

 Lily pushed aside thoughts of consequences her step forward saying that she was their family and

 she was saved Sally when Lily woke up everything had returned to normal because she had revealed

 her identity um when you run away from home that day and went missing where did you go we're  

sorry for not understanding your emotions we don't favor anyone you are all our children it's because

 you are the strongest and if you as much attention as your softer weaker sisters huh Lily I'm sorry

 I tried to win the prize in this competition to buy a new dress for you but I lost Lily accepted her 

parents apologies she realized that no matter what status one has life can be difficult and requires 

facing and finding ways to overcome it I'm sorry for opening it without asking for permission Lily

 the whole family knows now you're the smartest and best at business pursue what you're good at 

exactly what's wrong with being a girl here's some money we've saved up hoping it will help you 

start a small business only a short time later Lily's smoke shop was always grounded with customers

they were no longer a poor family that had more food and clothing both Susan and Sally became

 successful and famous in their chosen field hmm But no matter how busy they were they always

 made time for family because for them family was always the number one priority.

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