Everyone knows the Timeless story of the hero who rescues the princess he overcomes every obstacle
and defeats monsters just to be with her but what if the princess doesn't want to be rescued subscribe
to row of fairy tales to find out that day was a special day people of the Mushroom Kingdom gathered
at the castle for Princess Peach's prospective husband selection ceremony even the plumbing Brothers
Mario and Luigi were invited I wonder who will be the lucky one to win Princess Peach's heart
definitely not used no I will announce Peach's Future Husband lucky man unfortunately Peach's Suitor
selection ceremony was ruined by Bowser the infamous monster of the Kingdom don't harm the
princess the princess belongs to me we won't let that happen Bowser ran quickly out of the castle
gate and jumped into a sewer pipe disappearing from sight distraught by his daughter's Abduction the
King was willing to do anything to bring her back whoever rescues the princess will be appointed as
the Royal Knight that will provide as much gold as needed to bring my daughter back here your
majesty don't worry we will surely bring the princess back please entrust us with this task the king
trusted Mario and Luigi because of their bravery in the past he provided them with weapons to Aid
them in battle it hmm princess's life depends on YouTube hmm on their way to Bowser's fiery Fortress
Mario and Luigi encountered many Koopa troopas Goombas and even a man-eating plant but they
were no match for the power of the two brothers yeah I will marry the princess and become the richest
man in the Mushroom Kingdom everybody has bigger than the King's Castle come on you're thinking
too far ahead let's focus on saving the princess finally they arrived at Bowser's massive Fortress in
front of the Fortress was a bubbling River of lava with no bridge to cross ha but the side inside was
not what they expecting Princess Peach was cuddled in the arms of a stranger and did not look like
she was in danger what are you doing here we were sent by the king huh who are you who are you
with the princess me bouncer don't delay please calm down and let us explain behind the weird couple
was a tragic story in the past Bowser and Peach were secretly lovers Bowser loved Peach and had
saved her many times from kidnappers and thieves who wanted to harm her Peach gradually fell for
him and accepted his love they met secretly but one day they were discovered by the king your
majesty opposed a relationship well forbidden to get close to my daughter she was the only princess
of the kingdom and she could not be with a monster their appearance and backgrounds did not match
Bowser still sent letters to Peach and one of them he proposed to plan a kidnapping to be together
Peach thought her father would never accept Bowser as he was a monster she needed to create a device
that could turn Bowser into a human the main ingredient was a rare rainbow mushroom which the
Mushroom Kingdom had only one of it was carefully guarded in the Kingdom's basement and only
royalty could access it when Peach and Bowser returned to the castle they attempted to create a
magical Crown from the rainbow mushroom hmm the magical Crown succeeded in turning Bowser
into a human they plan to ask the king for permission to be together after finishing the plan Bowser
sadly held Peach his hand he just wanted to be with the one he loved I understand now so you did
everything for peach all right I will help you explain to the king no it must be you who cast spell on
Pitch how could she love a monster like you ah that purple mushroom is an unfinished experiment of
my father's eating it will make you huge but the side effect is a permanent change in personality
becoming violent forever the king must have known the truth but he stubbornly gave the mushroom
to Luigi desperate to bring Peach back pitch will be my wife the Mushroom Kingdom will also belong
to me welcome Luigi Bowser angry grabbed a Koopa and threw it at Luigi who easily hid it back he
then ran to help Mario hold on to Luigi Luigi struggled and collided with both of them so hard Luigi
held on to Peach tightly and smashed the door to escape it took a while for Mario and Bowser to
regain Consciousness let's go we need to ask for help Mario and Bowser work together to go to the
nearby ice kingdom in front of the penguin King Mario and Bowser told everything and knelt down
to beg for help I'm afraid I can't help you the side effects of that dangerous purple mushroom cannot
be measured in desperation Mouser saw a chest under the king's Golden Throne he remembered that
the ice kingdom held the Hope star a powerful artifact that made its Bearer Invincible my crown can
turn anyone who wears it into a human do you want to trade your hope star for this round are you
crazy you're afraid of becoming a monster forever it's okay for me Peter's safety is the most important
thing the penguin King pondered for a moment and agreed to the exchange of his artifact the penguin
King was quite superficial and obsessed with the beauty of humans he planned to give the crown to
his wife to become a beautiful woman with a star in hand Mario and Bowser returned to the Mushroom
Kingdom the Mushroom Kingdom used to be bustling but now it is quiet hurry up we need lots of
rubber mushrooms and weapons I'll take the entire Army to conquer other kingdoms Luigi locked up
the king in the dungeon and now he rules the entire Kingdom what are you doing here let the go
loliji okay oh you weren't anywhere I'm fine but where is your crown oh I traded it for the star for
Mario but let's go quickly go make the antidote for Luigi I'll stay here to help Mario you're crazy
Luigi won't let you get away with this you're nothing looks like I have to teach you a lesson which is
mine we'll see about that thank you wake up Luigi doesn't love you shut up Mario summoned all his
strength from the Hope star he released a huge flame that was so strong it almost burned Luigi
but Mario didn't know that the purple mushroom had also given Luigi a power equivalent to the Hope
star at that moment Peach appeared with the antidote for Luigi oh did I cause this are you okay Luigi
I'm truly sorry everyone I didn't expect things to go this far it's okay it's all over now Luigi I gave you
a weapon to save my daughter but instead you played a trick like that I'm truly sorry your majesty
but it's awesome my fault for giving you the purple mushroom I was wrong this time I forgive you but
you're not allowed to think about Peach anymore yes your majesty the people around began to whisper
about Bowser and Peach feeling embarrassed the king expressed his disapproval father everything was
a play that Bowser and I stage but it was all because we wanted you to accept our love I made a crown
for Bowser to become human but he exchanged it for the star but even if he couldn't become human I
still love him please understand father your majesty please allow me to be with peach I promise to
protect her and the Mushroom Kingdom for the rest of my life do you really love my daughter
apparently convinced by the love that knows no boundaries between Bowser and Peach the king finally
accepted the two the king held a grand wedding for Bowser and Peach thank you very much it will
always be the hero that this Mushroom Kingdom needs yes sure Majesty sorry your majesty
congratulations to the two of you I hope you'll be happy together Bowser and Peach prove that
regardless of their Origins everyone deserves to have a love that is complete and fulfilling from
then on they'll live happily ever after.