
Daddy Don't Leave Me


Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess no how could a ghost story have a princess it was 

a haunted house but our story today is not about that house it's about little Nancy who would enter 

that haunted house and encounter a life-changing event the forest was peaceful except for that haunted 

house Nancy's parents had a sense of foreboding when she went missing and their instincts were right

the haunted house had lured Nancy inside to harm her luckily her parents arrived in time to save her 

in time however after that near-death experience Nancy's appearance and personality changed  

completely she could see ghosts years later Nancy still had to live with this cursed gift and faced 

many many troubles huh huh hmm hey hey can you see me little girl partly out of fear partly haunted

 by the past Nancy always ignored the ghosts more importantly she avoided them mostly due to the

 villagers prejudice however the villagers always knew that Nancy had a connection with the ghosts

that's why wherever she went poor Nancy was driven away only her parents loved her unconditionally

 Nancy was always urged by her parents who understood that her ability was an extraordinary accident

 especially her father oh they teasing you again my dear yes well I pay attention to them you must have

 confidence that's how you can live happily yeah you can't possibly see ghosts like me despite the 

encouragement Nancy still feared herself and wanted to rid herself of this cursed ability until one day

 Nancy met a young wizard named Tom seeing Tom being teased by ghosts Nancy initially planned 

to ignore him but her compassion prevented her from doing so leave the boy alone big gun 

unfortunately the villagers misunderstood and thought Nancy was the one using Tom and the eyes of

 the villagers they saw a peculiar Nancy dancing and gesturing amidst floating objects wait wait Miss

Miss can you uh can you see ghosts so what I know I'm weird in reality Tom just wanted to thank 

Nancy for saving him Tom himself was a wizard and he understood that Nancy's ability was not

inherently bad also there's a problem it turned out Tom's mother was Gravely ill Tom had to find a 

soul flower to cure her this flower could sever the connection between the living and the dead

temporarily keeping his mother from crossing over we need the ghost's guidance too to reach there

can't see them but but you can that flower heal my ability to see ghosts right after waiting for Tom's

confirmation Nancy agreed immediately she couldn't pass up this opportunity Nancy's mother didn't    

oppose the journey she only advised her to take care of her health and no matter what she loved Nancy

 Nancy's father however seemed discontent what did you do Rome that you have to fix why do you 

have to chase after others but he didn't stop her either the soul flower garden lay deep within the forest

 where Nancy had been harmed before Nancy was a bit hesitant but the thought of becoming normal 

again made her determined to overcome her fear but which way should I go before long the two

 encountered their first ghost a terrifying ghost in the form of a lion the lion ghost didn't attack them

it's going the other way instead it earnestly begged the two to do something for it huh there's something

 inside Tom can you hmm with his Wizardry Tom easily solved the stone puzzle that's it look at this it 

turned out that the lion mother though no longer alive still cared deeply for her Cubs she showed them 

the way to the next ghost and then disappeared Tom after guiding us why did the lion ghost banish 

why did that happen go Slinger in the Mortal realm due to unresolved attachments they can find Peace

 by resolving their regrets didn't you know ah I see I never knew Tom wait up the two quickly 

encountered the next ghost a young boy just doesn't older than Tom the boy why are you still here it

 turned out the Dubois last conversation with his mother was a quarrel his mother suffered from 

immense sorrow and depression refusing to eat or drink out of regret and love for his mother the boy's

 Spirit remained trapped in the Mortal realm hmm Nancy asked Tom to use his magic to help the 

boy's mother and she allowed the boy Spirit to possess her so that the mother and son could have a

conversation they thought they'd lost forever the boy's mother found some relief from her grief 

promising to live a happy life for her son's sake the moments of reunion with his mother is the boy's 

lingering regrets when nothing left to bind him he peacefully crossed over after guiding the two sisters

 to the next ghost hmm how did the previous ghost look Miss Nancy similar to you about the same 

age still young then he must have been handsome like me yes not so scary it seemed that the previous

 ghosts had changed Nancy's perception she now understood that ghosts had thoughts and feelings 

just like humans unfortunately the next goes the two encountered was a terrifying resentful ghost 

seeking Revenge this resentful ghost had been murdered but at the time it could only vaguely see 

the murderer's face unable to remember his face it couldn't exact revenge and its unresolved regrets      

kept it trapped in the Mortal Realm easy I'll use a spell to find the person understanding the problem 

the other resentful ghosts couldn't miss this opportunity oh no I didn't ask to do that Tom and do it 

and do it however the resentful ghost found the murderer before Tom's magic completely disappeared

so it was you all along he's about to attack that person oh my do something Tom fortunately Tom 

managed to hold the resentful ghost back in time hmm let me in let me in it turned out that the resentful

 ghost only knew part of the story the incident in the past was an unintentional accident and the man 

thought to be a murderer had no guilt lie you're lying but the man couldn't find peace due to his own

 unintended actions this resentful ghost had a son and the man had taken on the role of a father raising

 the resentful ghost as if it were his own child oh my son my dear son what have I done oh heavens my 

son the resemble ghost awakened to its own misguided actions it realized its own blindness seeing its

 grown-up son happy it no longer harbored any hatred strong enough to keep it in the Mortal Realm

huh where did that terrifying ghost disappear to miss Nancy he's gone he's not frightening just filled

 with hatred more pitiful than deserving blame it seems that now Nancy still felt happiness when

 helping the Restless Spirits she was no longer afraid of them the pathway to the soul flower garden

was not far away it was the cave where the two had encountered the resentful ghost but it seemed 

that there was still one final challenge awaiting them there was a gigantic demon guarding the soul

flower garden ready to devour anyone who dared to approach a demon has a spell over there over

missed it the other way quickly oh my goodness Tom's magical spell helped the two Dodge the demons

 attacked just by looking at the cracking ground Tom cleverly knew exactly where the demon was 

standing thank you we did it we won but huh during the battle with the demons Tom accidentally set 

the soul flower garden on fire the young wizard tried to fix his mistake but it was too late and it was     

 unclear whether it was lucky or unlucky only one flower remained in the desperate moment selfishness

awakened within Nancy it's your fault you ruined everything this flower should be mine no it was

 because of the demon it wasn't intentional it's your carelessness for not following my instructions it's

 entirely your fault feeling betrayed losing trust in an instant Tom intended to attack Nancy but Tom

 understood that it was his own mistake and were over his kind heart didn't allow him to do that you 

go ahead a sense of guilt arose but in Nancy selfishness overwhelmed her mind Nancy couldn't expect

 that her father had been standing silently in front of the flower all along as if appearing out of now

here no no why is Dad here he can't possibly be here Tom didn't understand anything because simply 

he couldn't see Nancy's father Nancy's father in fact no longer in this world Nancy felt sorry of course

 she couldn't accept the truth that her father was gone thus under Nancy's gaze she always deluded 

herself that her father was still alive the hidden truth that Nancy kept has been revealed and the

 Story teller like me can no longer deceive you no no why is Dad here he can't possibly be here

is that what you intended Nancy why not you don't understand me dad are you planning to make the

 boy lose his mother just like how you lost me but this power isn't it wonderful when you help those

 other spirits it seemed that now Nancy felt a sense of Happiness when helping the ghosts the fear of 

ghosts that once recited in her was now replaced by empathy and even for Tom Nancy understood the

pain of losing loved ones more than anyone else hmm Nancy's self-consciousness was the reason her

 father remained attached to the Mortal realm father you've grown up my child I don't need you to be

 here anymore send my regards to your mother Nancy now Nancy had accepted herself accepted the

 pain of the past there was no reason to hold on to her father in The Mortal Realm what is your ability 

Nancy hmm I'm no longer afraid of it with this ability I will help the trapped Spirits regardless of 

others opinions I will be myself I don't need to be like anyone else let's go together my mother will 

teach you magic you can help even more Spirits only by accepting her own differences accepting the 

pain of the past could Nancy open up a meaningful and fulfilling life and for the years to come people

 would still hear Tales of a great witch who dedicated her life to liberating trapped spirits in the Mortal

realm and that was today's ghost story.

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