
The Immortal Lady Vampire


Today's tale is nothing special just an ordinary Forest where both creatures and humans live

 harmoniously never causing harm to each other just kidding as you can see this Forest is far from

 ordinary and so is the story deep within the frightening Forest lies a place called the dark Zone

anyone who danced avenge of air is threatened with horror as unimaginable creatures lurk within 

no one knows when the dark Zone appeared no one knows what lies within even when the oldest ones

 were mere children the dog's own had already existed deep within that terrifying place there is only 

one inhabitant Bella Bella A peculiar cold and indifferent female vampire yet undeniably beautiful

Bella has a cold heart living in solitude avoiding contact with any living thing it is Bella who created

 the dog's own using magical traps to keep creatures away this means that Bella has lived for a very

 very long time even longer than the dark Zone itself in contrast to Bella the goddess of love cupid 

is full of Vitality and emotions as the deity of airing Cupid cannot ignore Bella's indifference

unlike other regular humans Cupid easily surpasses Bella's traps many times Cupid personally 

ventured into the dark Zone offering her assistance in matters of the heart you can probably guess 

the outcome don't you of course our vampire damsel flatly refused for some reason the more Bella

 rejected the more determined Cupid became to blame Matchmaker for her Bella's solitary life seemed 

destined to continue that way until fate intervened oh Cupid what a bothersome creature I already

read it right Bella was extremely surprised it a long time since she laughs or a human child how did 

ah I know Bella guessed correctly it was Cupid's trickery to tease her I beg you miss the little boy 

was Louis his mother was seriously ill and human medicine had no effect he had come to this place 

to find the miraculous vampire remedy but how did you know me how did you get here it's deleting

 with wings and the boat he told me the way to get here what about the demons I just ran they didn't 

do anything to me I was so scared but my mom huh those things are just for show all right fine hmm

Bella's icy heart also succumbed to the kind-hearted Louis he showed great Courage by overcoming    

her traps drink this and chill and be cured take it and vanish never tell anyone and never ever come

 back yes ma'am in that brief moment Bella's Frozen Heart seemed to thaw huh ridiculous little did

 Bella expect that the next day young Louis would return it's you again Louie turns out that seeing 

Bella all alone Louis wanted to give her a puppy as a companion how dare you hey stop right there

this is since that day Louie frequently visited Bella's home numerous countless times until the little 

boy Louis grew into a handsome young man gradually Louie's perseverance won over Bella who

would long stop driving him away because she knew he would always come back deep in her heart

 Bella felt joy every time she saw Lily that was the true reason why she accepted this persistent

nuisance why are you here again aren't you afraid I'll bite you I I brought you some fresh fruits I said 

I don't need them but the apples from the other day I made poison oh I see actually today Bella 

sensed that something unusual was happening what about today it seemed that young Louis had

 recently been displaying quite peculiar Behavior Bella with her vampire intuition naturally could 

not be mistaken indeed Bella suspected correctly Louis had developed feelings for her and decided

to confess his love although Louis knew the outcome of this mismatch love in advance that the 

vampire lady would reject him time and time again it seemed our infatuated young man was 

determined to pursue Bella to the end innocent Louis he might never understand why Bella 

continuously rejected him if not for that fateful day the little dog that Louis gave Bella now aged and

the vampire's magic though powerful could not defy the laws of time what's happening Bella Louis

 once again had come to express his love for Bella but clearly today was not the day for Louis

to do so again with your foolish Love Game why don't you understand you foolish human then you      

you will end up like that I will see you gone no different from them no different from them from the

 beginning perhaps you could guess that the lady vampire Bella was Immortal a long time ago for 

some unfathomable crime Bella had to endure the curse of immortality by the Grim Reaper many

Mortals believe that immortality was a gift but more than anyone Bella understood the immense

 unhappiness it brought as she watched her loved ones depart one by one she remained forever

youthful pain transformed Bella into a numb being afraid of witnessing her loved ones departures she

 isolated herself by creating the dark Zone she distanced herself from All Creatures avoiding all

suffering many who had encountered Bella promised a deceive death and take away her immortality

 despite lonely the curse she always rejected them Bella knew that bestowing immortality upon those

individuals would be extremely dangerous but deep in her heart Bella knew the agony of immortality

 all too well she did not want anyone to suffer as she did do you understand now Louie immortality

Agony that was the barrier Bella was determined to reject Louis with but leave bud be gone now

little loved Louis however she tried to deny her feelings feared facing the truth that one day she would

 have to witness Louise departure in despair Louis returned home and now understood why he couldn't

 reach Bella it's time according to Cupid's words Louis had warmed Bella's heart again Bella's

immortality makes her strong I have been waiting for this moment come back and make her weak-

hearted then I can help you Louis was somewhat hesitant love for Bella he accepted Cupid's 

proposition Bella why have you come back I I want to apologize it's my fault I I shouldn't have but

this immortality I I Cupid's arrow struck Bella what happened to Bella you said because that was not 

the arrow of love the arrow Cuban shot was the arrow that stole immortality huh Cupid Had always 

craved Bella's immortality knowing that Bella would not give up her immortality Cupid manipulated    

 Louis to make Bella weak-hearted that's why Cupid stubbornly helped Bella all those years love for 

a mortal moves you makes you want to give up immortality I've been waiting for this moment Bella

why huh I'm tired of it day after day all this trivial love stuff I have to do great things with this 

immortality I will use this power to dominate everything the immortality transformed Cupid into

atheism being Bella was no longer a match for Cupid I will grant your wish Bella no don't touch 

Bella poor Louie a mere mortal like him couldn't resist an immortal God no Bella helplessly 

watched Cupid attack Louie now she couldn't even conjure a tiny spell to defend him wish I can

 understand all this trivial love stuff now ah The Power of Love awakened Bella and she quickly 

used Cupid's arrow to regain immortality no one could have expected that the goddess of love 

Cupid would be defeated by The Power of Love itself hang on hang on please immortality I thought 

it could only be given willingly with power you're still weak oh God don't say more if not that Arrow

give it to me I will take away the immortality you won't have to suffer anymore that was the only way

 Bella could save Louie she would be by his side they would depart as Ordinary People no more

suffering but Louis he would have to bear this curse in her place how can I bestow this Dreadful curse

 upon the one the one I love finally I understand Bella Don't Run Away you have to suffer to under

stand the meaning of Happiness that's how you truly live Bella had never lived according to her true

 emotions until this moment she embraced love and she embraced the pain as well love for Louis had

 thought Bella's icy heart no longer running away she tried to use her power to help All Creatures

 although the pain never lessened with peach departure more than ever when she opened her heart 

to others Bella understood the true meaning of happiness years later Bella continued to use her

magic to protect All Creatures huh what's happening to my magic a monster made better things and

 when she woke up Bella found herself once again in the Underworld it can be how love you've

 changed the arrow affected you huh no longer Immortal I have seen what you have done no more

cars live be happy until our next meeting Bella woke up in a strange room wondering if the encounter

 was just a nightmare huh perhaps not it had been a very long time tens of thousands of years only 

now did she feel happiness like never before because more than anyone Bella understood that being

 mortal is a special privilege when each moment of Love could be the last and those hidden affections

 now became a million times more valuable.

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