
Not Your Regular Princess

Not your regular princess, once upon a time there was a princess oh Madam um Chris says Selena 

are you still asleep your father is expecting you to join him for breakfast five more minutes ah

princess Selena was the only daughter to King magnemus King loved his daughter more than

anything in the world and he was also proud of her you see princess Selena has studied law at a

prestigious University and had now returned to her kingdom to help her people but both the father 

and the daughter had one thing in common I am starving here's your breakfast your majesty and

there you go your highness salad Oh I thought it was going to be custard today I dearly apologize

oh now  now no need to fret I will have the boiled eggs today I have always loved salad you see

 neither the father nor his daughter like to upset anyone they never criticized anybody and never

received any criticism either but because of this quality Kingdom like the Royals the father and

 the daughter were the famous duo in town for their good nature by King magnemus's kingdom 

was also famous or rather Infamous for something else pardon me Your Majesty but the crime

rate in our kingdom is not going down people are behaving more dishonestly than before and

now now no need to say anything about the people they love the Royals and I believe in their

 goodness but the crime rate is an issue I agree we should take counsel of the guide then the guide

 was so-called due to his unmatched wise ideologies and thinking he was a simpleton in the Kingdom

who was known for his intelligent take on situations your majesty I am humbled the king explained      

the issue to the guide hmm well there is a ritual written in the older books about the king and his

minister to leave the palace to find at least one person who criticizes the Royals with all their heart

I mean it is silly of me to tell you this I am sure you have duly completed this ritual before taking 

the throne um I'm afraid I haven't no wonder the kingdom is facing these issues your majesty you

 and your law Minister must leave immediately to complete the ritual princess Selena can take the

 chair of the law Minister till you return remember your majesty receiving criticism is necessary

the King was shocked beyond belief I will do the needful immediately an urgent resolution was 

passed and Princess Selena was made the law minister in the absence of the king and his associates

Selena understood that she had to support her father they together were to save their Kingdom I 

have studied the main rules of justice but this is a huge responsibility wish me luck veto the law

 Minister's duties were vast and Scattered princess Selena had to read tons of documents to be up

 to date with the current situation to the court hearings then make new laws as required and then 

read some more documents but princess Selena was not a quitter we should hold a meeting for the

 public in the town hall they must have something to say for sure huh huh um sure and so it was

 done lie tell me what laws do you think we must have this is strange your highness we were never

 asked this before well no you are you are the ones who were going to be affected by the laws that

 are made in the Kingdom you must have a say in it what is going on oh my gosh we've never heard

 that before what is going on as the crowd was surprised and willing to help on the other hand the 

king and the law Minister were having a hard time themselves no you don't understand you have to       

criticize me there must be something you don't like what oh of course I don't like many things I 

don't like strawberries and mulberries and blueberries thank you no I meant something you don't

 like in me I need criticism yeah and you don't do anything anyway so what's there not to like what

 no sire she calls you old can't that be a criticism how is that a criticism I am old and what are you

 Whispering for Madame I am asking you sire sire I don't think the humble lady is a good candidate

 for our request all right fine I will take your leave now cow no I cannot take care of a cow that's

generous of you huh the king wandered every nook of his kingdom but could not find a single

 person who could criticize him everybody liked the king and his daughter little more with all 

due respect your Your Majesty we have been on this quest for a month we should turn around and

 ask the guy to show another way people don't seem to have any problem with anything you do here

you are right I am ready to bear with any punishment you might deem fit your majesty but there's no

 such ritual I lied what how dare you I will punish you no you don't huh huh huh who gave you the

 right to punish anybody without giving them a fair chance to be heard and for that matter father you

 too do not have that right but Selena the guide is not wrong father in fact he is still the wisest one in

 this room tell me Father could you find a single person who could criticize you no no we didn't 

 because nobody has a problem with what the king does because my father and I didn't do anything 

we only did what pleased others we were not good leaders I like you you are my old king and you

don't do anything anyway so what's there not to like the old woman was right people like me only

 because I am their King since I don't do anything meaningful I don't matter to them so they have no      

 criticism for me Selena took her father back to the Palace these are all the criticisms I received in

 just one month people hate us no they want us to learn and be better I asked them to give us uggestions

 and they wrote everything they don't like about the palace apologies your majesty the lie I told you

 was for you to know how essential it is for the followers to criticize their leaders else how will their

 leaders learn criticism is important ever since princess Selena took the chair the crime ring has gone

 down dramatically your majesty people know that Justice will be done whether someone's like it or

 not the palace thinks about the good of the people not about pleasing them princess Selena is brave

 and fearless being rewarded the guide for his creative solution an appointed princess Selena as the

permanent law minister of the Kingdom the law Minister before the princess was happy to be with

 the princess and learn from her the king also began to say no wherever necessary and began to look

 after the palace work more closely the people of the Kingdom now respect to King magnemis and

 Princess Selena they love their princess and admired her fearless nature and intelligence for princess

 Selena had proved that she was not your regular princess she was a princess who liked receiving

criticism from her people. 

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