
Phoenix Goddess and Lady Death

The wicked Souls after death will be stripped of their memories and must become a Reaper to atone 

for their sins in the mortal world they have the duty to lead the souls to hell to receive judgment Mina 

is no exception she is a Reaper like millions of others you must lead enough souls to hell to be able to

 regain her memories and be allowed to reincarnate despite having been a Reaper for a long time Mina

 is still moved every time she leads us all to hell there are souls who accept their own death but many

 others try to cling to life huh hmm there are also living people who try to cling to their loved ones and

 prevent Mina from taking those Souls away of course Mina cannot understand why all right why are

 they so stubborn they could reincarnate into a better life however those people are the motivation for

 mina to fulfill her Duty she wants to reincarnate to life to enjoy life and to find out what is so precious

 that everyone tries to hold on to it once Mina had to come to take Annie's son a single mother what

 what are you wearing that face you're a re Reaper no no it can't be it's too soon don't please

hmm it's time Annie no Mina had never had difficulty leaving a soul like this before you have to let 

the kid go Annie hmm Annie had only one desire to save her son the power of motherly love made 

her fingers move first and he used all her strength to get her suddenly she stumbled and fell straight

 towards the lady Reaper no please don't give me back my child no back to me you can't why don't 

you understand it's time for the boy to go finally Mina managed to take the boy down to Hell but 

many days later somehow Annie had made her way down to Hell to demand her child back what big

 thing please give me back my child I beg you please take my life take my life instead no don't let me

 go be quiet what's all the noise about you're still alive how did you get down here hmm huh it turned

 out that because she loved her son so much Annie had found a way to descend into hell she begged 

the king of Hell to return her child to her even willing to exchange her own life for her child's only a

 few living creatures could find their way down to Hell on their own the fierce Spirit of Annie had

 touched even a powerful deity and his son was still too young and innocent and the king of hell was     

 moved by Annie's maternal love not everyone could make it down here I can give you a chance 

your son has been down here for too long he cannot return by normal ways but the Phoenix goddess 

can help you you must go to the Phoenix Kingdom overcome the challenges and make a direct 

request to her can you do it I will do anything all I ask is that my son lives the king of hell was 

pleased by Annie's determination asmina the reaper responsible for Annie's family she had to 

accompany Annie to the Phoenix Kingdom luckily Mina had brought along enough Souls once

he completed this final mission she could reclaim her memories and reincarnate as a human 

however you are not permitted to interfere with the challenges the Phoenix goddess will use them 

to evaluate her before leaving Annie requested to see her son of course they couldn't touch each 

other although this was her final time as the reaper Mina still found the scenes of Separation difficult

 following the king of Hell's instructions they ventured deep into the Missy Forest where the entrance 

to the Phoenix Kingdom lay at the end of the cave Mina yearned for the moment she would be reborn

 and live a life free of the burden of being a Reaper huh which which way should I go huh I'm not

 allowed to assist you and truthfully I don't know but that person over there might silver-haired witch

 was the first obstacle on the path to the Phoenix Kingdom though she knew the way she demanded 

that Annie trade her long Golden Hair gleaming like the sun's Rays for guidance in frustration they

 exchanged the hair huh India hair is not worth much soon after Mina and Annie encountered their

 second challenge a voice ran out from behind them the old witch could help them cross the river 

ahead but of course she wanted something from Annie in return and that something was her you

Annie didn't hesitate and agreed right away without much explanation we all know that Annie wants 

a beautiful woman had turned into a withered old hag huh get on the boat and I'll roll I mean I

had of course witnessed Annie's exchange does a Reaper always curious about life she couldn't hide 

her curiosity about this trade yes what's the matter lady Reaper oh remind I want to ask why are you

you treat your beauty longer beautiful would living as an uh ugly person be worth it youth is 

fleeting Reaper beauty is only skin deep it cannot compare to the beauty within a person what's more    

 important is the boy what meaning does my life have without him I'm willing to trade everything as

 they approach the other bank the Frog gradually dissipated is the fog dissipating we must be

approaching ah there it is the king of hell did not reveal witch cave led to the Phoenix Kingdom huh

those who wander will face a dreadful punishment before reaching the Phoenix so we cannot simply 

try every cave ah all right what do you want old wizard The Blind wizard smiled eating Annie as

though he could see her through his shut eyes he was the third trial and most of us could guess what 

he desired from the poor remorseful mother Mina yet again was caught off guard by Annie's choice

our Annie had to sacrifice her own sight to nurture the hope of saving her child Which Way Lady

 Reaper follow me but do not worry you have already passed the challenge just follow me Ena had to

 hold Annie's hand for the remainder of the journey to the Phoenix Kingdom of course Mina still

 questioned Annie's decision but she did not hesitate like before Annie yes lady Reaper are you willing

 to do that sacrifice your eyesight from now on you won't be able to see anymore how will you live 

and the child if you can save him how do you plan to take care of him why why do you want to live 

like this many disabled people managed to live in this world Reaper can't you see that if they can do 

it so can I I've said it before for the child I'll do anything there's a light at the end of the tunnel you 

did it Annie but Mina was mistaken one final trial remained for Annie to overcome huh the demon

 gatekeeper of the Phoenix Kingdom would not let them Pass unless give me your soul and you shall

 pass and he agreed without a second thought Stan he will manipulate Deeds you'll never be able to

reincarnate or Escape leave me alone if you spend the rest of your life in anxiety until that day will 

you be happy it's not even living or leave me alone as long as my son lives I told you I'll do anything

 why can't you understand you can't interfere with this matter can you Mina could only watch 

helplessly as Annie made a deal with the demon but Mina felt something strange she could understand

 why people cling on to life so desperately even if it's full of hardships and pain allow me after facing

 numerous trials they finally reached the Phoenix Kingdom which was grandiose magnificent and

 teeming with Vitality a far cry for Mina's dreary and demon-filled underworld the Phoenix goddess     

 may have lived for hundreds of thousands of years but her face betrayed no signs of age Mina sent

 something peculiar about the goddess shouldn't discern what it was tell me why did a Reaper take 

a human here by hand as Annie spoke with the Phoenix goddess Mina was lost in thought dreaming 

of completing her Mission and being reborn no oh the cry jolted Mina back to reality it transpired that

 the Phoenix goddess refused to resurrect Annie's son even though she had sacrificed almost everything

 to reach this place but why goddess why can't you grant Annie's request no means no the Phoenix 

can only heal the living what can we do for those that have already passed away but how said it was

 possible moreover Annie has overcome all the all the tea that Mina recounted their Journey to the

Phoenix gonets but she couldn't understand why the goddess refused and his plea actually there is a 

way huh a god sacrificing their life can bring a human back to life but I refuse and I won't permit any

 other gods to sacrifice themselves why should we care about a worthless life confronted by the 

Phoenix goddesses disdainful attitude Mina could no longer maintain her composure you are you are 

a secret aren't you also a god do you want to sacrifice yourself to save the child no why should I

Annie now falling to the ground snapped Mina out of her rage Mina recalled their recent Journey 

where Annie had selflessly given up everything and received nothing in return mean his heart grew 

cold and her pulse throbbed with fear it was the first time since she had become the reaper a mouse

 drama of emotions churned inside her anger regret and pain mean as mine suddenly raced back to all

 the stores she had condemned to Eternal suffering why I also want to live so do you agree to sacrifice

 yourself standing before death Mina finally realized the preciousness of Life the Flames of the 

Phoenix surrounded Mina engulfing her in a blaze of light oh my son oh my son Annie's tears were

 Bittersweet and Tamina they sounded like tears of joy emerging From the Ashes Mina was reborn

as the Phoenix goddess my dear daughter do you finally understand as it turned out Mina the lady

 Reaper had been the Phoenix goddesses Flesh and Blood all along she had been a haughty and 

difficult to please Phoenix princess hmm being an immortal creature who did not value her own life 

nor care for other beings since they could not be reborn like her that was why Mina had often refused 

to use her healing powers to help other creatures goddess what Aureus she decided to strip meaner 

of her memories and asked the king of Hell to turn her into the goddess of death so that Mina could 

truly understand the value of Life Annie has completed the challenge The Witches were merely my 

test but I want to test my daughter directly you you are exceptional meaner awoke is it from a

dream and finally understood everything more than ever she knew the meaning of life huh.

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