
The Tarot Princess


What would happen if one day you discovered you possessed the power of tarot cards subscribe to 

fairy tales to follow the story Vivian was a rebellious princess always arguing with her parents and 

ignoring her family to chase exciting Adventures outside her younger sister Cassie was the complete

opposite Cassie cared and reminded Vivian about everything from Family Matters to their adventurous 

Journeys Vivian always felt that her sister was too worried so she often ignored Cassie's advice trouble

 started when Vivian and Cassie frequently heard a mysterious voice whispering in their ears urging 

them to a certain cave on the mountain I have a terrible headache I'm going crazy do you hear those 

sounds too yes we need to find out what that cave is hiding come on let's go but Vivian don't you

have a bad feeling about this ignoring her sister's concerns Vivian stubbornly wanted to explore 

when they entered the cave they discovered two mystical cards Vivian touched the sun card and 

Cassie touched the moon card hello Vivian and Cassie you are the chosen ones to become the rightful

owners of the Sun and the Moon your souls will be connected to these cards forever the cards will 

find their owners through specific personalities Vivian was chosen as the owner of the sun card 

because of her enthusiasm and confidence Cassie was chosen for the moon card because of her rich

imagination and concern for the future The Chosen individuals can only control their own cards to 

acquire other cards they must defeat the owners of those cards anyone who completes the full Tarot 

deck will receive any wish they desire keep trying Vivian and Cassie huh oh that's wonderful let's 

collect all 78 cards Cassie but what will happen to the defeated owners is it just a simple defeat or 

who knows don't worry we won't lose no I refuse to participate in this crazy game why were we            

chosen what is the purpose come on Cassie don't be so cowardly let's just started arguing completely

unaware of their surroundings be careful Vivian no Cassie I'm sorry for being don't useless no Cassie

 don't leave me because he gradually weakened and was about to wipe Vivian's tears with her hand 

but she couldn't make it in time as her soul was sucked into the moon card Vivian filled with anger 

turned back and looked at the one who harmed her sister a person has been watching the two sisters 

since they entered the game and wanted to possess the two cards hand over the cards or you will be 

next shut your mouth huh the sun card is powerful well let's see the warrior revealed The Chariot 

card huh so defeated owners are trapped inside their own cards now the real game begins Cassie I 

swear I will collect all seven to eight cards and use a wish to save you Vivian Bid Farewell to her 

family wrote a letter and embarked on her journey to collect the cards hid in the forest and diligently 

trained her skilled with the sun card the sun card had the advantage of being able to locate the 

remaining tarot cards Vivian sip simply followed its guidance to reach her first opponent here we go

 another opponent you will be defeated by me I am the owner of the six of Wands card don't be so 

sure give up my card represents Victory and I have already acquired 20 cards ah even more Bring It 

On the Paladin Was Defeated and sucked into the six of Wands card Vivian successfully acquired all 

of his cards and continued her journey time passed quickly and Vivian embarked on an arduous 

adventure to collect the tarot cards in various lands he faced the fierce attacks and suffered countless 

injuries others were frightened by the tarot cards and like Cassie did not want to participate in the 

battle this made it easy for Vivian to defeat them and frame their cards the burden of trapping innocent

 Souls within the tarot cards weighed heavily on Vivian's conscious but she believed it was the only 

way to save her sister the final card was located in a secluded cabin deep in the woods no don't hurt 

my mother and me don't be afraid everything will be fine the mother knew what would happen 

despite her attempts to hide her child in the forest she couldn't defy fate I Surrender please take my 

child to safety I'm sorry truly sorry the mother was drawn into the high priestess card while the child 

cried in despair Vivian fulfilled her promise to the mother and brought the child to an orphanage

after a challenging Journey Vivian rested on a lush Green Meadow as she fell asleep The High 

Priestess card created a surreal dream for her hmm The High Priestess was the intermediary between 

the outer world and the inner consciousness of each individual thus the mother's Soul allowed Vivian 

to reunite with his sister Cassie oh Cassie I finally found you I'm sorry huh I've been so terrible I huh 

Vivian look to the spirits that haunted her all this time representing the defeated they criticized Vivian 

harshly I understand sister you made such efforts to save me but sacrificing countless lives just to

save one life is it worth it Spirits projected a Future Vision deep a world engulfed in flames and            

Vivian's unfavorable fate because you're my sister everything I've done is worth it I can't turn back 

now Cassie I just need you by my side the full Tarot deck was finally obtained Vivian follow the

instructions of the cards to reach her final destination and make her wish well done young lady you 

have completed my challenge I will grant your wish vividly recalling her dream from the previous 

night and her sister's advice Vivian hesitated was it all worth it I I just want my sister to be 

resurrected so be it huh oh Cassie I missed you so much as long as you're here I don't need anything

else unbeknownst to them they have fallen into Denzel's trap I have granted your wish now it's time

for you to fulfill mine Vivian instantly turned dark as she absorbed all of Denzel's memories Denzel 

was once a malevolent and 12 on dark sorcerer with prophetic abilities he used his powers to create 

the tarot death representing the different aspects of human nature he pretended to spread the benefits 

of tarot to help people understand themselves and glimpse into the past and future however his 

intention was to manipulate and control everyone the entire world of sorcerers became Furious huh

huh the United his soul was torn into 78 pieces and absorbed into the Tarot deck just you wait I will 

have my revenge the fragments of its Souls scattered across the cards creating a malevolent game

he wanted humans to destroy each other and become trapped in those cards nourishing his soul his 

soul would be restored once someone acquired all 78 tarot card and he would take over the body 

of the Victor after granting their wish Vivian please wake up come look it's me Vivian I'm here

hearing her sister's cries Vivian struggled to regain control of herself and approach the Tarot deck          

oh you're full if you destroy the deck both of us will be annihilated Vivian truly realized her mistake

however the sisters were unaware that they had fallen into Denzel's trapped Denzel Was Defeated 

and he took Vivian's body with him as he vanished finally the innocent Souls were freed and would 

be resurrected immediately sister huh huh I'm here Cassie I finally protected you promise me you 

will live a good life from now on I promise and please don't forget about me Cassie everything that 

belongs to you and the memories we see we should even though we must part ways now I will cherish 

them forever Cassie never forgot her sister she recreated the entire Tarot deck and wrote a book about 

Vivian's sacrifice decades later through Cassie's book tarot became popularized it was used for

self-reflection divination and rediscovering one's self-worth.

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