
The Unicorn Princess & Wicked Snake

once upon a time in a vast and magnificent Forest there stood a grand and Majestic Castle it was the 

dwelling place of the Unicorn tribe the Unicorn King had a remarkably beautiful princess named 

Mike she was cherished and dotted on by her royal father Maya was innocent and pure to the extent

that even the Birds dared not sing loudly for fear of startling her however nobody is perfect and Maya 

could be stubborn and clumsy at times which also led to comical situations As Time passed by Maya 

turned 18 and blossomed into a more beautiful and radiant young lady than ever before her unicorn 

born Shimmer in seven dazzling colors nevertheless her horn became sharper and more powerful 

making people somewhat wary of being near her during a training session Maya accidentally injured 

one of her attendants with her horn this filled Maya with deep remorse down oh no therefore the 

Unicorn King wished to find a perfect husband for Maya someone who could take care of her and 

govern the kingdom in the future the contest of final shooter oh excited by the news many princess 

from neighboring kingdoms visited to apply for the competition they all hoped for a chance to catch 

Maya's eye whoa Prince Melo was the first to have an audience with Maya your majesty beautiful 

princess Maya today I have brought you a multitude of Splendid outfits made from the fur of rare

creatures huh I have something for you to see as well Maya LED for her dressing room why the 

extensive collection of dresses and garments she possessed fish Prince Eric entered with an ear of

arrogance he presented Maya with precious pearls and treasures these are the most valuable 

possessions of the deep ocean if you choose me Treasures will belong to you Maya glanced at them 

indifferently I already have these things huh Eric felt embarrassed and quickly departed it seemed that 

Maya was not attracted to material wealth even with all the extravagant she longed for simple love 

father I will seek my own destiny I want to decide my own happiness look the princess in a chamber

she shall not set foot outside the castle Release Me Set Me Free as night fell Maya sat sorrowfully in 

a corner of her room gazing outwards tears streamed down her face as she felt a suffocating control 

impulsed by her father the king is so controlling I must escape from this place helpless as she slumped 

down but suddenly startled at a horse voice Prince says Maya it turned out to be a Mel the elderly         

attendant Amel was the closest person to Maya after her royal father having cared for Maya since 

childhood she held a deep affection for her full email princess leave here quickly go seek the 

happiness you've longed for thank you Angel Maya felt liberated and joyfully ran out of the castle

under the veil of a mystical night Maya ran swiftly not knowing where she was headed but she 

believed that Escaping The Castle would lead her to happiness unexpectedly Maya stumbled and fell 

into a deep pit she struggled to find a way out is anyone up there please help Maya cried and 

trembling fear until she exhausted herself as morning broke Maya was awakened by a loud calls girl 

are you all right girl Maya slowly regained her senses and looked up to find a handsome and Gallant

figure before her my destiny has arrived Don't Be Afraid girl I will help you Maya's heart skipped a 

beat captivated by his handsomeness forgetting that she needed to escape Ricky swiftly lowered a 

rope to offer Maya oh hold on to the Rope tightly and climb up quickly she exerted all her strength 

to climb up unfortunately her horn got caught in the Rope caused him to snap are you all right wait 

for me Ricky quickly grabbed another rope and jumped down the pit hold on to me I will safely lift 

you up I without hesitation Ricky embraced Maya and forcefully pushed off the Pit's wall propelling 

them upwards you've let go of your hand oh I'm sorry I am Ricky the hunter of this Forest where is 

your home I will take you there this man must be mine I cannot let him slip away I am Maya the 

princess of the distant Castle my father forces me to marry someone I do not love leaving me with 

no choice but to leave my home can I stay at your home for a day as soon as I find a new place to live 

I will leave immediately yes you can stay at my house once your wounds have healed I will take you 

back plan to find a husband is about to succeed Maya to his Grand castle that was no less magnificent 

than where she lived oh it is vast and ancient they Venture deep into the castle Maya became 

increasingly overwhelmed she paid special attention to a painting of a snake hanging in the center 

of the hall this painting was a birthday gift from my mother therefore I cherish and value it greatly        

this is your room feel free to make yourself at home this room is quite frightening never mind it must 

be his preference that night Maya couldn't sleep Restless she went out in search of food passing 

through the grand hall of the castle Maya was startled to find the snake on the painting had 

disappeared leaving her in utter disbelief Maya panicked and ran to find Ricky but to her surprise 

Ricky had left the castle without her knowing Ricky Ricky Maya quickly returned to her securely

locked room trembling in fear the next morning Ricky knocked on the door and brought breakfast 

for Maya she hastily recounted the strength event from the previous night I've brought you breakfast

Ricky yesterday I witnessed something very strange the snake on the painting disappeared you must 

have been tired and interrupted How could a snake have come out of the painting don't you believe 

me come with me look foreign exhausted these past few days mistaking things Maya couldn't accept 

it and was determined to find evidence that night unable to sleep Maya quietly sneaked into the grand 

hall and waited since early hmm perhaps I have been delusional but as she was about to return to her 

room she heard a noise Maya immediately hid behind a statue and observed a terrifying seat Ricky 

is the snake so you've seen everything Maya screamed for help but no magical intervention occurred

in her days to State she suddenly remembered her Heavenly gifts the seven colored unicorn horn

surprisingly the elderly servant email appeared lady Amo thank you for coming in time otherwise I 

would never have the chance to see my father princess don't be afraid this is the safest place follow 

this gay path to escape the forest and I will stay behind to stop him I don't even think about running 

away lady Abel save me save me Maya was shocked and couldn't believe her eyes when she realized 

that the elderly servant she had known for so long was actually a cunning snake Ricky's mother

so it was Amel who intentionally opened the door for the princess to escape then fall into a trap and 

be saved by Ricky everything had been set up Maya regretted not listening to her father falling for a 

handsome stranger which led to this situation why did you do this it was your father who caused the 

death of the snake gang I lost my husband and my son lost his father this debt your family must 

repay Maya understood that amel's wickedness today stemmed from her own lineage let me                 

compensate for my father's actions and heal the wounds you all suffered it's too late now the only 

way to compensate is with a pair of horns from your family the power and authority of the Unicorn 

plan Ricky became weekend he merged with Amos transforming into a giant snake the dead must be 

reprieved pour your anger unto me don't harm Maya the Colossal snake grew even more Furious it 

turned back and attacked the weekend unicorn King my daughter run quickly no I cannot abandon my 

father Maya used all her unicorn strength to save her father now she had lost her powerful horn and 

became just an ordinary person as for the Unicorn King he was poisoned by the snake and could no 

longer walk father I apologize for not eating and leaving the castle on my own I Now understand that 

you were ensuring my Suitor was not an enemy of our family I only wanted to protect you from Dark 

Forces but my intentions turned into control robbing you of your freedom foreign becoming a normal

 human Maya became more skillful and no longer clumsy the Unicorn King recognized her abilities 

and orchestrated Maya's love story with a poor but loving young man their marriage the uniform

of Maya and her husband they ruled the kingdom together and lived happily ever after.

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