Do you know that there exists a haunted castle with 99 moons of various colors on this Earth each
room opens up to a different world with its own glamor Splendor or mystery there's a room filled with
gold silver and precious Treasures there's a room that opens up to a colorful World filled with mythical
creatures such as mermaids unicorns no one in this world would not want to become the owner of
them but not everyone dares to as that colorful castle holds a big and mysterious secret subscribe to
fairy tales to discover more stop that Prague immediately yes that castle is the dwelling place of the
spirits there you go being strict again Frost the owner of the castle as well as the cold and strict
Steward is the witch Luna Frost's life depends on the owner and if he goes against what the owner
asks Frost will be punished foreign Frost served many generations of owners but they all share one
common trait the passion for power which eventually led to their downfall at the hands of authority
one day Luna suddenly disappeared and never returned until the castle received a new owner Frost
had to continue guarding and protecting the castle without the breadth of its owner the castle was
already eerie and now it was even colder with all the creatures Frozen in place then one day with his
sharp ears Frost heard the incessant crying of a child the crime was getting louder and frost couldn't
bear it so he had to search for its owner you unlucky child you must be the one that villagers sacrifice
to the demon humans are so selfish stop crying do you believe I will be faced with the innocent and
cute smile of the child even though Frost had threatened his icy heart was touched and he sighed
and brought the child back to the castle as soon as the baby let out a crisp laugh the castle was infused
with vitality and all the creatures woke up and accepted the child as their new owner and so after a
very long time Frost had a new owner he gave her a grand and Powerful name Scarlett Scarlett grew
more mischievous and cunning as she got older she was always curious about her identity and the
appearance of the steward by her side at all times Mr Frost finds out he won't let it go Frost Frost
again it's all right I assure you assure me of what I assure you that today I will read my books diligently
without playing or fooling around despite being very caring and protective towards Scarlet Frost did
not agree to let her have her freedom cut escape from here I'm gonna die the mistress my request is
to leave I want to know the source of my origin possible never ah when he didn't comply with the
mistress's wishes Frost would be punished but he accepted the plan to hide the truth that Scarlett was
an abandoned child avoiding harm to his mistress will you give up when the plan as promised give up
I must see through if Ross doesn't know he won't feel any pain every day Scarlett secretly investigated
different rooms in the castle believing that one of them would help her learn about her identity the
minute why am I doing this aren't all of already my Mom thanks to these secret Explorations Scarlet's
daily life became more enjoyable and exciting of course everything happened while the steward Frost
was busy with work when she arrived at room number 98 it was unlike any of the interesting runes she
had seen before this room was covered in layers of dust and dampness and a gloomy dark atmosphere
the only light came from an antique lamp next to an old lady carefully mending an Old Carriage frame
the old lady was so absorbed that she didn't notice a group of students closing in on her stop quick go
you're a kind girl what do you want to ask me I'm a witch who can answer any question in the world
Scarlett was excited to ask about her own background the sound of the bell ringing indicated that
Frost had returned Frost was busy with work Scarlett hardly went to look for room number 98.
strangely it had disappeared replaced by room number 99. behind it was the place she had always
wanted to go the Town of humans a lot of noise not Scarlett's attention a human girl is in a heated
battle with a monster the fight is extremely tense the girl was at a disadvantage seeing this Scarlett
didn't hesitate and rushed down taking advantage of the moment when the monster turned to attack
Scarlett the human girl sees the opportunity to destroyed it behind after overcoming the danger the
two young girls became friends I'm Lena a student of a wizard who banishes demons in this town
based on your attire you are I live deep in the forest I came here to find out about my background
Lena was trying to say that the forest was where the strongest evil creatures gathered especially the
haunted castle that imprisoned young human girls the terrifying Castle Steward caught them and
turned them into Souls guarding the castle unable to escape so if you know anything about Frost
please tell me so that my master and I can defeat him so it felt there were many suspicious points in
Lena's words so she absolutely did not believe her to clarify Lena's lying motive Scarlett brought her
back but turned the doorknob to room 98 of the old woman who knows everything oh the kind girl
has returned so tell me what do you want to ask Scarlett used this opportunity to ask about the truth
behind the story that Luna told why she falsely accused Frost hahaha The Story Goes The Witch Luna
the former owner of the castle had a sister named Lena as Luna did well she became the owner of the
wealthy and Dark Castle while Lena with her bad nature lived in poverty she was not content so she
trained in dark magic day and night to defeat Luna taking everything from her system the day finally
came to defended the sister stole her face and pretended to be her to gain the Castle's power Luna
Seoul escaped without winning his knowledge The Haunted Castle was always hidden and since she
didn't have the real owner's Soul she couldn't find her way up until today she met Scarlett who decided
to take advantage of her to return to the haunted castle as the story concluded the old lady vanished
oh listen to this imposter I'm not easy to bully it was the castle owner's belt and screw it used to set
traps and catch Lena Lena launched an attack on Scarlet but luckily the necklace she wore protected
her life now let's see who will become the owner of the castle Frost was about to rush to protect Ms
Scarlet when she saw the intruder's face ah Frost it's me Scarlett told Frost the story she knew in full
but but she really smells like Luna right I'm the master of all of you come back to me quickly hey
remember this I'm the master of all of you now got it both owners became angry and turned to frost
the most worthy servant if I recall correctly if you don't obey the Master's orders you will be punished
isn't that right Frost quick destroy her now since Luna Ross owner also existed within Luna's bottom
disobeying her cause Frost unbelievable physical and mental taste stop it right now Frost is not an
object for you to abuse and manipulate like that do I like to do that what can you do can you even set
him free are you crazy don't you want supreme power anymore the owner of this Castle has the ability
to release her servant but it has never been done before because it would weaken their ultimate power
which they want to maintain oh mighty and Dark Castle in the name of the Castle's owner I declare
that from now on Frost will be free he will not be subject to anyone's orders laughs don't you need
power of course I do everyone is greedy but your safety is more important that's what we hoped for
oh I almost forgot congratulations Prince Frost the final curse has been lifted at the beam of light
created by the fairy swept through it breed life even the souls transformed the living beings from
weariness and Luminess the castle suddenly lit up with the miraculous glow what's more Scarlett
games it turned out that Luna's Soul had merged with Scarlets because she used to wear a necklace
that concealed the truth amidst the Castle's colorful transformation Frost the steward was no exception
formerly a prince and owner of this Castle inadvertently led to his punishment by a fairy who made
him serve others as a steward finally a voluntary owner has freed you my dear Frost all thanks to you
Scarlett oh wait Luna I mean no way I will always be your mischievous Scarlet giving you a headache
do you hear that that sacred word your she belongs to him despite losing his master and servant status
they decide to stay together in the castle and look forward to a better future with their strong bond of
many years you stay by my side forever this action speaks louder than words.