
Legend of The Aquarius Goddess

The life source of all creatures on Earth the deity Aquarius wore a grand responsibility controlling 

two sacred earth bestowing water upon the world the pure one Bountiful rains while the blackened

 represented drought meant to be poured into parchlands over exploited the wielding Limitless power

Aquarius always felt stifled under his mother's watchful eye hmm she yearned through a day of 

Liberation to act upon her desires freely Join one fairy tale to follow the chronicles of Aquarius laughs

beside Aquarius stood her younger sister named Natalie their mother favored Aquarius above all

leaving Natalie in the shadows foreign magic thus deserving the soul right to command the two urns 

this brewed animosity between Aquarius and her sister the celestial queen aquarius's mother ever 

guided her in the delicate balance of ecosystems across the planets be cautious my child excessive 

water from the white urn will lead to calamitous floods while overusing the black urn will result in

 Relentless drought I know no need to reiterate Aquarius remained reserved and obstinate convinced

 her mother only wish to suppress her might one day as the celestial Queen attended a gathering 

among the celestial beings in the Galaxy today you must not pour water onto Earth without my 

return and at her most desperate moment Ryan appeared sweet for mother turn leave it's none of 

your concern father you're powerless I said go away huh please the rain echoed throughout the Earth 

some places were inundated necessitating the blackened for balance While others suffered arid 

desolation craving the white horn's mercy humans whose entry these remained unanswered turned to

 worshiping deceptive Spirits overwhelmed by the multitude of fleas Aquarius grew panicked in a

 moment of haste she accidentally emptied both those creating a severe imbalance on Earth half the

 lands desiccated succumbing to Relentless drought while the other half luckily remained fertile 

same you've truly messed up this is too much you are truly irresponsible hand me the two urns a          

Celestial Queen Enchanted the two owners rendering them unusable for Aquarius until she proved 

her worth once more Aquarius lost all her powers and was banished in disgrace upon Awakening she 

found herself on Earth however when attempting to summon rain Aquarius found her widen utterly 

dry my mother held back my powers rather than letting me wield these urns freely forever rely on the 

Gods once revealed Aquarius now languished as a forsaken entity falling into a path of transgressions 

hmm became the Sovereign of the celestial realm in the fertile land considering themselves Superior 

people in the Arid land as slaves but Aquarius paid no heat daily she reveled the never-ending night 

feasts carefree and thoughtless one day everything had changed huh Mom I'm so hungry please could

 you give me something to eat out of my way their eyes locked and an illusion emerged  here eat and 

be gone the  next day she encountered the same boy please help us this boy is critically dehydrated I 

led im to find water but he collapsed Midway unconscious for reasons unknown Aquarius could not

forsake the boy she strained her ears to listen to the sound of water flowing beneath the Earth Aquarius

 and Iris together dug into the soil uncovering an underground spring and successfully rescuing the boy

subsequently they led her to meet The Afflicted people due to drought ah has it worsened to such an 

extent please help them too they are blameless yet they bear the burden of their own misdeeds very well

 I shall Aid them she investigated the link between the two desolate and fertile lands realizing that

 creating an enormous Canal could transfer water from the fertile to the arid Aquarius alongside Iris 

rallied the villages to collaborate with each passing day Aquarius grasped the happiness strand from      

giving a.nd diffusing love to others after tireless exertions Aquarius in The Villages succeeded in

 bringing water however hidden instrument ah change back you monstrous thing wait for me Iris

although she lost her power Aquarius innocent people like me a good boy it was you all along did

you release this monster I remember now at home I saw you nurturing this creature you even fed it

 you're heartless foreign when will you ever understand are you trying to harm these innocent people

 yes the best right but look at you who got exiled in the end why does mother always trust you love

you more than that but I don't I only have you yet you left me to live in solitude never offering solace

you're unworthy I will replace you as the water Bearer hand me the two urns now otherwise my 

creature will annihilate everything yet giving the urns to Natalie entailed Aquarius losing her status 

as a fairy forever forever Bard from returning home no way fine it's your choice in her anxiety 

Aquarius glanced at the faces of the innocent people and reminisced about her moments with Iris stop 

spare them from suffering again fine I accept the moment Aquarius sacrificed and handed over the two 

Enchanted earns to Natalie was the moment she proved her transformation balance was restored to her 

an aquarius regained her power to control water yes you are the greatest why can't you ever understand 

sister why are you still willing to harm these innocent people I will never forgive you Natalie full even 

her own sister Aquarius couldn't comprehend that's enough both of you go home now queries wanted    

to bid Iris farewell one last time but she couldn't find her anywhere returning home the celestial Queen 

banished Natalie the girl didn't bother explaining anything Aquarius my child I have consulted with

a gods in the galaxy and it seems you are ready to become the official water Bearer wow mmm since 

then Aquarius became a close to Lincoln in the universe and could live in the Zodiac region actively 

performing her role as the water bearer of the world people born under this constellation would possess 

wisdom confidence and strength one day while visiting Earth Aquarius found iris's lost necklace when 

she wore it she was shocked to find herself transformed into Iris now everything became clear despite 

enjoying countless injustices and favoritism her sister had silently helped her all along even the monster

 wasn't released by Natalie but had come to Earth by itself all because of her sister's selfless giving 

Aquarius found the greatest happiness perhaps it was time for her to apologize to her sister and make 


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