
Love Story of The Shadow God and Light Fairy

Once Upon a Time long ago Darkness engulfed the world and daylight only existed in the valley of

 dawn the light tribe weak and gentle had to hide here to avoid the dangerous darkness that a covered 

the world in contrast to the light tribe was the dark tribe and the mightiest Warrior off the dark tribe 

was the warlord Darwin who had been battling for a thousand years although not of Royal Blood 

people respected him even more than the dark King it was because he was unwaveringly loyal and not

 driven by power to keep Darwin the King married him to Princess Luna his beautiful daughter the 

two truly loved each other and were ready to live a fulfilled life however tragedy's truck just before 

the wedding ceremony while Darwin was out fighting demons to expand their territory he fell into a

 trap set by his first comrade heaven caught off guard by both his comrades and the demons the dark 

warlord couldn't resist he mustered his last bit of strength to escape into the valley of dark you've need

 falling down there won't be pleasant if you want to know what happens to him subscribe to the woe

fairy tales Channel hey that's Michael the demons couldn't overcome the protective border of the 

valley of Dawn and had to retreat Kevin was right Darwin lost his wings and couldn't move his legs 

he couldn't do anything except wait for his life to end so this is the end it's better than this but fate 

had other plans for Darwin Sunny a light fairy happened to be passing by while collecting Morning

 Dew despite being rejected her only concern was to prolong the life of the injured one in front of her 

Drake this morning do and you'll feel better to the point where the weak light fairy even dared to share

 her do with Darwin what are you doing leave me alone just a little longer and your friend will come 

to help I never expected to be carried by a weak Fairy like you I stranger why don't you just leave me 

be a stranger who doesn't know you you're the dark Waller Darwin your Fame Echoes throughout the

 valley of Dawn you're the only dark warrior who never looked down on us when the light border        

 weakened it was you who helped us drive away to Demons huh yeah we made a pact that if one day 

Darwin was in trouble we would help him at any cost that was the old me now I'm just weak don't 

think that way your goodness is always there hmm just like a rainbow after the rain through hardships 

you will see beautiful things the dark warlord had never seen a rainbow in the land of Darkness yes

maybe you're right in the following days Darwin gradually became less negative Sonny was like a

ray of sunshine Illuminating the dark life of the warlord do you want me to help you drink water

like before this place wasn't as terrible as he had imagined there were no stars but Darwin could see 

the beauty of the dogs and the flowers here were sweeter than the night flowers in his own kingdom

the creatures were innocent and full of Vitality unlike the Ferocious creatures he usually encountered 

at night Darwin also came to understand Sunny better the fragile-like fairy always carried Grand 

greens this will protect me from the dangers of the night so I can leave this place in gaze at the stars 

but I have to make a vehicle first so that the warlord can move freely to show his gratitude Darwin

 quietly completed the drawings so that one day his friend could come to the vast world while Darwin 

sought refuge in the valley of dawn Kevin spread the news of the dark warlord's defeat everywhere 

and the King had no choice but to give his daughter to the second strongest person in the Kingdom 

who happened to be Kevin Princess Luna strongly objected as she was devoted to Darwin alone but

 when she arrived at the valley of dawn all the feelings for the dark warlord crumbled she realized 

that the undefeated Champion with a sky on his head and the Earth beneath his feet was the one she

 truly loved not the crippled figure sitting there okay why do you need the help of a weak like fairy 

I've lost my wings and my legs and not the same as before I will marry Mary Kevin I didn't I came 

here to inform you the Warrior's Heart shattered in despair as long as she's happy congratulations to 

her Sonny witnessed everything but couldn't do anything else she sat by his side providing the most

comforting presence letting Darwin know that she would always be there for him huh these flowers     

they are truly beautiful yes they are always like that in the following days they acted as if nothing had 

happened Sunny no longer spoke much about leaving the valley both of them continued their peaceful 

lives without disturbances hey and their eyes spoke volumes indicating that something had changed

between them everything would have remained calm if not four the solar energy is weakening again

 and the demons will break through the barrier we need to finish your vehicle after many days of effort 

Sunny completed the vehicle for Darwin with this vehicle you can move easily oh no there are still 

few drawings but the solar border was already gone and now Darwin was burdened by it sunny had 

to leave her Creations behind Sonny didn't notice the helplessness in the eyes of the dark warlord this 

time the light inhabitants were aware of the intending attack and took shelter together where is Darwin

 where is he has anyone seen him oh no the demons have arrived under that cave following the 

remaining traces Sonny ventured out of the cave she saw a mighty warlord confronting the demons

Darwin enough time for jokes George but some how despite their combined strength the demons 

couldn't defeat the scars it's impossible last time this time I don't have any allies like before to help 

you although you lost his majesty Darwin still possessed his indomitable Spirit and the gem that 

contained The Power of Darkness within him to them it's so powerful that's the reason never again 

will I harm the light tribe I will give you this oh losing the Gap you won't survive it doesn't matter as 

long as you're happy I  am no longer myself no longer courageous if I live like this I will only know

suffering is that you you are the gentle realm of sunlight warming my cold and desolate heart you still 

hold your dreams I am the burden I cannot bind you it's my last breath I will use it to fulfill your 

dream huh no no no no the demons agreeing to Darwin's request the power of the Divine warlord was

undoubtedly greater than the small life Spirits hit the gem with all your might but the demons didn't 

realize that it was all Darwin's plan the gem absorbed the life force of the Demons until it couldn't 

contain the overwhelming power and exploded the wicked demons were punished but so was the 

warlord himself Darwin oh my whoa why the light tribe will be protected by the gem you can go any 

where I was right a powerful gem would break the boundaries of day and night is that the sunrise

magnificent look at the stars for me and for you too Sonny Farewell My Little ray of sunshine true 

to her promise to Darwin Sunny later traveled everywhere to witness everything on behalf of the dark

warlord she used her magic to recount stories of Darwin ensuring that he would live forever in her 

world to Darwin everything changed forever Sunshine would appear all over the world and when the 

sunset Fades the night will always return.

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