Miss ratty famous for her look encounters Misfortune for the first time the wedding dress she chose to
wear on her big name is cursed ah disappear what will rati do to escape from this haunted wedding
dress let's find out when woah fairy tales going back a few days the noble daughter of the Allen Family
received a grand proposal from Prince Maximus with a wealthy and kind-hearted Man by her side
becomes a role model admired by many girls moreover an anonymous person sends her a magnificent
and glamorous wedding dress sweep away all that rubbish only the most Blended thing is worthy of
me the dress seems to have been made exclusively for you miss that very evening while rati was fast
asleep a supernatural event occurred foreign the sound of sobbing shattered the silence gradually
waking ratty up she stood Frozen witnessing the Eerie scene the haunted dress cloth to a tease
trembling steps the Demonic dress clung closely behind ratty's fearful steps ah go away Don't Be Afraid
open your eyes huh that's right you can see me through the explanation of the ghost rati learns that it
is iron a descendant of delight Dai tea after her parents separation Ein lived in the human world with
her mother as she grew up she met and married a man from the region however on her wedding day
part of her soul was taken away the magical powers of the light Clan allowed a portion of her soul to
be retained existing in limbo alongside this haunted wedding dress witnessing countless Brides being
harmed hey don't wear this cursive thing but she couldn't help anyone for years this is the first time
aimed is seen not only that rati even manages to summon her therefore the unfortunate girl begs rati
to help her find the remaining part of her soul so she can be freed game naturally routine refuses she
only needs to get rid of this dress as there are countless other glamorous Tresses waiting for her to
choose from do you think you can escape let me tell you this deadly curse has already taken effect
when you put on that dress waking up from the horrifying dream rati decides to lock away the haunted
dress in the storage room yeah however her fears still come true and he dressed with tea tries on
transforms into the cursed dress huh Ein come here quickly hello my dear ratty Ein explains to her that
the only way to break the curse is to defeat the owner of the wedding dress the soul hunting demon the
ghost advices rati to seek the protection of zoilas the king of flight and Ames younger brother to safely
enter the Forbidden Realm what makes me believe in Believe In The Logical story you fool are you
saying and lying take a closer look in huh ain't appears in the mirror proving rati's words without
wasting any more time zoilas and rati immediately embark on their Journey the road is long and
difficulty who has always been pampered since childhood to quickly exhaust herself rest I can't go on
it's the fifth time with this speed when will we arrive get up Ricky's last stubbornness leaves the light
dining behind the proud young lady doesn't realize that danger alerts right beside her you don't allow
others to get tired in an instant the ground turns into a deep abyss of death pulling rati in the more
she struggles the deeper she sinks hey hold on quickly luckily the light died easily returns just in time
to save rati's life the two seize their arguments and continue their Journey as they approach The
Forbidden realm the atmosphere becomes more eerie the darkness envelops them significantly
weakening the powers of the light deity the bad demons begin to stalk their prey catch off immediately
ratty takes out her magical role and shoots with determination zoilas escapes the clutches of the bat
demons but suffers a severe leg injury the young lady always proud for the first time learns to Humble
herself and supports zoilas every step of the way in gratitude he presents rati with a necklace made
from the fragments of a Divine Shield a precious artifact of the like Clan though the journey is
prolonged the two grow to understand each other better following the trail of the bat demons they
finally reach the Forbidden Realm oh he has caused harm to countless innocent people honored guests
come to play the mysterious soul-hunting demon appears with his enigmatic mask would you
recognize me ratty can't believe her eyes it's Maximus the prince she was about to marry over the years
he has taken countless innocent Souls imprisoning them in the Forbidden realm to harness their wicked
powers the last soul is crucial it must be a strong soul knowing retief's Noble background and her
vanity he impersonates a wealthy and warm-hearted Prince to deceive her I'm innocent as well fell for
the same trick you Despicable Me zoilas and ratty immediately team up to defend the Demon King
previously exhausted they use all their strength but are unable to resist maximus's Magic both are
imprisoned in a dark dungeon my wife this beautiful face if not for the mighty magic I would truly
marry you let's send this friend ahead Maximus please spare me I want to live take this Soul instead
he is the king of light his soul is undoubtedly stronger than mine zoilas looks at the girl in front of him
filled with ratty repeatedly insists that Maximus should let zoilas replace her and she will capture being
sold to help him she wants to enjoy the magic that will rule the world together with him realizing that
she's not bargaining anything having mastered the magic and married to the beautiful lady of course
Maximus would never refuse huh as soon as they stepped outside she quickly summoned the spirit of
Ain traitor in that moment of hesitation from The Demon King rating swiftly picked up her Divine
bow and Unleashed a barrage of arrows in all directions shattering the glass containers holding the
souls the enchanted sword retaliated coldly against rati rotten on the other side the rescued Souls
rushed towards Maximus overwhelming him before he could react he was torn apart by the very power
he covered stop don't do it loyalists did me farewell as I Ascend to heaven The Demon King is
permanently trapped in a narrow dark hell on the other hand the innocent Souls finally enter the gates
of light to find Salvation goodbye little brother zoilas engulfed in remorse suddenly I've taught it
through and only this dress is worthy of me it turns out that the necklace given by zoilas saved the
lucky princess's life mischievously rati demands that zoilas fulfilled the remaining part of the wedding
disrupted by ing the brine Remains the Same as well as the wedding dress the only difference is the