
Elemental Monster Squad

I am a monster and during every full moon a dreadful event will occur to me I transform into a human

Yes you heard it right. the story from ancient times humans have been the Eternal enemies of monsters

ancestors of humans hunting monsters to obtain precious items believing that these items could cure

all illnesses and Grant them extraordinary powers in the eyes of monsters humans are a deceitful and

wretched species after centuries of battle monsters were defeated by the unity of humans in the end 

they had to hide and vanish huh with no one seeing a monster anymore Arya is a half breed her father 

being an octopus monster and her mother a human when she was born her mother passed away due 

to an illness and she grew up with her father however as a half breed she would transform into a 

human during every full moon and had to live in seclusion this makes her very self-conscious and 

despise the human heart of herself although no one knew she was a half breed Arya was ostracized by 

the Kraken Clan due to her unusual appearance she had no friends and lived in solitude when she 

turned 18 according to the common rule all monsters were required to attend Elemental Monster High

huh hmm you'll start school tomorrow try to make friends with other monsters and never reveal your  

half-breed identity all right yes Father are you ready my dear oh dear do I have to go to school like

this yes first day it has to be grand accidentally Arya bumped into the most famous Trio of the school 

Celine Zara and Layla Celine known for her delicate personality an aversion to dirt became extremely 

annoyed you little brat are you making fun of me I I'm sorry since you only have one eye try to open it 

wider and look stop it Celine she already apologized after a few days of getting acquainted with the 

school I really understood the mission of Elemental Monster High which was to teach Monsters how 

to use their powers to protect themselves from humans she reminded herself to give her best effort

today is the day for testing your abilities show your strength to be classified huh to utilize your powers 

effectively you must focus and have absolute confidence in your own abilities well what did you 

expect it's a piece of cake watch this the power of a sandstorm don't think you can easily attack me 

the power of blood activate excellent then it was arya's turn but she clumsily attempted to use an          

offensive spell due to a lack of confidence in her abilities the water spell from Arya was easily evaded 

by the snake monster ah help me master that's too bad ah be careful you might turn into stone no master

well what a mess listen up Celine Layla Zara are in the S class while Arya you've exceeded my 

tolerance F class Celine was surprised by Arya a seemingly weak and clumsy person who turned out 

to be incredibly kind huh it seems you still haven't gotten used to using your powers huh yes I'm still 

very weak take your time to improve I'm hosting a party tonight will you come the party took place in 

the lavish castle of the vampire Clan when they arrived everyone saw Arya a low ranked monster with 

an ugly appearance and they mocked her not approaching her for conversation Arya bowed her head 

feeling sad and insecure about her own self huh all eyes were on the trio of Monster Girls Celine stood

out the most why am I so ugly I will never be like them right Arya ran away from the party consumed 

by her own self-pity huh ah it hurts so much what kind of dark magic is this huh on her forehead was 

the symbol of an octopus catching arya's attention reminding her of her Kragen lineage suddenly 

Celine Layla and Zara entered it was then that Celia revealed her dark plan of Revenge Celine had 

used dark magic from The Vampire Clan's ancient Spellbook to summon this demon oh my that's so 

creepy Celine are you insane you've become a demon and you're afraid of demons the power of

this demon will turn humans into monsters from now on we won't have to hide we'll dominate the 

world but for now I don't know how to awaken it let's keep it here for the time being hmm but why do 

we have to do this I saw with my own eyes how humans hunted and harmed my mother that's why I 

vowed to eradicate humans from this world and avenge my mother that monster must be connected 

to your Kraken lineage Arya always despising the human part within her wanted to erase it erase 

humans from the world thus she agreed since joining the group Arya gradually lost herself hahaha

Arya tried to keep up with them and though she found the monster food at the school revolting Arya 

forced herself to eat it pretending it was delicious Arya even started collecting artifacts to resemble 

Layla she slept for 12 hours a day like Zara and she changed her appearance and acted cleanly like       

Celine the friendship between them gradually became closer through joyful experiences this was the 

first time Arya felt accepted in addition Arya often stayed in the library trying to awaken the demon 

from the underworld Arya discovered that the only way was through a legendary sea Stone of the

Kraken Clan several hundred years ago the stone was created by Sorcerers and was being transported 

to the royal family when it accidentally fell into the sea since then the Kraken Clan possessed it this

Stone can only be activated on the full moon Warrior left the school and secretly dived into the deep 

sea to bring the sea Stone back please use this Stone to awaken the demon on the full moon but I can't

participate I'm injured oh are you okay yes I'm fine you guys go for it how can I do it if I'm cursed as

a human during the full moon but it's all right just one more day on the night of the full moon Arya 

indeed transformed into a human with no other choice she had to escape in embarrassment how 

awful I hate myself ouch huh are you all right I'm fine just stay away he thought she was a visitor and 

took her around the village upon arriving in the village they saw people throwing Tomatoes at each 

other seeing her curiosity he explained that it was the Tomato throwing Festival a special ritual where 

the locals pray for a fruitful harvest in the New Year Arya acted disgusted but under the enthusiasm

of everyone she quickly assimilated and joined them she also visited a museum and learned that 

Monster hunting had long been banned the hunters have received fitting punishments celine's plan was

 a mistake humans had changed they didn't deserve to be destroyed but it was too late the other three

girls had awakened the demo it attacked the village and turned all the villagers into hideous creatures 

Arya returned to school in horror success now the human world will face destruction no Celine the 

demon has returned it's out of control be careful it might attack training but it was too powerful for      

the three of them they started feeling remorse for what they had caused the demon will destroy very 

one stay calm we will fight against it together ah are you it's you what is happening yes I am a hybrid 

between human and monster you can blame me or mock me it doesn't matter now nothing else matters

I just want to save everyone the three monster girls were shocked to learn that their longtime friend 

who turned out to be a hybrid but before they could question her they had to keep the demon occupied

seriously you've exhausted me Aria because the sea Stone belonged to you let's go everyone as soon 

as the stone was pulled out the demon disappeared and all the cursed beings turned back into humans 

the chaos was resolved Arya stepped forward and explained everything how humans had imposed a 

ban on Monster hunting long ago Arya ever since I met you everything has been chaotic but you have 

given me true friendship that's right we understand now from now on humans and monsters will live 

in peace since then Arya no longer felt insecure about her Human Side freely and true to herself ready 

to do what she loved monsters and humans formed a peace treaty Elemental Monster High also 

changed its rules and welcomed hybrid students.

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