
Barbie in the Fairy Land - Fairy Tales in English

Welcome to Barbie land the only place with a single standard of beauty and only one Barbie 

could meet all those standards perfectly shiny blonde hair sparkling blue eyes then cute lips slim 

and Fit Body and specially nobody odor her name was Barbie of course because that was the 

common name for all the Barbie dolls living here Barbie hello Barbie hello Barbie Barbie and 

Hello Barbie here there was only one boy named Ken his job was to help Barbie with everything 

hello Ken hello Barbie nice to see you again Barbie still had a very close friend who is very

 knowledgeable about fashion however she did not want to conform to the beauty standard set 

here so not many people wanted to be close to her outside of Barbie today I have bought a lot of

clothes can you help me choose a suitable outfit for the upcoming key ceremony of course Barbie

I don't understand why everyone wants to organize an animal keep giving ceremony while every 

year you always receive an absolute majority of votes that is the tradition of barbieland honey 

that key is very important to us we need it in order to activate the energy of Barbie land that's 

right if one day the key goes missing Barbie land will be in danger hmm hey Barbie try on 

these outfits when Barbie was getting ready to try on her new clothes suddenly there was a strange

 smell coming up Barbie do you smell something unpleasant yes it smells like dead fish then 

the two of them became extremely panicked when they were realized that a foul odor was 

coming from the beautiful feet of Barbie oh my goodness Barbie how could this happen no 

Barbie has ever had a bad smell on their body before I'm panicking here what should I do the 

key ceremony is only a few days away everyone won't like me anymore they will avoid me for

now don't let anyone know about this including Ken I will find a way to help you because no 

one has ever experienced something like this so it may take some time but there might be a 

solution but Barbie calm down everything will be fine I promise however that evening there 

were suddenly a lot of noisy sounds and shouting around Barbie's house Barbie there's bad news 

I don't know how everyone found out that you have smelly feet now they're protesting outside

if that's the case I will go outside and apologize to everyone no they are currently very angry 

if you go out there it will only make them more agitated so what should I do earlier I found a

way but really how so but but what without further explanation Barbie was pulled out by her 

friend through the back door they stopped at a corner on Barbie land where there was a rusty 

door they used all their strength just to be able to open it you have to leave Barbie land sing 

the Pitch Black Knight behind the door Barbie hesitated a little I think I should still go back 

and however before she could finish her sentence Barbie was forcefully pushed through that 

terrifying door by her friend Barbie was taken to a very strange place here the green color of

grass dominated not pink like in Barbie land help me the sound of distress attracted Barbie's 

attention huh following the sound she discovered a girl hanging precariously on Eclipse Edge 

Barbie quicker pulled the girl up thank you for your help I am Merida the princess of the power

ful gun Rock tribe earlier I was being chased by a big black bear which caused me to slip and

fall into a ravine who are you you don't seem to be a local I'm Barbie and I come from Barbie 

land when Merida learned Barbie's story she couldn't help but burst into laughter huh this 

matter is very serious it's not fun at all I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way your problem is 

nothing compared to mine I will help you Merida took Barbie back to the tribe and prepared 

a special water with a lot of precious herbs for her dip your feet in here following marriage's 

advice Barbie took off her high heels and put her feet in the water basin at this moment 

marriage are just real I said Barbie's legs still remain pointed High even though she had 

taken her feet out of the shoes why don't you put your feet down what are you saying nobody 

does that at my place frustrated with the strange rules in Barbie land Merida had to bring

out a taller Basin so that Barbie could soak her be it in it indeed married this herbal water had 

helped eliminate the unpleasant odor from Barbie's feet thank you Merida you saved my entire 

life no it was you who saved my life at this moment a servant entered and informed Mary to 

about a certain party oh I love parties Lively music delicious food and especially getting to meet 

a lot of friends I feel the opposite this is a party for princesses and princes the purpose is for 

everyone to be able to find their other half last year I was laughed at because of my appearance 

they are really mean just ignore them in fact I didn't really pay attention to them I'm just afraid 

of that person who is it Fergus the prince of the neighboring Kingdom we met when we were 

young and and did you like him right this year he will also participate if he sees me like this

he will be very disappointed oh I see Narita how about this time let me help you out huh the 

help of Barbie the next day Mary disappeared with a completely new and Incredibly glamorous

 appearance at the party she attracted the attention of all the princes there however Prince 

Fergus didn't care about her at all suddenly a glass of water was thrown directly into marriage's 

face causing her makeup to wash away that water cup was from an evil princess jealous of

Merida when she saw her being surrounded by many people seeing the unpleasant appearance 

of marriage princess surrounding her quickly rushed to find another place feeling extremely

 embarrassed married immediately ran out of the park later Barbie found Merida sitting sadly

by a river when Barbie was about to comfort again suddenly a large beer appeared growling 

ferociously it began to charge and attack the two people Barbie run quickly however because 

of the high-heeled shoes Barbie could not run quickly take off your shoes and put your feet

down to run faster no one does that where I am this is not Barbie land or do you want to be 

inside the belly of that bear hearing that Barbie immediately followed marriage's instructions

when Barbie's feet were set free she immediately speeded up and zoomed away running for a 

while both were chased by a bear pushing them towards the foot of a mountain knowing that 

there was no way to escape marriage had to take a risk and fight with it she picked up a piece 

of wood then she did muscle up causing her tight dress to tear however her strength could

not be compared to that of a large wild bear it seemed that both had to endure a cruel fate 

when an arrow flew quickly in front of the bear's face making it stop that's Fergus the prince 

that Merida always remembered he drew out a sharp powerful sword and rushed to fight

against the fierce bear just after a few Strokes the prince was able to defeat it it turned out 

that this time before I just came here to propose to Mary Jo the brave princess who had once

helped him Escape danger when he was little since then he vowed to become strong so that

he could protect her in the future at the party he didn't pay attention to Merida because he was 

too busy searching for messy hair that he always wanted to remember when Merida found 

out the truth she was extremely happy but suddenly she remembered her appearance and felt 

a little nervous but her outward appearance is not as beautiful and glamorous as the other 

princesses you are the most beautiful person I have ever met your face your hair your Brave

and kind heart will make me tremble with excitement so Mary just love story finally had a

happy ending in an unexpected way after marriage's wedding Barbie had to quickly return to 

Barbie land when she returned to the room Barbie saw her close friend also being here Barbie 

I'm back and you were right there is indeed a cure for me out there there is still time for the 

key ceremony so please hurry and help me get ready at that moment Barbie suddenly realized

that something was not right why are you dressed and made up like me I am so worried that 

you won't be able to come back in time so I'm planning to temporarily pretend to be you to 

receive the key and then wait for you to return to give it back you are truly my best friend 

Barbie now that I'm back you don't have to go through any more trouble okay then go change 

her clothes I have already prepared them in the dressing room you are indeed thoughtful

however as soon as Barbie entered the enter the friend immediately slammed the door shot 

locking her insta Barbie what are you doing let me go quickly I will replace you to go receive 

the key why do you have to do that I'm fed up with having to Shadow you all the time it's all 

because of that silly Beauty standard once they have the key I will be able to take control of this

place and replace that stupid standard she quickly left after speaking leaving Barbie extremely 

confused about the changes in her friend Suddenly at this moment Barbie smelled an 

unpleasant odor Rising this foul smell could it be my own feet looking down there was nothing 

unusual Barbie took a sigh of relief following the foul smell Barbie discovered a bottle of 

liquid along with many strange objects at this moment she just realized that everything was

 intentionally arranged by her friend beforehand a strange sound came from behind the clothes 

startling Barbie she carefully moved the pile of clothes aside and discovered that Ken was

tightly tied up there because Ken had discovered what evil intentions for he was plotting he was 

locked up here they had to quickly come to stop Barbie before it's too late with Ken's natural 

repairing Talent he could not be easily challenged by Allah hey when Barbie arrived at a square 

where the event took place everyone was extremely surprised I'm confused to see two identical 

standard Barbies being afraid to be found out fake Barbie immediately took the chance say 

posts are here to steal the key we catch her at this moment IA I really hate doing this job but I'm

sorry Barbie she quickly grabbed a glass of water nearby and splash it directly into the face of 

her friend the makeup was immediately washed away revealing her friend's real face you evil 

fake you need to be expelled from here exactly expel her actually the main reason for this 

incident is the fault of all of us because we have set such strict standards for beauty I think it's 

time to change it Barbie slowly took her feet out of the high heels and placed both feet on the 

ground to the amazement of everyone that very standard causes us to lose our own Beauty we 

don't even have our own name but Barbie land has always been like this how could it be changed 

she is right I'm tired of having to chase after a standard that I don't even like a bit I agree too

others also simultaneously discarded their long-term disguises since then barbilian had added 

a wide range of vibrant and dynamic colors hello Barbie hello bar I mean Brenna there was no

strict Beauty standard anymore everyone was confident being themselves.

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