
Ugly Princess glow up into Beautiful Princess - Fairy Tales in English

Toast in a glamorous Palace at MAA Kingdom there lived a prince named Phillip he was well 

known for his bright and handsome appearance the girls who met Philip were all Enchanted by 

his charm oh how handsome Prince Phillip is I wish I could be his wife jetes the most wicked 

witch in the area was not an exception she continuously appeared by his side sweet talking and 

trying to lure the prince if you agree to be my husband I will grant you ultimate power that no

one can match stay away from me don't waste your time I have no feelings for you after being 

rejected the witch was extremely angry but she couldn't harm the prince because she truly loved 

his handsome face near the palace there lived a girl named Louise she was the most beautiful girl 

in the village everyone had to be in awe of her beauty her husband was Adam but he was 

chronically ill which made Louis's life filled with worry anxiety she found all the possible ways 

to cure him but Adam's illness got worse and worse he was gradually weaker in the most desperate

moment not knowing how to save Adam the witch dutis appeared and gave her a deal I will cure

your husband immediately but in return you must give me your beauty how about that beautiful 

girl although hesitant Louis reluctantly accepted this deal because it was the only way to save

her husband now I agree I agree please help my husband he won't be able to stand it much 

longer the witch smiled cunningly and took Louis's Beauty away turning her into an ugly girl 

blemishes appeared on her face which even made everyone horrified while looking at her after

 obtaining Louis's exquisite beauty the witch joyfully gave her a magical potion and then quickly 

left lis hurly gave the potion to her husband and to her astonishment he woke up completely

healthy overwhelmed by emotion Lise rushed to hug Adam however to her surprise Adam 

irritatedly pushed her away who are you I'm your wife Louise no my wife can't be as ugly as 

you are quickly go away Louise was astonished she couldn't believe her ears go away 

immediately and never appear in front of me meanwhile Jus which after having a new 

appearance she immediately went to find the prince with the hope that she could be able to 

seduce him now I have this supreme Beauty will you marry me never give up that intention

being constantly rejected by the prince the witch was so angry that she lost control of her 

power accidentally injuring her oh no my handsome face luckily he's still all right the prince 

was so frightened then he immediately ran away from the palace being exhausted he fainted 

by a nearby stream about Lise after being chased away she had to live temporarily in a cave 

near the stream looking at herself in the water Lise became even more self-conscious with this 

ugly face how could Adam dare to come near me suddenly from a distance she saw the hand

some prince Phillip who was famous throughout the kingdom drifting along the stream without

 hesitation she rescued the prince and brought him to her place she carefully took care of the 

prince there looking at the prince she remembered her husband Adam and it made her heart 

ache even more surprisingly the prince woke up and Louise joyfully raised him up why am 

I here I saw you drifting in that stream so I brought you here thank you so much for saving me 

you are truly a kindhearted girl since his health hadn't fully recovered the prince had to stay

in the cave with Louise until he recovered after several days of being together Philip felt that 

Louise was an incredibly kind girl he gradually had feelings for her getting to know Louis's

story he felt even more sympathetic and wanted to cover her would you like to be by my side 

we can be together and take care of each other for the rest of our lives Louise was surprised by 

the prince's feelings but she firmly rejected as her heart remained loyal to her husband Adam 

thank you for your sincerity but I can never betray my husband although he was very sad the 

prince wanted the one he loved to be happy so he thought of a way to help her he took Louise 

back to the Palace had her dressed up and had her hair and makeup done making her look 

more beautiful than ever Lise thanked The Prince and hly left the palace went back to find 

Adam Prince Philip watched her go feeling sad and silently wished her happiness with her 

beautiful appearance Louis met Adam and made him really surprised wow Louise my beautiful 

wife you're back I missed you so much suddenly a heavy rain fell washing away the makeup 

on Louis's face Adam was really shocked while seeing the blemishes on Louis's face re-

appear he changed his expression and scornfully mocked Louise are you trying to deceive

me no it's not what you think but Adam refused to listen continuously ridiculed her and chased 

her away once again she left with s little did Louis know that Prince Phillip had been following

 and observing everything seeing her suffer because of Adam he was even more hurtful 

suddenly a woman approached the prince huh H well it's a Pity if that girl had the rainbow 

flower from the top of Anapa Mountain she wouldn't have been rejected like that what are 

you saying explain it clearly sir on the far away peak of Anapa Mountain there is a mysterious

rainbow flower whoever possesses that flower will become in incredibly beautiful but that 

flower is not easily picked only those with high nobility can touch it after knowing that for 

the one he L Philip immediately set off the way to Anna Perna pee was really challenging

in dangerous the prince had to pass through the hottest area following by an icy and Bone

chilling path after reaching the treacherous peak of anera mountain huh finally he found the 

rainbow flower having obtained the flower the prince hurriedly returned to give it to Louise 

why are you here as the prince placed the flower in Louis's hair a radiant glow emitted from 

her body and her beautiful face also returned Lise quickly went back to find Adam without

noticing the prince now had a blemish on his face just like hers Louise stood before Adam 

looking breathtakingly beautiful strangely Adam burst into laughter and turned into the wicked

witch you are all fools she stole the flower from Louis's hair and placed it in her own she 

immediately became beautiful turned out the power to steal the beauty of ordinary people 

only had a temporary effect on the witch only the rainbow flower could Grant her Eternal

Beauty and the rainbow flower could only be picked by those with pure heart so she had 

planned to deceive the prince to take it for her Adam my husband where is he what have you 

done to him are you still thinking for that worthless man all he wanted was your beautiful 

face a little seduction and he easily fell into my trap giving me his face he probably won't dare 

to come back with that ugly face anymore you are so foolish to believe that he truly loved 

you true love was right in front of you but you couldn't see it you and Phillip are both foolish

at that moment Lise hurtfully realized it all because of her blind and loyal love with Adam 

she hadn't been able to feel the love of Philip for her H then the malice witch used all of her

hatred and magic power to finish Louise Prince Philip rushed in from nowhere to cover 

what are you doing why protect someone who doesn't love you I've done everything but you 

always rejected me a dangerous and cutting person like you will never deserve love no 

matter how beautiful your face may become you're still a wicked person who makes others 

feel Dreadful all right then you two can love each other in hell then she cast a spell to finish

them however the rainbow flower was suddenly darkened it turned out that the flower 

contained a magic that only worked on those of pure heart but those with evil intentions it 

had the opposite effect under the power of the flower the wicked witch completely vanished 

into dust to the astonishment of Lise and Philip huh in the end Lise was deeply moved by 

Philip's sincere love once again Philip proposed to Louise kneeling down to ask for her hand

 I'm no longer the handsome prince but I still love with all my heart will you be with me for 

the rest of our lives yes I agree sorry and thank you for everything.

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