
Hypno-shroom Princess at Zombie 's Town - Fairy Tales in English

Toast this Halloween was very special for the plant's fairy unlike any other year pumpkins 

vampires skeletons wishes we have everything oh wait where are the zombies we're responsible

 for dressing up as a zombie H sorry I'm late sir it's you again always playing around timid and 

lazy can't you be more prepared sir calm down did a zombies not appear earlier what what do you

 mean rainbow just arrived so where is that zombie run zombies are coming indeed as soon as the

 strange music played a hoorde of Ruthless zombies would immediately appear and Rampage the

 louder the music the more terrifi find their strength with no other choice the gentle plant fairy 

had to take turns guarding the garden except for rainbow of course speaking of her rainbow 

possessed a mesmerizing singing voice from birth however she only used this power for 

insignificant matters even in one careless time rainbow accidentally mesmerized herself causing

 a major mission so not many people valued her abilities aware of her clumsiness r was quite

 self-conscious and often hid away she thought she was safe but then a Wandering zombie 

staggered towards her with no plant fairy around to call for help rainbow trembled as she used 

her singing to Mesmerize the approaching zombie H where am I who am I you should ask your 

zombie mother why ask the plant fairy all right I am a plant Fair nonsense just wait I'll call tnut

to capture you haha they won't dare to underestimate me anymore please don't don't leave me 

I'm afraid of zombies are you brainless you are that zombie Rainbow's attention suddenly shifted

 to the wrist of the zombie it belonged to her close friend tangle kelp she panicked thinking her

 childhood friend was in danger while the foolish zombie had no memory and just shook its 

head in response to her questions the first thing they needed to do was to conceal his identity 

this was a breeze for Rainbow's best friend sunflower stop it can't you see he's so harmless he 

won't harm anyone would her friends acceptional design skills not even the picky tnut could 

detect anything suspicious H I've never seen such a weird pumpkin in my life it's Halloween 

after all don't be a kill jooy zombie pumpkin even cosplayed as a plant fairy living in Harmony

 and winning the hearts of everyone from the elderly to children and even well beautiful girls 

H thanks to Pumpkin rainbow became Bolder and cherished her mesmerizing ability even more

huh he helped her use this power to calm down hostile insect swarms making them assist the 

plant fairy in their work in a sudden moment rainbow was startled to realize that she had 

developed feelings for this half corpse half plan of course she didn't know that a zombie with

 no heart and an empty head like pumpkin was momentarily mesmerized by Rainbow's radiant

 smile all the plants in the fairy garden were created by Dr Thomas a kind and respected scientist

surely he would invent something to uncover the truth about the tangle Kel's ring on pumpkin's

 hand Dr Thomas I have something to ask you quiet Dr Thomas to prepare for the Halloween 

parade go away and let him rest come on tnut we are the heroes of the future let's promise every

one that tonight on Halloween we will together stop the invasion of demons and protect the

city it's not working this is the only way that night two Brave individuals sneaked in into 

Thomas's laboratory to confront him personally however all the warm and benevolent images 

of Dr Thomas shattered Before Their Eyes it was a horrifying scene far from what the plant 

FY had imagined he was concocting a green liquid that could turn any plant into a zombie the

 Eerie sounds made by the plants were causing the zombies to become agitated huh back when 

you lived in the city the center of development Thomas had been ridiculed for not being as 

 accomplished as other scientists he moved to this Countryside with a Sinister ambition to create

various types of zombies and un leash them upon the city to cause an epidemic success I've 

succeeded now you will all beg me to provide the antidote let's see who dares to underestimate 

me now pumpkin and rainbow hurried back to the Garden to inform the plant fairy despite 

pumpkin's true identity was revealed as a zombie cosplaying Dr Thomas's impecable image led

 the plants to continue venerating him rainbow youve been turned into a zombie by him quickly

look them up soon after they would regret their decision Dr Thomas imprisoned all the plant 

fairies on Halloween to prepare for their transformation into zombies during this time rainbow 

had become so so accustomed to the punishment of the plant fairy that she easily escaped two 

people quickly appeared and rescued the plant fairy while thas was busy preparing the zombie

serum Dr Thomas it seems we need an explanation from you how dare you it's over your potion

 has been destroyed you can't do anything to us any anymore but thomus was not afraid he 

summoned a horde of zombies with his music to punish those who wouldn't listen they learned 

a horrifying secret that all the brave fighters from before had been turned into zombies not gone

abroad or anything else the fighting Spirit of the plant fa gradually Di they couldn't harm those 

who might have been their friends or loved ones destroying the potion can make my plan fail 

dream on so Tango kelp is be careful chase after him rainbow now p was no longer weak he

confronted Dr Thomas gold realizing his vulnerability Thomas plunged into the liquid to trans

form himself into the most powerful zombie you're insane this solution will only enhance my 

strength my will remains in contrast you were turned into a zombie once if the solution permeates

 you again you will become a permanent zombie tangle Cal but pumpkin Was Not Afraid at this

moment nothing was more important to him than defeating the villain and saving his plant with 

equal strength humpton eventually defeated Dr Thomas rainbow and pumpkin obtained the

antidote to turn all the zombes back into their friends and loved ones among the plant fairy 

except for pumpkin who lost the chance to become a plant fairy once again however thanks to 

bathing in the extremely potent zombie serum pumpkin remembered his past realizing that he

truly was tangle kelp enough of this nonsense everything is over let's go and enjoy Halloween 

that's right we prepared for this event with so much effort yes it's all over not necessarily after all

 those events they realized that their feelings went beyond friendship this year's Halloween was

truly Unforgettable for all including this one happy Halloween trick.

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