
A Tale of Undying Love - Fairy Tales in English

very to Father please don't leave me I'm sorry I can't take care of everyone anymore it's time to 

go Adam you must pay for all your sins no you can't take father away stepmother Karen Katie

 do something  you all live for goodness take care of eachother who will take care of us now oh

 heavens for many years Mr Adam has not fully atoned for his sins to Pluto father house hold

 chores can't be done themselves you little one  Mr Adam's daughter has since suffered with his

 stepmother and half sibling from another mother compared to Katie who is favored the stable 

isn't clean yet where is my breakfast sister it's time to go to work and you're still here is just like

 a servant and a monkey making tool for Katie and her mother I earn two gold coins sooner or 

later I'll have enough to be free can you spare a coin for a poor wretch sure take all you need 

did you play the whole day and only earned a gold coin get get ready for dinner you better know

 which partt it's yours my children I wish I could see them again until you've atoned for your 

sins not yet there's a way for you to atone your children have grown up and I need a wife no 

Pluto absolutely not how can I marry them after to to to death I'm informing you not asking and

 I will personally test who is worthy to be my wife Mom I don't want to marry a long-faced 

guy right Ava you have to understand for your little sister right please I can atone for my whole

 life but please spare my children Ava is ready to do anything or her father I I will accept the

 challenge to be your wife but she can't help but be surprised when she enters the underworld 

what kind of strange creatures are these why why are they tying people up like this your first 

time in the Underworld well obviously isn't it follow me and see the underworld is a place of

 Soul Transit good Souls will be allowed through the gate of transcendence as for the not so 

good Souls you have sins no appeals please listen to me I've been wrong we'll be punished like

 this you heartless being that Soul CES for justice Souls all always lie like that your challenge

 is to judge the souls the more the better what if I refuse then I won't have a wife and your father

 will all right and so Ava becomes the judge of souls replacing Pluto however Pluto's Machinery

 becomes sluggish because of her you take 10 times longer than me and there are still still many

 Souls waiting well you have to listen to their confessions thoroughly to judge them like this 

little one it's obvious she can't transcend nevertheless spending time listening to the souls 

help AA understand whether they deserve Transcendence or not and Pluto becomes incred 

increasingly annoyed when he must be punished what are you doing you cruel thing you can't

 say a kind word dinner is served my lady H where's Pluto the the god of death is busy please 

have your meal first H so insensitive  he never has a meal with me am I his maid or his wife uh

 I didn't do anything in fact Pluto let's see the souls that AA has handled have all repented quite

 unusual isn't it h turns out he is really remorseful Ava also realizes that Pluto is not as cold

hearted as she thought I'm sorry for getting angry with you yesterday and even giving flowers 

so embarrassing Pluto tries to learn from aa's way even though his face doesn't suit it very well

 don't cry is there any thing you want to share with me well what did you say huh uh nothing

 and the god of death clearly shows his appreciation I still remember your mother she was just

 as kind as you oh Mom it's been so long since I saw her since her father Adam passed away 

this is the first time someone has treated Ava with such kindness one day Pluto brings back 

an old acquaintance of a are you no this soul is too Wicked no need for you to judge of course 

AA doesn't listen to him I made a pack with a demon to deceive Pluto to save my daughters

 let me see unfortunately She searches in vain for any evidence to clear his name my children

 I'm sorry live for goodness take care of each other you all live for goodness take care of each

 other you can't possibly be guilty AA run away before things get worse never before had 

Pluto raised his voice to AA like this go go to the living world right now fine I just need you 

to speak the god of death still polite heed AA with a pile of gifts as a token of gratitude mother

 do you think like I do I do it's marrying time oh dear forgive my stubborn child if you don't 

mind then I I nominate myself to be your wife anyway I said I would challenge both of them 

oh such an honor for me please take care my dear wait a minute wait well looks promising 

looks terribly pathetic and you why sir do you keep gazing at me with such such admiration 

according to me you didn't come down here just to play Katie also had to undergo the same 

challenge as her sister and surprisingly approved you both are liberated H doesn't look very 

convincing definitely guilty guilty oh innocent innocent faster than AA even faster than me aa

 what is she doing at this hour Katie still enjoyed punishing Souls as per Pluto's wishes most 

notably she made it clear that she was the perfect lover for the god of dad today's work you leave

 it to me everything is prepared by me please enjoy your meal are you bored let me read you a 

story no need Ava I mean Katie I'm sorry oh my God to help you forget about her I'll give you 

a gift no Pluto what why are you the chairs in me they're coming up here now the only way is 

to go through the portal but what about Pluto forget about him I'll help you AA allowed the soul

 to enter her body Pluto still allows me to go to the underworld world as a precaution why don't

 you dress more decently oh is that important look are those demons they look corrupted don't

 associate with them huh why do you care well I want what's best for you forget it I don't want

 to help you anymore hello my beloved sister KY all efforts to persuade the younger sister we're

 in vain I don't care he's a gift for Pluto and I will officially become the wife of the death ah sir 

I've got two traitors for you lucky for you if that Soul escapes I'll punish you just like your father

and to think I once cared for you I misunderstood you now Ava no longer cared whether she 

would be punished or not she had only won Gold and she finally succeeded run away now why

 stop no everything is being arranged these were the souls Katie allowed to escape they'll return

 to punish you Katie you altered the cycle of life and death you accepted bribes for unworthy

Souls through the Gateway I've seen it all bring her away no I still love you give me back my 

face Adam how can this be is he really our father from the beginning and the deal with the 

demons it's all true I had to participate in this play to repay my debt to the god of death I lend 

him my appearance you passed my test AA I knew it from the beginning earlier what did you 

say did you love me Ava what seriously unbelievable that arrogant Karen and Katie shouldn't 

have been punished but thanks to AA they were only stripped of their assets I don't want to 

don't want to if you don't work how will you eat and finally Mr Adam could finally Escape what

 about you me what about me I completely understand if you don't want to stay you can now 

besides the underworld where else could AA find the one she truly loved. very toast Legend has

 it that in a distant and mysterious Persia there was a beautiful gentle Scorpio girl who loved to

 dance and sing in the Moonlight her name is serade in particular her passionate dance always

 attracted mysterious creatures to be friends and dance with huh only she was born with a 

different appearance so most people always hate an alien I am sorry huh you are just the cursed

 son of a useless magician who failed at the hands of the devil and let her run away until now 

and dances here freely get out of my way don't mess with my feet even the fear being chased 

Away by everyone made her obsess even in her dreams but at times like that she often looked

at her mother's picture and consoled herself I know people often have bad words about us only

 I will prove that even though I am not in normal shape like everyone else I will still try to fit 

in and do my job well so Ser always tried to help people more and hope that one day they would

 be able to replicate her efforts huh one day dancers from a far away Kingdom visited Persia 

bringing feasts everywhere making Ser immensely excited and silently mingled with the crowd

 to dance fortunately it wasn't long before she saw a child fall in the crowd in hurry to help how

ever the people around her misunderstood that Ser was trying to harm the child and forced her

 to leave fortunately a strange boy appeared chastised the group and Sav saved her from The

Siege then he quickly dragged serade and fled reaching the safe place the young man gently 

inquired about Ser are you okay I'm okay but who are you why would you help me I'm Baron 

one of the dancers who like to punish those who bully the weak also a half blood cursed by the

devil's dark magic just like you then he sadly told the truth about their curse it turned out that 

many years ago their mothers have been close friends and Powerful magicians in two different

countries because they desired to bring peace to this place they tried to fight against the devil but

 unfortunately neither side distinguished Victory or defeat however when the two combined 

spells collided the devil gradually disappeared and did not know where it was their mother tried

 to find the devil but all efforts were in vain so they were sad returned to their Homeland how

ever they did not realize that they had been greatly influenced by dark magic so they gave birth 

to unusual children and were abandoned and driven Away by everyone so when Baron grew up

 he said goodbye to his mother to find a way to solve the curse for him after days of searching 

he discovered that Persia has a magical lamp that can control The God Who resided in it to ful

fill his request so Baron made his way to per I and found Ser I can't believe I came here to see

you if so then let's join me and find that magic lamp and break the curse if what Baron said is 

true then I can return to my normal form with that in mind Ser agreed to accompany Baron the 

thing is neither Nei of them knew exactly where the magic lamp was located amidst this vast 

Persia but strangely their two rings glowed when they touched each other and turned out to be

 a map to the magic lamp why would these necklaces lead us to the magic lamp maybe it's 

because our mother is a magician that these two necklaces have a bit of magic when placed side

 by side but whatever it is it has helped me find out where the lamp is let's go find it the two 

friends happily followed and finally they reached a mysterious cave with a lot of lava surrounding

 the mag BL huh look huh this place is hard to come by even if I were to transform into a snake it

 would be too dangerous but I think I can profitably use those lava stones to get the lamp s this is

 very risky don't worry with my energetic and agile body nothing will happen although Baron 

was worried about serade he trusted her and let her try just as she had predicted serade easily 

crossed the lava and reached the lamp suddenly the lava Boulder receded the serade put her hand

 on it but she also didn't give up easily and used all her strength to remove the chains from the

 magic lamp eventually serade was able to retrieve the lamp serade thank you so much the devil

belongs to me devil but isn't there a god in here ah Baron why why is there a devil inside because

 originally this magic lamp was the devil's seal that our mother created it turned out that in that

 battle the devil did not know that his layer was also trapped by their mother so he was locked 

up there forever he used the remaining magic to hide his hiding place so their mother tired and

exhausted couldn't find it then when he recovered some of his strength the devil approached 's

 mother to harass her demanding that he be released from the land if Baron's mother agreed he

 would help Baron become a normal person but Baron's mother fearing for the lives of the

 people sacrificed her son so Baron heard the story and blamed the curse on his mother and 

everyone as well as termined to find the devil to take revenge on them one night he dreamed 

that the devil showed him a sign to go to his place of detention but he would never be able to

do this if he was not lucky to meet serade huh huh tries to stop her but she is easily knocked

 down by the devil then the devil took Darren's order creating terrifying creatures all over the

place as serade struggled to reach the place she saw the creatures harassing everyone and 

could hardly control them well if only something could stop them or at least make them listen

 to me now huh yes my dance often makes the animals dance so I try to attract them that way 

but everything is in chaos I can get the attention so those creatures can dance after me right 

now s looked around and saw the bells falling on the ground and she devised a plan to pin 

them to her feet and attract them with sound as she started to dance all the mystical creatures

 paid attention and gradually joined in her dance after that Ser controlled these creatures to 

rush towards the devil to control him huh Baron saw this and rushed to Ser side to fight but s

 tried to convince him Baron please stop although we both knew that people shunned us when

 they saw our appearance instead of blaming and hating them let's try together to make the 

people acknowledge our contributions and if you want to destroy those people you're no 

different than and the people you hate the most I the devil saw that Baron was listening to Sur

 just as he feared that Baron would lock him in the land so he bent over throwing the creatures

 around and ser away he then cast the spell to destroy the L and baron Baron's mother who has

been searching for Baron for a long time rushed to save him H are you okay I'm sorry to let you

suffer like this but please even if you try to take revenge on everyone they will still be scared 

and alienated from you because of what you have done please stop it after saying that Baron's

 mother fainted Baron listened to s's words and when his mother was finished he slowly learned

 everything he decided to rush towards the devil to fight but now that the lamp had been destroyed

the devil easily overpowered Baron however serade also tried to fight alongside Baron the 

moment they United against the devil their necklace lighted up forming a stream of synergy 

defeating the devil huh after witnessing the heroic struggle of ser and baron the people began to

thank them and agreed to give them a chance to integrate h Huh I'm also guilty of thinking only

about revenge hatred however only makes us more prone to sin yes that's why if we use our heart

 to convert people they will respond soon besides I need to study from the serade although we do

 not choose where we are born we choose how we live and grow so learning to adapt to our short

 comings and letting go of our hatreds is one of the ways we can grow and become better with 

the big lesson learned s and baron worked together to help people and lived happily ever after.

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