
Sea Fairy and Moonlight Goddness - Fairy Tales in English

Toast in the realm of myths the moon was always believed to wield an immensely profound 

influence over the vast ocean night the moon deities would cast their shimmering light upon the

 surface of the sea at the same time the SE Nims the Ethereal spirits of the deep would harness 

the warmth of that light to harness its power and create powerful tidal waves Serena herself a 

xeny was entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing the ocean's domain and its underwater

inhabitants why can't I command the tidal waves like you sometimes the young girl felt power

less in protecting the ocean's creatures from the intrusions of hum you shall gain the power 

to control tidal waves once you discover the cherished Moonlight of your life just as the bond

 between the moon DIY and me however Serena's mother passed away prematurely leaving her

 daughter in solitude Serena the young nymph assumed her mother's role perpetually awaiting

the arrival of her cherished moonlight and finally that long awaited day arrived greetings great

 C nymph a moon Guardian huh indeed I am destined to become a moon Guardian once my 

mother's Reign concludes and so she sent me here to befriend you come on take me for a spin

 I'm not much of a swimmer you know however Serena found herself overwhelmed by Pandora's

 excessive friendliness why is my soulmate so naive I don't really like it but Pandora persisted

undeterred every day she went down to the sea to play with Serena she even assisted Serena in

rescuing mermaids from the clutches of a marauding pirate ship huh huh gradually Serena's 

heart Tha as she sensed warmth kindness and Purity radiating from Pandora embracing this 

new found friendship Serena's strength grew together they embarked on a radiant childhood 

this profound connection elevated Serena into the mightiest of sea Nims her water controlling

 magic even surpassing that of her mother my strength emanates from this Moon scepter hey 

care to join me on a JN to the Moon in unison they channeled their power Conjuring a colossal

 ice staircase that led directly to the moon this marks my inaugural Journey To The Moon 

h H this is my dear sister Luna the trio reveled in the resplendant Moonlight City yet this was

 also when Serena discovered the arranged engagement between Pandora and the sun Prince

Jason the union of the Moon deity and the sun Prince was an obligatory TR tradition handed

 down through generations though unfair Pandora couldn't Ascend to the throne without 

marrying the sun Prince that was the rule my days are about to get busier she was obligated 

to collaborate closely with Jason to maintain the harmony of day and night on earth and 

perhaps we'll only meet during full moon huh is that so understanding that nothing lasts for

ever and all children must grow up but Serena was still reluctant to bid farewell to the 

Beautiful Moments she shared with Pandora accept this token as long as you keep me in your

 thoughts the necklace will forever glow Serena reciprocated by gifting Pandora a necklace

 accompanied by a similar promise huh Pandora I've been searching for you everywhere 

oh who's this Sera my dearest friend given the impending wedding preparations Jason 

invited Serena back huh Serena restive feared the end of enchanting times her fears were 

realized Jason was a bad person with his overbearing nature since his arrival the encounters

 between Pandora and Serena became infrequent whenever they met he was always tagging

along huh worse still he intentionally dropped playful FLIR words to Serena whenever he 

was near huh and there was a strange aspect to this he was oddly fixated on Pandora's Moon

scepter Serena had warned about Jason's dubious actions on several occasions but Pandora

 consistently dismissed her no matter how Jason is I'll still marry him how could you under

stand the expectations my family had placed on this wedding blind love had clouded your

judgment during the wedding Serena secretly arranged to have a conversation with Jason if 

you hurt my friend I won't spare you is that so unexpectedly Jason sees Serena and kissed 

her are you out of your mind however it was too late Pandora had witnessed everything 

Traer leave I never want to see you again despite Serena's explanations Pandora refused to

listen turned out this was Jason's scheme to drive a wedge between the two friends Upon

 returning to the Sea Serena could no longer feel the tether between her and Pandora and 

without that connection the ocean's ethereal Spirit would lose her might in The Frigid

loneliness she envisioned a future where they might never cross paths again she strove to 

rise but creating a tidal wave was beyond her reach as a result she became encased in ice 

I'll miss you forever as for Pandora after the wedding ceremony Jason began to change his

attitude From This Moment forth the moon scepter is mine Jason desired absolute control

 over both day and night in the Mortal realm he aimed to eradicate the Moon Kingdom so 

that nothing could illuminate the human world during the night and the sun would seize

 dominion over everything was everything a trap how Dreadful regret overwhelmed Pandora

 her ambition to become Queen had led her to marry someone as vile as Jason her intention 

had been to gain Authority and gradually reform the Antiquated marriage tradition between

the Moon and the Sun it's over I've ens snared your fellow deities no one can Aid you now

 what is this huh terrified that Serena might have faced Misfortune Pandora temporarily 

subdued Jason and plunged into the sea no Sera it's all my fault their profound connection

 melted Serena's icy heart the frost covering her form gradually dissipated revealing her 

original Splendid SE nymph appearance misunderstandings were vanquished huh you 

bring now but trouble I shall Crush you and forever hold Pandora captive forever huh I 

Shan allow you to do whatever you want no be careful Sia Pandora summoned an extra

ordinary surge of power releasing it to Vanquish Jason permanently however he took her 

away with him leaving Serena in profound sorrow following the events the sun Kingdom

 appointed Jason's eldest sister to rule in an effort to redeem herself she abolished the 

traditional custom of seeking marriage between the Moon and the Sun huh Luna p or's 

younger sister stepped up temporarily to take her place every night Luna would cast 

down Moonlight to Grant Serena absorbed strength yet that Radiance couldn't match 

Pandora's warmth Serena's necklace continued to emit light ceaselessly as she attempted

time and again to search for her friend however her friend had now become completely 

distant leaving behind no Trace still Serena persisted with the necklaces glow and draing

 she would forever await Pandora time flowed on passing more than a century then one 

day the necklace suddenly went out leaving Serena utterly disappointed just as she was 

about to give up a miracle happened Pandora was there she had truly returned Serena 

whispered to herself that everyone own only has one kindred spirit and once found they 

would hold on to that person throughout their lifetime.

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