
Side story of Romeo and Juliet - Fairy Tales in English

Fair TS Romeo and Juliet you two will be together forever huh if the witch offers you a 

mysterious potion would you dare to use it as for Romeo and Juliet perhaps they had no other

choice Romeo and Juliet were lovers but the vast wealth Gap led to their love being forbidden 

ah despite the dark night they relentlessly ran insurge if there's a next life I don't want my blonde

 hair to be the reason we're apart I wish for simple red hair would you recognize me then of 

course I would but perhaps their wish would not come true I will follow you soon you belong to

me huh why am I still alive which what have you done one potion leads to the Eternal realm the

 other grants immortality you will become a vampire Immortal to stay by my side no it can't be 

as time passed all of Romeo's love ones left him becoming a vampire Immortal yet feared and

 shunned by everyone over a hundred years have passed no one remembers who Romeo was he

remains alone in his Dark Castle The Grudge remains with numerous coules between him and 

the weak yet no Victor she was always standing from afar observing the castle where Romeo

 was living one day you will love me both unaware Juliet had been resurrected the golden 

mushrooms are almost gone what if the sake need them where are you going Juliet I'm going 

to pick mushrooms in the deserted Castle H there's a vampire there don't go M but you at's 

compassion overcame her fear is anyone here I need some mushrooms no response Juliet 

thought the castle was abandoned and felt safe to pick mushrooms Juliet thought singing 

would ease her fear but it awoke Romeo in the castle oh oh the song sounds so familiar huh

Romeo's heart revived once there Juliet but I dare not meet her in this form mhm it seems safe 

here I'll come back tomorrow th they missed each other the next day Juliet returned ah just

 watching her makes me happy but the witch noticed something unusual Julian she's been

 resurrected I can't let this be but I can't go to that castle with the witch's cruelty she could think

 of anything go approach the red-haired one ah wolves huh are you all right you you are a 

vampire Don't Be Afraid thank you for saving me uh what are you doing your hand is injured

 juliad I won't let you off for the first time in in over a 100 years the castle welcomed a new

guest h Huh huh I'm a Healer I can bandage myself how can you do it with just one hand 

unbeknownst to Juliet the vampire turned out to be so Charming h ah finally done he doesn't 

seem as dangerous as people say just a bit different in appearance he even lit up the room to 

keep me from being scared thank you I must go now huh but it's raining outside it seemed even

 the heaven wanted them to stay together a bit long oh mhm I'll cook some in the kitchen huh 

huh you have to work for your food I should go to the kitchen huh can I help with anything H

 you're injured this I aren't vampire are supposed to conjure anything that's just a rumor thanks

 to Juliet's skillful hands food turned out delicious Juliet was no longer afraid un comfortably

 introduced herself to Romeo sorry for picking mushrooms without permission no problem 

what did you want them for these mushrooms are very spiritual besides healing they also ward 

off evil spirits unknown to them the rain had stopped and Juliet Bid Farewell to return home 

areen you picking mushrooms can't pick them wet I'll come tomorrow then uh I'll walk you home

 I can go alone but Romeo concerned followed her at a distance just one bite and she won't wake

up h Huh Juliet Romeo I won't let you and Juliet be together don't leave me again as Juliet 

neared death she felt a strange blood entering her body huh what what are you doing I'm fine

 I heard vampire blood can save people but it harms their health then you should take care of 

me you even at this point you still joke now I'm the patient Juliet felt her heart change when

 near Romeo and Romeo despite the bitter medicine felt it sweeter than sugar why does the 

witch have a grudge to attack me Romeo told Juliet everything knowing all Juliet's love for him

 only grew deeper you've lived alone for so many years I've met you the witch can't harm you

anymore don't you find it strange why does the witch come to this Castle this thought just flaged

 by they still couldn't find an answer Romeo's Health improved Juliet missed her Village having

 not returned for a long time mhm I'll visit you tomorrow no you just recovered 3 days okay or

 I'll be upset Juliet where have you been all this time I I I went to gather herbs due to Romeo's 

special status Juliet had to hide it but the witch wouldn't let it be soon she'll suck the blood of 

every everyone in the village Julia is good she always heals people Juliet let's see how you deny

this The Witch's evil made the impossible seem possible Juliet are you involved with a Vampire

 huh she won't defend herself because it's true but I haven't harmed anyone despite Juliet's 

explanations the villagers tied her up meanwhile will she be surprised on the appointed day 

Romeo eagerly went to find Juliet H H where has she gone sensing something wrong Romeo

searched for Juliet and he couldn't believe Juliet you came you came H how touching huh it's 

all because I couldn't protect you old dead and new today I will make you pay you still don't 

love me but protect that woman huh today's battle would end with one defeated one Victorious

 you're so har that's the price you must pay I will save her unnoticed by Romeo the witch had 

stood up without the power I gave you you can't do anything Romeo be careful finally you're

awake the witch withdrew Romeo's vampire powers H do you know why I didn't harm her until

 you came could it be she must disappear in front of you H but there's a way if you follow me

then huh don't you agree if he is not with me I don't want to live anymore then we shall go

together ah Juliet foils my plans again huh don't be afraid I'll be by your side so be it I will 

grant you your wishes what's happening the witch is arming people oh put out the f you quickly

 but human strength could not extinguish the wicked flavers huh it's because of the golden 

mushrooms huh it turned out that after returning Juliet had thought of this type of golden 

mushroom as the bane of the Wich but she was not sure to be cautious she carried them with 

her mhm without the mushrooms protection the witch struck where they were she never dared

to approach the castle the mushrooms seemed sent they flared up intensely creating a gold and

light catch her she's the real witch Romeo and Juliet were no longer separated finally the loving

 couple was reunited and you who's your deep love that still makes your heart flutter share your

 story with us very toast look over there the kind-hearted Witch is piecing together broken heart

pieces the dark witch also longed for the day when her cursed heart could be repaired in the 

same way the witch Seline has followed the path of practicing to become the strongest dark 

witch since ancient times Seline isolated herself day and night to learn dark magic in the forest

huh huh when Seline succeeded in mastering the summoning spell of the king cobra she became

 the Supreme witch Seline shattered The World of Magic and achieved her goal at the top but

 as one at the top Seline gradually became bored because she no longer had any opponents no

body wants Doo with me anymore huh Gold Silver and precious gems also no longer meant any

thing to her no one knew that the most powerful dark witch was actually very lonely dark 

magic had cursed her heart forever Seline became indifferent to everything she wandered 

throughout the world searching for something that could bring excitement to herself Seline 

attacked innocent people stole their love m causing couples to break up parents to abandon their

 children and people to live in pain after each time stealing love Seline felt a certain emotion 

creeping into her heart she used magic to look through her chest and examine her dark and 

congested heart she found a small pink spot on it that quickly disappeared after a few seconds

 Seline suddenly felt ashamed of her cursed heart and never dared to reveal it she began to be

addicted to the feeling of being loved and wished that one day she could fix her cursed heart

 one day she happened to come to a city hidden deep in the forest called everglow everywhere

 she looked she saw happy people living in harmony with mythical creatures such as fairies

unicorns and foxes they proudly revealed their bright red hearts on their chests all thanks to 

the town wizard who fixed their hearts Seline became interested in the Wizard because she 

believed he could help her fix her heart so she applied to work at his heart repair shop to learn

 the trade Liam was hesitant about seline's request he had heard rumors about her being a dark

 and evil witch who left pain and Chaos were ever she went Liam used magic to reveal seline's

heart and saw that it just black with sharp Thorns wrapped around it and not beating at all I'm 

afraid I can't help you I don't know how to fix a curs at heart if you won't help me I'll burn 

down this whole town to keep himself and his family safe Liam reluctantly allowed Seline 

to stay and work at his repair shop in the following days Seline worked tirelessly at the repair

 shop Liam had many customers and was always busy Seline watched as Liam repaired broken

hearts Liam would applied a layer of Happiness glue and a little forgiveness to finish the job

I want to try it too you still don't understand the nature of this work just observe for now not

 every ingredient of happiness is good in large amounts laughing at the wrong time can break

 your teeth being too forgiving can lead to exploitation and too much happiness can cause 

you to forget your your motivation when faced with difficulties so we only need just enough

of each thing we need to keep the necessary ingredients to share and repair other people's 

hearts on a busy day Liam asked Seline to watch over his six-year-old daughter Emily I 

promised to take Emily out today but I was too busy can you help me Emily always smiled 

and had a big heart without any scars this made Seline very curious Seline took the little girl

outside and they walked around everglow Miss I want to lie down here and watch the clouds 

the sky is so beautiful today h what's there to be happy about H well look Miss does that 

cloud look like an elephant the little girl's heart was pounding with joy which made Seline

jealous so she took out her magic wand to try and steal Emily's love but then Emily looked 

at her and smiled brightly her innocent and pure eyes made sine feel embarrassed for some 

reason Seline couldn't bring herself to steal that innocence away let's go back now or your dad

 will worry yes ma'am one day while Liam was away a unicorn named Loi came to ask for help

in fixing her heart uh is Liam here Liam is not here but I am his Apprentice can I help you with

 something I need to fix my heart I want to create the brightest rainbow in the world but my

 magic is too weak and that also leads to my heartbreaking Seline followed Liam's lead and 

used her confidence happiness and skills to fix lol's heart after the first attempt she succeeded

 seline's black heart Shone a Pink Spot and this time The Pink Spot did not disappear it was as

 if fixing someone else's heart was was slowly healing her own Seline happily sent Loi home

 and Liam returned at the right moment do you know what I successfully fixed your client's

heart really did you do it right you still don't believe me look at my heart oh that's great so 

fixing someone's heart also heals your own heart hm H that's right thank you Liam however 

the next day The Pink Spot disappeared Seline felt discouraged but Liam decided to research

how to fix a cursed heart in the town's Library he discovered that the only thing that could 

help The Pink Spot on seline's heart not disappear was the essence of the Stars star Essence 

huh I know where it is come with me quickly as Liam and Seline ran through a magical forest

 a roaring sound echoed a monster tiger jumped out from the bushes instead of feeling scared

 Liam laughed with her impressive if you know how to use your power for good who knows 

maybe you wouldn't be cursed now H stop talking nonsense let's keep going Liam is so much

 like his daughter even his smile brings healing they arrived at a cave blocked by a giant 

boulder Liam studied the symbols on the Rock and saw that each Square represented four

 elements earth air Fire and Water Liam looked around picked up a clump of dirt and put it in

 the earth's symbol Liam used a spell to gather wind and put it in the air symbol Seline under

stood and used a spell to create a spark and put it in the fire symbol and Liam immediately

used magic to put water in the water Square inside the cave was a dark room with three dark

 Wizards gathered they were holding a competition to find the strongest wizard to become

 their leader Seline met Ramsey a jealous dark wizard who always envied her power he was

 wearing a necklace with a vial of star Essence isn't this the Supreme dark wizard Seline do 

you want to do with us I will crush your arrogance no I am only here for the star Essence

 Ramsey immediately realized that Seline wanted to fix her cursed heart he secretly devised

 a plan to defeat Seline once and for all oh a dark wizard who wants to fix their heart all right

 then let's fight you win I'll give you the star Essence okay seline's eyes turned red and she

summoned a pack of venomous snakes around her Ramsey quickly summoned a thunderous

 storm above them both neither of the Two Witches was willing to lose determined to defeat

 the other it seems I've underestimated you watch this fine let me go don't even think about 

defeating me catch him it's a waste of such power to fall into your hands if you want this star

 Essence so badly then give all your strength to me you resist he will be punished Seline 

didn't know when she started to show a special concern for Liam those days were the happiest

 in her life perhaps this power no longer meant anything to her if it did not bring happiness to

her therefore Seline decided to let Ramsey drain her magic no Seline with a last bit of strength

Seline looked through Ramsay's chest and saw that his heart had turned black just like hers

H now no one can stop me someday you will understand the feeling of loneliness when you

 were on top like I once was although Seline and Liam had lost Seline believed that she had 

made the right decision Seline and Liam returned to everglow they were welcomed by Emily 

and the people in the town including Loi who was very grateful for seline's efforts Seline 

happily gave Liam a passionate kiss his kindness was what had saved her she continued 

working at the shop until her heart was completely free from the curse now a beautiful deep

bread from then on Seline stayed in evergrow forever and played the role of a mother who 

always took care of Emily she taught the little girl to use her magic for good aiming for 

peace in love for her loved ones W very toast Queen nasia was a strict and cold person while 

her daughter quines Nana was playful and full of energy what if they switched places with the

 mother becoming the daughter and the daughter becoming the mother scandal impossible one 

week earlier Nana was considered the happiest princess in the world as she had everything 

that Ordinary People could ever wish for with just a flicker of joy in her eyes no matter how

 rare or precious an item was it would belong to Nana Banana was not happy as she felt like

 she was trapped in a stuffy bubble that she could not escape from all the stories of her life

 were only known through books and storytelling she was not allowed to do anything on her

 own with just a little effort a servant would be there to help her even exposure to sunlight 

was limited by her mother who feared she would fall ill every detail of ni's daily life was 

recorded and reported back to her mother meanwhile Nana loved to explore the world and 

go to the places she desired of course her mother would never agree Nana was a doll and Dolls

 could only live in castles why I just want to live like a normal person one day a lost bird flew

 into Nana's room taking advantage of the servant's carelessness Nana kept the bird and took

 care of it herself when the bird was able to fly high with its wings Nana mischievously tried

 to communicate with the outside world by tying a letter to its foot to her surprise the bird 

brought back a response from them on Nana's life became more interesting with this pinp

pal friend the pinp pal told niana many interesting things about the places he had been to H

 this inspired Nana to make a decision to run away from the palace and go to the magical forest

 she had always wanted to visit but in the end Nana's Joy of being so close to Freedom was

crushed she was caught by the queen and her soldiers it's a mess it's a real mess who gave you

 the courage to do such a thing mother why did you read my letter why do you always try to

 manage me like a lifeless doll don't act like you don't know anything look you're living a life

that everyone want then you live like this can you really bear it mother I just want to be a 

normal person in the midst of a tense atmosphere a bright light Shone and the queen and the

 princess both fainted when they woke up their souls had been swapped n was living in her

 mother's body while her mother woke up in her daughter's body their behavior was strange 

no matter how much they explain it was too unbelievable the king and everyone else didn't

 believe it I suppose the two of you were just too shess so let each other rest in your own 

rooms Nana more aware of the current situation saw this as an opportunity to change her life

release me stop joking around Nana I'm very busy there are many things I need to deal with 

Nana ordered her servants to bring her mother the best and most strictly controlled items just 

as she had always experienced before the queen was almost bursting at the seams after her 

first day living as her daughter Release Me Do you believe that when I return to my body I 

will won't punish you knowing she shouldn't intrude on her daughter's privacy the queen 

secretly read the letters niana wrote to her pen pal out of boredom I know my mother loves 

me very much that's why she controls me so tightly however all I want is to live like a 

normal person even if it means I may suffer be hungry or be in pain I have to go now my

mother's health is deteriorating come with me to the magical forest I read that there is a 

flower there that can cure my mother's severe headaches I was wrong I misunderstood it 

luckily the pin pal finally arrived that was the same person that the queen had previously 

prohibited the princess from playing with thinking he was a thief and not trustworthy but 

now he was the one who helped her Escape From The Castle Queen realized that she had not

imposed her thoughts on others and almost made her daughter lose her good friend meanwhile

 as Queen niana decided to dedicate a day to herself to enjoy and have fun now I can freely 

go outside and have fun no you can't your majesty still has to finish your work come on come

 on it'll only take a moment living as a queen and having a seal in hand Nana was able to cancel

 the order to destroy the magical forest n focused on approving and resolving her work until 

she was tortured by Queen mother's chronic headache it turns out that her mother for the 

country and family did not have any time for herself your majesty did anyone come to visit 

the princess today you have never missed this before niana decided that she had to immediately

 continue her plan to go to the magical forest to find the precious blow to heal her mother's

illness experiencing life outside the palace with the first time n was surprised and delighted by

everything however her excitement also brought unexpected troubles a group of Thieves saw 

that niana had money and lured her to be kidnapped H hm of course n quickly fell into the Trap

of these kidnappers however she was rescued by her pin and the queen who happened to pass

by Nana realized that her mother's previous warnings were not redundant I'm sorry niana I 

just want to provide you with the best environment I'm afraid that you'll get hurt or fall it's my

fault you're right I don't understand your heart and always want to follow my own desires 

sometimes failure is a necessary experience thanks to that the two of you finally understand

 each other that's right at this moment magic happened once again just like the moment when

 the two of them exlained B when they woke up n saw that they were floating on a boat in 

the magical forest that she always wanted to visit mother we're back to normal why why is 

this happening don't worry everything will be fine I want to show this to the princess as soon 

as the voice faded a piece of old memory was projected by that year the queen gave birth to

 princess niana while traveling through this forest with the King fortunately the entire Royal

 Family escaped the pack of savage beasts however because niana was born prematurely her 

breath was fragile and feeble Almighty mermaid please let my child live I am willing to 

exchange my own lifespan for her no matter how many years moved by the sacred bond between

 mother and daughter the mermaid granted Nana an additional 18 years of life at the cost 

of reducing the Queen's lifespan by that amount time flew by and as mi's 18th birthday 

approached the queen grew increasingly afraid her love for her daughter almost drove her to

 commit a heinous act of destroying the forest I am truly despicable and selfish I only thought 

of doing whatever it takes to keep niana alive I apologize to her the time has come today I will

 take niana away please Grant her more time at the cost of any amount of my lifespan or even 

my own life please just one more year for Indiana she is still too young princess your mother's

 love is understood mother please don't do this 18 years having you in my life for 18 years 

already brings me so much happiness I cannot Grant niana a normal human life but because 

the princess has done Good Deeds by Saving this Forest I will allow her to become a nature

 Spirit here under this title n could live freely explore the Magnificent natural world and as

 a special privilege each year the mermaid granted Nana and her mother the chance to reunite

 mother thank you for showing me how beautiful life can be my life exists because of you 

and so I shall cherish it and live happily.

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