
The Flying Witch | Bedtime Stories For Kids

The flying witch Es are just witches right well but every witch has a story and today we are going 

to hear a witchy story many moons ago there lived a beautiful young girl named Maria she loved 

her Gardens and her books Maria was taken care of by her mother who loved her more than any

thing in the world here keep this doll with you Mom I'm a little too old for dolls don't you think my 

best friend gave it to me to keep me safe we stopped talking years back but I will always miss her

no matter what the dough will always protect you and show you the right path but now I want to 

keep you safe months later Maria's mother fell very ill and eventually she was gone Maria loved 

and missed her mother and she lived in the house and carried on with her life with her mother's 

dear memories Maria realized that the house was too big for her alone she decided to give some 

part of the house for rent after months she found a middle-aged couple who wanted to rent one 

room in her house my my this house is too sushi for a young girl is just you did the right thing by

allowing us to keep you company um the big house was never a problem for me but yes I would 

love some company oh we will welcome ourselves Maria was of a good heart so she never suspected 

anything she happily showed them around but Mr and Mrs jiberson had different plans they wanted 


to snatch the house from Maria if only this young girl was sent away forever we can have the whole     

house to ourselves they hatched a plan my husband has a very strange disease and the only one who 

can cure it lives across the hills deep into the forest but she's a witch Baba Yaga is her name I'm 

sorry it is not fair how can I ask a young girl to go to the witch just to save my husband that is so 

selfish no but Maria being the gentle soul as she was left most bravely to meet Baba Yaga and plead

with her to save Mr giberson while having no idea of the jimerson's real intentions after days of

trekking and walking through the dense forest Maria felt something a gush of air like something

was approaching her from the air it was Baba Yaga dashing into the forest on her flying saucer oh 

no no no no no no no no I have made a mistake I could not go any further yes yes you can and you 

must oh who is that the witch oh no I'm going to be turned into a chicken no silly it's me your 

favorite doll and it was the doll given to Maria by her mother she explained to Maria that she was 

a magical doll Maria was shocked I don't know what to believe but I just saw a witch in a flying

saucer I am so going to trust you my talking doll good now listen to me save some bread and milk 

from the food that you are carrying Carry On To The Witch's Hut and give the piece of bread and 

milk to the dog and cat just do as I say and you shall be fine be brave and with that the talking doll 

was back to just being a doll Maria took a deep breath and continued her journey don't say that you

were doing great really you were just going to keep coming and going like that ah who's that you 

think you can fool Baba Yaga you silly girl no please I come here to seek help I have a couple staying 

at my place and Mr Jefferson is not well and he has this rare disease and only you have the medicine 

for that is that so hmm let me see if you are seeing the truth Baba Yaga opened her pot and hummed 

a spell she looked inside and saw that Mr Jimerson was hail and Hardy and the couple was dancing

 around the house Baba Yaga turned around fuming with anger you Thief how dare you I shall turn 

you into a violin oh yes yes I need some of the best herbs the nail of the Southern dragon yes Baba 

Yaga in a room and left to get her supplies to make the spell what do I do now doll say something

now through her fears and tears Maria saw the cat and dog though she was scared she remembered       

the piece of bread and milk she had saved she petted the animals dearly and fed them I don't know

what would the witch do with me but at least I am not alone I have you both and my doll ah the rich

 won't do anything to you not if you do exactly what we ask you to my day just keeps getting stranger

we haven't even started yet listen girl the witch you so fear was not always like this yeah believe it or

not she was actually just like you the cat and the dog told Maria that the witch actually started acting

Wicked when she stopped looking at herself in the mirror something about her having a fight and 

she being abandoned that's not very specific stop wasting her time listen girl the witch will be here 

any minute here take these this Coleman mirror magical girl you will never be able to outrun the 

witch without these her saucer is just so fast it's turbo anyway the moment you feel that the witch 

is catching up with you throw these things on the ground one at a time it shall slow her down go 

now Maria ran like she was already being followed by the witch on the other hand the witch had 

just returned to her Hut only to find the dog and cat sitting with pride and Maria gone the witch's 

anger knew no bounds she boarded her flying saucer and dashed into the forest foreign I can hear 

the leaves ruffling I can hear she's catching up quickly throw the comb right Maria threw the combed

 onto the ground and hid behind a tree as soon as the witch approached the comb the comb flew and

 began to comb The Witch's messy hair you see the witch stopped combing your hair so it got dirty 

the comb cleaned the dirt off the witch's hair leaving them naturally curly R stop I don't like this run

 Maria Maria ran with all her will but a while later she could hear the witch approaching again oh 

wait as Maria hid behind a large Stone she saw that the magical mirror turned into a giant mirror

Mountain approached the mountain and though she tried to cover her eyes not wanting to see her 

own reflection it was too late and to Maria's shock the witch began to cry she is crying oh no I hurt 

her what have I become if Anna were here she would have cone my hair and put flowers in them 

like she always did at least she had the magical doll I gave her to remember me by but what do I 

have oh I miss you Anna I miss you so much as Baba younger cried she realized that she needed to 

cry out loud to feel better and lighter and Maria on the other hand realized something else wait the

 magical doll is she talking about my mother Anna it's me I am sorry for your pain but is this the 

doll you gave Anna wait foreign yes how do you have it Anna was my mother oh what Anna and 

Baba Yaga were the best of friends Anna loved Baba Yaga and her little magic tricks but after an 

argument I stopped talking to her I realized that she was gone and I just couldn't face it I stopped

looking in the mirror and stopped taking care of myself but that is when I began to use magic for 

wrong means now that I see myself in a mirror I realize that I have let Anna down no you haven't 

Anna never forgot you I understand now she wanted me to find you that is why she gave me this 

doll the doll was a gift from Baba Yaga to Anna she would only come to life to help Anna and after 

she was gone to help Maria Baba Yaga hugged Maria tightly and vowed to never let her go Baba 

Yaga taught the Jimerson couple a very good lesson they now knew not to cheat anybody ever again

wow Baba Yaga now understood the importance of looking at yourself just because we don't think

about our actions and don't look at ourselves does not mean we are not answerable for our actions

Maria too had learned not to let any random strangers into the house Baba Yaga was still called 

The Witch but mostly because she was very intelligent and she knew a lot of spells which she used 

for the good of others well on most days Miss Baba Yaga uh Baba Yaga and Maria continued their

strange friendship and embarked on their new Journey together.

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