
The Bride of Death

In life everyone has many dreams and hopes however there are some wishes that you may never be 

able to fulfill but if you are sincere and believe in the magic the wishing fairies like us will come to 

you and Grant your wishes and that was Camilla the beautiful and hard-working fairy who granted

 wishes in the Magical Kingdom from the day she was born she had the task of fulfilling the dreams 

of all beings Camilla completed 100 wishes and collected Enough stars in her jar she would finally 

have a wish of her own she wished to become the greatest wish-granting fairy and rule the Enchanted

 Forest however there was one wish she could never Grant the wish of Resurrection which was strictly

 forbidden therefore she's a slight death and everything related to it one day Camilla saw the fairy of

 wishes Josie struggling to fulfill the wish of a family despite her efforts she couldn't complete it so

 Camilla hurriedly went to help them after granting the wish the person was pleased and closed their

 eyes while Camilla finally obtained her 99th wish foreign Josie was Furious when she witnessed 

the scene because she was lazy arrogant and jealous of Camilla's achievements therefore Josie 

decided to steal Camilla's wish jar so that she wouldn't have to work hard anymore Josie what are 

you doing I'm just taking back my wish and while I'm at it I'll take your wish jar too huh however

 Camilla was quick-witted and flexible so Josie couldn't easily defeat her therefore she quickly cast 

a spell on innocent people to lore Camilla into saving them if Camilla lost Focus Josie stole the

wish jar however Josie didn't enjoy it for long when suddenly the Grim Reaper appeared it turned 

out that the Grim Reaper was just doing his job and came here to take the soul of The Departed to 

the other side he didn't care about the battle between the fairies but when he saw Camilla's wish jar

 almost fulfilled he changed his mind the Grim Reaper cast a spell and captured Josie then took back 

the wish jar and made an offer to camura I'll help you get this wish jar back if you agree to help me

huh go to the wake of knowledge in the Holy Land of the fairies which I could not go to on my own

so that I can find out about my past love who I haven't heard from for so long moreover if you               

complete this wish for me won't you have fulfilled all 100 wishes grim reapers who have no emotions

 are rigid and only know how to capture Souls like him huh but I can't let my wish be stolen therefore

 Camilla accepted to fulfill the Grim Reaper's wish and this was her 100th wish afterward the Grim 

Reaper happily returned the wish bottle to Camilla underway Camilla discovered that the Grim 

Reaper's name was Dawson one of the Reapers who collected souls in this Forest and he had a

 completely opposite personality to her huh huh if Dawson was always cold and somewhat Fierce 

with everyone Camilla was enthusiastic and willing to help them huh however Dawson realized that

 Camilla never refused any tasks which made her easily exhausted and her health was deteriorating

yeah huh huh oh when Camilla woke up she saw Dawson taking care of her very carefully and gently

 far from his frightening appearance why are you helping me because I don't want my guy to die 

before fulfilling My Wish hmm I thought you were kind enough to help me you are foolish you 

always appear strong and concerned about others but you neglect your own health and become very

weak like this I did this just to help others you should remember to accept tasks that are within your

 ability and not make others depend on you but because everything needs to learn how to be self-

sufficient and develop their own abilities in difficult times for long-term growth huh you don't care

about yourself love yourself you will always live in a state of insecurity with everything in life

 moreover people will be very worried about you what Dawson said is right I always work hard

and never rest because I don't want to disappoint or make everyone sad but sometimes it only makes

 everything worse Camilla gradually understood that Grim Reaper's reminders and then she intended     

to continue the journey but suddenly they heard a painful cry nearby when they were investigating 

the cause they stumbled upon an old villager who had passed away due to old age and weakness

however as Dawson was about to take the soul to the other side the family adamantly refused to 

hand over the soul to him this made the Grim Reaper very upset but Camilla quickly calmed his 

anger I understand that it is your responsibility to take the soul to the other side but please don't 

harm the innocent they only did so out of regret and remorse for the lives of their loved ones

therefore please understand and forgive the negative emotions of everyone and let them have some

 more time to Bid Farewell to their loved ones hearing this Dawson tried to regain his composure and

 gently comforted everyone alright I will give you more time to Bid Farewell to this Soul you don't

 have to worry too much he was originally kind and hard-working surely he will live happily in the

 afterlife with the gentle actions and words of the Grim Reaper everyone finally understood and sent 

the soul back to him hmm see I told you if you behave kindly everything will be resolved smoothly 

and quickly that's right thank you very much I understand how important kindness is in this deadly 

job seeing Dawson becoming General Camilla smiled brightly and nodded gradually Camilla also

 realized that her heart was beating more irregularly and happily every time she talked to Dawson

however she tried to push away any romantic thoughts because she thought it was just a temporary

 crush and Dawson already had someone he had dreamed of after many days of overcoming difficult

paths together Dawson and Camilla finally arrived at the lake of knowledge however they did not

 notice that a dark eye was watching them Camilla and Dawson arrived at the lake and met a 

beautiful goddess who called herself the caretaker of this place I am the goddess of knowledge the 

one who knows everything on Earth so you must be the Grim Reaper and the fairy seeking me to 

ask about the Lost lover of the Grim Reaper right yes that's right can you tell us the answer of course

 the lover of the Grim Reaper is this girl right here however Camilla was very surprised when she 

saw her own image in front of her why is the person Dawson is looking for me because you were 

his lover in the past life it turned out that in their past life Miller was Dawson's love however at that

 time Dawson was a Playboy who didn't care about his girlfriend so Camilla became depressed and

 passed away after learning the truth Dawson regretted and suffered alive he was willing to become 

the Grim Reaper to keep the beautiful memories of Camilla at the same time Dawson always waited

for the day to meet her again as long as he saw her happy she would disappear huh Dawson never

 expected that in the next life Camilla would be a beautiful fairy so they were completely different 

from each other from appearance to position therefore he tried to help Camilla become the best fairy 

by fulfilling her 100th wish and then he would vanish so everything was like that what what that we

 were once lovers I have done too many things wrong to you besides from the beginning he did not

like the Grim Reaper like me so as long as you know that the person I always love and miss in this 

last moment is still you that's enough before Camilla could say anything else she felt a surge of power

 rushing towards them therefore Camilla quickly used her magic to protect Dawson the person who

 attacked them was Josie the one who was taking advantage of Camilla to fulfill her 100th wish

it turned out Josie tried to escape from the cage using her magical flames however she couldn't 

control it and everything was burned down after that Josie didn't help anyone and only went to find

 Camilla and Grim Reaper himself when Josie found Camilla and Grim Reaper she was Furious 

and jealous that Camilla had completed her 100th wish so Josie continued to be greedy and attacked

 them finally the wish jar is mine Josie don't you dare take that voice jar away after witnessing 

Josie's greed and Mischief Grim Reaper used his last bit of energy to Open the Gate of Hell and

punish her however Josie quickly dragged the Grim Reaper down to hell with her the middle of 

rushed to help Dawson but the Grim was afraid that Camilla would be sucked into the gate too so 

he sacrificed himself to close the game no Dawson the wish bottle I wish Dawson could be resurrected

 and live happily ever after with me unfortunately her wish couldn't come true because she wasn't

 allowed to resurrect anyone are there in this life or the next day I wish for all couples like us to 

overcome all hardships and have eternal happiness then beams of light from the wish bottle Shone

 brightly fulfilling her wish many years later she met someone who looked very similar to Dawson 

on the road while she was granting wishes for everyone huh huh thank you for helping me do I have 

a chance to get to know you I would be delighted laughs.

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