
The Magic Wings of Bird Goddess |

In a fairyland there is a beautiful bird goddess Eldora a bird goddess is very popular and respected by

 the people she possessed the magic of light helping plants to flourish as well as bringing warmth to 

the people in the cold weather therefore she was considered a symbol of the garden God here so the

 days passed everyone lived in prosperity and warmth however a great flood came and overwhelmed

 the people leaving them helpless huh huh in order to save everyone from being Swept Away by the

 flood Eldora sacrificed part of her power to create a ring of light energy to protect the people huh 

while she was exhausted she was turned into a bird and drifted with the flood to the land of men oh 

huh when Eldora waken up she found herself in the care of a strange boy in a splendid room Eldora

 tried to escape but because of her lack of strength she was exhausted and fell little bird sit still other

 wise your wounds will get worse why are you standing there quickly get a cure for the little bird

huh yes my Lord and you too Prince amaris I am here at a pity for your little fate to save your life 

from the water you just woke up wanting to escape and if you're still stubborn and won't sit still and 

let me treat you I'll leave you to the wild animals this person is truly detestable every word that comes

 out of his mouth is full of bitterness and he is also hot tempered with everyone once I regain my            

strength I'm certain that I will punish you to avenge for everyone however eldora's words were like 

a bird singing so the cold Prince could not understand and still came to take care of her regularly

oh gradually Eldora realized that even though amaris was a hot-tempered Barren person the inner 

nature was a good one moreover every night she awoke with a start when she saw Ameris having

nightmares muttering that someone should not force him to go and woke up in fear and that the deity

 also became more gloomy at that time amaris went to eldora's place and confided the life and death 

of human life to her as a way to dissipate the fear and fall asleep here is about my life can help you 

to dream a beautiful dream consider this my grateful gift to you a few days later eldora's wounds 

finally healed and she was eager to return to her own land to visit the people seeing eldora's eagerness

 to fly away Ameris hurriedly opened a window for her hmm more well again and you must miss 

your family whenever you wish Fly Away although Eldora was Disturbed when she saw amerissa's 

sad face she was also worried about the people of her hometown so she decided to leave sorry Ameris 

I will certainly not forget your grace and if I have the chance I will come back after Eldora returned 

to the Wonderland she was glad to know that everyone was safe huh goddess Eldora also returned

healthy and we are happy it was thanks to a man who saved me that I was able to recover my strength

 and come back here Eldora then told everyone the story of herself and amaris as well as her worries 

about amerisists nightmares the people nodded to each other and consoled their goddess we under

stand the goddess for the safety of the people so we rushed back to the land after recovering 

our strength the old saying that if you are grateful give back so if you're so worried about amaris you

 should hurry back and visit him welcome to goddess is away we will take good care of ourselves          

and this place thank you very much after I returned the favor to amaris I will return and in that time 

I will still leave half of my strength here to protect everyone Eldora then parted ways with the people

and returned to the Palace where amaris was sadly waiting for the little bird to return at first amaris 

was happy to see Eldora but immediately he appeared cold and indifferent to her however eldoro is 

accustomed to these words and actions so she still understood what the prince was thinking since 

the purpose was to repay amaris Eldora was always silently searching for clues about the dark smoke

 around him that time however amaris also quickly noticed the abnormality in the room when he was

 absent one day he pretended to leave the room answer a baditiously saw what was happening 

finally he caught sight of the little bird turning into a beautiful girl and hurriedly held her back to 

ask questions who are you why did you turn into a little bird and search my room for something

I am the bird goddess of the Wonderland and I came here to repay you for saving my life by finding 

out where the dark smoke of hearing nightmare came from and helping him to destroy it but I don't

 want you involved in this because that's smoke death who will carry away my soul in a few days 

when I am 18. the death it turned out that 15 years ago America's father the king of this place because

 he wanted to defeat the invading Empire protect the people he signed a contract with death and agreed

 to exchange the first thing he embraced when he returned to the palace for her the king thought this

 contract was too good because he only needed to hug the statue in the palace Hall foreign but did 

not expect that his only son amaris because he was too eager to wait for his father to return so he 

stood behind the door and hugged him then the king found him and begged death to spare his son's 

life a deal is a deal and I have never made an exception to that moreover the King's son was very

 intelligent and would have been a powerful Lackey for me in hell the king insisted even offering to

 trade his remaining life expectancy for the number of years amaris would live okay the life of the 

king is only 15 years corresponding to the day Ameris turns 18. I will appear and take the soul of 

amaris as agreed and leave after that death disappeared in the smoke and waited for the day to bring

the soul of Ameris to hell knowing his short Destiny amaris had always treated everyone coldly since 

he did not want anyone involved and saddened about his death Eldora promised Ameris that she 

would try to defeat death to restore his life if it were death she would be afraid of delight I will use 

my power to protect you in an instant Eldora sacrificed her remaining power of flight and gave it to

Ameris as protection as long as you carry this orb of energy with you death will not be able to

seize your soul what's wrong with you is it because you gave me the remaining strength that makes 

you weak if so I cannot accept I still have half of my power left in the Fairyland so if I go there I 

will recover my power besides the thing I care about most right now is your life whatever the price        

I'm willing to pay oh Dora still can't not giving amarius a chance to return to power Eldora hurriedly

 left Aldora has sacrificed so much for me I won't let you down as Aldora had expected even though

 amaris was 18 years old as long as he kept eldora's power with him there was nothing death could

do yeah however amaris was still worried about eldora's appearance at that time so he set out to find 

her hearing amerisist prayer eldora's protector guided him to where she lived despite the hardships

 amaris did not give up hope of finding Eldora as he approached ameriso Eldora falling near the

 Fairyland and hurried to hug her and inquire because before that I gave you half of my power

so when this blizzard came I didn't have the strength and fall like that then I will give you the power 

of this light to heal you quickly ah and there's you put it on the ground and let me get it myself

this light is giving me a headache but isn't light a symbol of strength you should have been happy to

 receive it huh maybe you were the fake Eldora smiled transforming to death's appearance holding

 chain from the underworld heading towards Ameris to capture him oh yeah please stop Eldora as it

 turned out the real Eldora had heard strange noises outside so she rushed to watch and was punished

 instead of a mirrors a door why did you do that because during the time I was with you I loved you 

a kind caring person always helping people therefore I am willing to make a sacrifice in exchange 

for your happiness no I can't let you be carried away back death because through the past I also 

realized I loved you very much at that moment their intense tears of Love fell creating a bright light 

and causing death to be knocked out it seemed that everything was going well but death was

still trying to cast Magic on Eldora to destroy her however Amira sawdust and sacrificed his life to

 protect her at last I have the soul of Prince amaris hurry back to hell with me however death could 

not drag America's soul to hell it was because the love between Eldora and Ramirez was so Noble 

that his soul was already in America's heart and could not leave why between two different races two

different people two different missions there exists such a close connection because it is love a very

 sacred profound thing that can defeat all difficulties and hardships in this life moreover it is our

 differences that make this love so deep and inseparable witnessing this Lee admires the couple's

 admirable sacrifice and returns America's soul to Freedom thank you for helping me to understand 

how sacred is the Love of All Things and I hope that you amaris will continue to accumulate virtues 

and create blessings so that you can live a happy hundred years with Eldora finally Ameris and Eldora

 are together and happy forever after.

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