
The Secret Behind the Princess Mask

Once upon a time in a beautiful kingdom called loika there lived a mysterious Noble family this 

family was the descendant of a long-standing lineage of wizards and they had six children the 

youngest daughter happens to be the seventh child of the Seventh Son seven star child I suspect that 

she will do great things in the future with a crown-shaped birthmark on your forehead we shall call 

You Bridget hey did you know that the noble family just gave birth to a baby girl with a crown shaped

 breath mark on her forehead oh my it is said that the one with a birthmark on their forehead will 

one day rule the world that may be true but that loud mouth should give their mouth shut now the

news reached Lanka the king of the country he was worried so he ordered his guards to keep an eye 

on Bridget's family Bridge it's further knew about that he was afraid that his daughter was in danger 

so we always hit her in the house and casted a spell to create a protective barrier around the house

Bridget grew up within the four walls of her house and as she Grew Older she became increasingly

 curious about the outside world she longed to explore it but her father and brothers had already done 

so and she was envious of their Adventures my dear now that you have grown up I know that I cannot

 keep you forever I will teach you the spell of transfiguration and some spells to protect yourself

buddy you must remember that the spell of transfiguration can only be used once in a lifetime when 

you use it you can change your appearance and cover up the birthmark but you will have to carry that

 appearance for the rest of your life if you intentionally use it a second time this spell will destroy 

you yes Father I remember this she was able to go out and see the world that she had always longed      

for thanks to that she was able to go out and see with her own eyes the world she had always loved 

to see their new appearance she could freely move around without having to be cautious of anyone

she traveled all around the kingdom using her magic to help many poor and sick people huh every

one loved and worshiped Bridget as a Divine Spirit who helped the people she was very happy to be

 able to help many people more and more she wanted to discover more and more about the outside

world about mysterious forests flowing rivers and Majestic mountains Bridget had a passion to 

explore all that day when she was crossing a large Forest she suddenly saw a handsome young man 

in danger a group of soldiers cornered him and wanted to finish him off at this point Bridget  

immediately used her magic to save him uh thank you oh my goodness you were my savior actually 

I am the prince of this Kingdom who I accidentally fell into the Trap of evil people and I was in 

danger thanks to you I am saved can I know your name please my name is Bridget I'm just a 

daughter of an ordinary family because of the same age the two quickly became friends and traveled

 together and gradually developed feelings for each other the two gradually shared all their secrets 

with each other in fact I am the daughter of a family of wizards I was born with a birthmark on my

 forehead so my father taught me the spell of transfiguration to cover it up and protect me from 

danger I have a secret too in fact I am just an adopted child my birth parents passed away when I 

was very young unfortunately the conversation between the two was overheard by the king spice as 

he did not fully trust The Prince and always had people following him the king sent his men to 

Bridget's house to capture her parents as hostages to lure her out the only person who knows about 

my birthmark is the prince that's right he was the one who tricked me and got my parents arrested I 

hate him she planned to rescue her parents herself but after a few days of observation she realized that  

it was very difficult to break into the past she took a risk and decided to use the spell of transfiguration

 once again to turn into the prince and sneaked into the palace when she entered the palace she couldn't

 find her parents and she panicked and ran outside causing the consequence of the transformation

spell to manifest her face became extremely painful and ugly and the birthmark was exposed the King

 was overjoyed to see this and rushed to attack her wanting to steal her power Bridget fought back

 fiercely but she was too weak at that moment just as the King was about to attack her when all is 

might the prince appeared and shielded her but he was seriously injured why are you so foolish a 

secretly rescued your parents in fact the king is my family's enemy who killed my parents I was

 heartbroken when I couldn't protect my own parents so I am glad that I could protect you this time

 upon hearing the truth Bridget regretted misunderstanding The Prince and gathered all her strength 

to defeat the king moment the king fell he also collapsed and fainted the prince rushed over and 

picked her up carrying her as he searched for help everyone she is the kind girl who used her magic      

to help all of you before now she's in danger because she saved me please let's all think of a way to 

save her the people quickly realized their Savior and they gather together to pray for her at that 

moment many candles were lit as they prayed for her recovery as their prayers ended planes flew

towards Bridget and healed the wound on her face she redeemed consciousness after she regained

 Consciousness she and the prince quickly got married he willingly gave up his throne for her

to be by her side under Bridget's Rule the Kingdom prospered and remained peaceful for many years 

to come.

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