
Secret of the Angel Squad | Bedtime Stories For Kids


Do you believe in Guardian Angels they are the ones who will be by your side caring for and

 protecting you throughout your life today was an important day for three Apprentice Angels named

 Riley Nora and Brooklyn before you officially become Guardian Angels you must care for Sasha a

 recently departed Soul this is a very special soul and her reincarnation process needs to go smoothly

 keep going the Three Angels couldn't understand why they needed all three of them to care for such 

a small Soul however they were certain that the Archangel had had a worthy reason for it huh what

 happened where am I stay calm you are in heaven and we will help you through the reincarnation

 process reincarnation but in the evening before Sasha was strolling when she got hit by a hor drawn

 carriage running at a frightening speed when she opened her eyes she found herself in heaven she

 couldn't accept that her life had end did so abruptly the scar on her face must be from that accident 

all three of them LED Sasha to the castle of designation huh this is your music box huh Every Soul

 needs to embrace their Destiny and the limited time they have on Earth after passing away each soul 

is given a music box to reflect their life within 7 Days our responsibility is to help you compose that

 music by unfolding the story you narrate if your music is beautiful you will be reborn into a life of

 privilege if it's ordinary you will be an ordinary citizen but if the music is discordant you might

 become creatures of the lower Realms the Archangel will be the one to review your music H is is 

that so in the following days despite the attentive care from the Angels Sasha remains silent and 

refused to speak on the third day Brooklyn had an idea she created an illusion of Sasha's perfect life 

in the next Incarnation who knows maybe you'll become a princess wouldn't that be nice the 

enthusiasm from the Angels finally convinced Sasha to share her life story she had a natural talent 

for music and pursued her passion despite her mother's disapproval huh huh at the age of 16 she 


shined when she performed for the king at the city's Grand Theater later her self-composed and

 performed music became famous everywhere but Sasha regretted that she couldn't say goodbye to 

her mother before leaving this world this overwhelming sorrow has left me unable to share my own

story no I understand I will compose a song for you wait something doesn't feel right look closely 

these doves are the ones who lied during the creation of their music hence they've been punished

if you lie you might end up becoming one of these doves I'm telling the truth to verify her words the

 Three Angels determined to conjure an illusion of the most crucial moment in Sasha's life huh the 

time when she sang for the king and was asked to recreate that event it's too crowded overcoming 

St fright and the fear of crowds she couldn't must the courage to raise her voice in song I can't do it 

I just can't I knew she was lying come on we need to help Sasha complete The Melody of her life 

with honesty on Sasha's side she kept running and running avoiding facing the truth about herself 

she hid amidst a cluster of clouds evading two whole days news of a runaway Soul reached the ears

of the Archangel why did you let Sasha Escape like that sir Sasha told a lie this is not good go quickly

 and find her otherwise graduation is out of the question Mikey a cherub who tends to dubs over

heard their conversation looks like I'm getting a new Dove soon off you go find Sasha h H by the

 seventh day the flock of doves had located Sasha's Hiding Place huh how long did you plan on 

running no stay away huh unintentionally she stumbled upon a mirror of Truth forcing her to confront

her most Dreadful memories Sasha's family were impoverished Farmers they discouraged Ed her 

from including in lofty dreams and instead urged her to find a stable job H thus they forbade her 

from singing nevertheless Sasha rebelled against her mother's wishes and entered a music contest 

there she was terrified by the audience and the stern judges unable to sing she discovered she

suffered from stage fright in a rushs tried to escape but tripped and gained a scar on her face after

ward Sasha's self-esteem plummeted she retreated to a simple life only daring to sing in the presence 

of close family throughout her life her Melody remained incomplete thanks to this mirror I've

learned the truth about you from now on you belong to my D FL lock Sasha lost all memories of her

 past life blindly following Mikey the trio of angels searched futilely for Sasha everywhere we might

never graduate after all huh then when they saw Mikey with a new Dove the dove wor a scar on its 

face just like Sasha look it seems Mikey has turned Sasha into the DB they temporarily used a control

 spell on Mikey and rescued Sasha just in time however Sasha now remembered nothing and couldn't

 speak anymore our only choice is to take Sasha to the memory Vault the memory Vault contained 

every sold Recollections gather around huh The Three Angels flew into an endless void they 

diligently collected the shattered pieces of Sasha's memories and pieced them together into a 

complete painting however three radiant fragments flew automatically into the hands of Riley 

Brooklyn and Nora it was as if these memories were meant for them alone and they were plunged 

into past illusions in a moment when Sasha was rejected at the singing contest she visited a park

and sang alone unbeknownst to Sasha her soothing Melody had consoled a crippled girl on her 

final day following a quarrel with her mother about her lack of talent Sasha stumbled upon an

 abandoned cat and adopted it she car for the cat daily and sang to it the cat fell ill and passed away

causing Sasha immense grief Sasha had once helped a troubled child from an unhappy family H 

she would visit the child daily singing to bring joy but the child disappeared unexpectedly since 

then SRA shied away from making friends and lived in self-doubt so we're the people Sasha helped 

in the past after all three passed away in their previous lives they became Angels due to their pure 

and virtuous Souls yet they had forgotten Sasha who had comforted them with her singing in their 

final moments this was the true reason why the Archangel wanted them to care for Sasha Sasha

 regained her memories and returned into her former self I'm truly sorry everyone I've always been

 burdened by the meaningless life I've LED which made me unable to face the truth huh but your 

voice carried us through those dark days you have a gift just believe in yourself finally they 

succeeded in composing the perfect melody based on Sasha's life I'm ready now please listen 

however the music abruptly stopped Midway huh the reason this song can't continue is that sasher

 is still alive this was my plan to help you regain your confidence also for the trio of angels to 

recognize their benefactor from now on you're officially Guardians protecting Sasha and Humanity

 Sasha had the chance to live once more one life was enough for her to live passionately with her

 dreams in the end she completed her magnificent Melody she knew that as long as she did good 

there would always be Guardian Angels by her side watching over her. 

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