Look over there the kind-hearted Witch is piecing together broken heart pieces 0the dark witch also
longed for the day when her cursed heart could be repaired in the same way Follow fairy tale to find
out what will happen next the witch Celine has followed the path of practicing to become the strongest
dark witch since ancient times Celine isolated herself day and night to learn dark magic in the forest
huh when Celine succeeded in mastering the summoning spell of the king cobra she became the
Supreme witch Celine shattered The World of Magic and achieved her goal at the top look but as one
at the top Celine gradually became bored because she no longer had any opponents nobody wants duo
with me anymore huh Gold Silver and precious gems also no longer meant anything to her no one
knew that the most powerful dark witch was actually very lonely dark magic had cursed her heart
forever Celine became indifferent to everything she wandered throughout the world searching for
something that could bring excitement to herself Celine attacked innocent people stole their love
mmm hahaha causing couples to break up parents to abandon their children and people to live in pain
after each time stealing Love Celine felt a certain emotion creeping into her heart she ath magic to
look through her chest and examine her dark and congested heart she found a small pink spot on it
that quickly disappeared after a few seconds Celine suddenly felt ashamed of her cursed heart and
never dared to reveal it she began to be addicted to the feeling of being loved and wish that one
day she could fix her cursed heart one day she happened to come to a city hidden deep in the forest
called ever glow every where she looked she so happy people living in harmony with mythical
creatures such as fairies unicorns and foxes they probably revealed their bright red hearts on
their chests all thanks to the town's wizard who fixed their hearts Celine became interested in the
Wizard because she believed he could help her fix her heart so she applied to work at his heart
repair shop to learn to trade Liam was hesitant about celine's request the had heard rumors about her
being a dark and evil witch who left pain and Chaos wherever she went Liam used magic to reveal
celine's heart and saw that it was black with sharp Thorns wrapped around it and not beating at all
I'm afraid I can't help you I don't know how to fix a curse at heart if you won't help me I'll burn down
this whole town to keep himself and his family safe Liam reluctantly allowed Celine to stay and
work at his repair shop in the following days Celine worked tirelessly at the repair shop Liam had
many customers and was always busy Celine watched as Liam repaired broken hearts Liam would
applied a layer of Happiness glue and a little forgiveness to finish the job good I want to try it too
you still don't understand the nature of this work just observe for now not every ingredient of
happiness is good in large amounts laughing at the wrong time can break your teeth being too for
giving can lead to exportation and too much happiness can cause you to forget your motivation when
faced with difficulties so we only need just enough of each thing we need to keep the necessary
ingredients to share and repair other people's hearts on a busy day Liam asked Celine to watch over
his six-year-old daughter Emily I promise to take Emily out today but I was too busy can you help me
Emily always smiled and had a big heart without any scars this made Celine very curious Celine took
the little girl outside and they walked around ever glow Miss I want to lie down here and watch
the clouds the sky is so beautiful today what's there to be happy about does that clown look like an
elephant the little girl's heart was pounding with joy which made Celine jealous so she took out her
magic wand to try and steal Emily's love but then Emily looked at her and smiled brightly her
innocent and pure eyes made Celine feel embarrassed for some reason Celine couldn't bring herself
to steal that innocence away let's go back now or your dad will worry yes ma'am one day while Liam
was away a unicorn named Lolly came to ask for help in fixing her heart eyes Liam here Liam is not
here but I am his Apprentice can I help you with something I need to fix my heart I want to create the
brightest rainbow in the world but my magic is too weak and that also leads to my heart breaking
Celine followed Liam's lead and used her confidence happiness and skills to fix lolli's heart after the
first attempt she succeeded foreign 's black heart shown a Pink Spot and this time The Pink Spot did
not disappear it was as if fixing someone else's heart was slowly healing her own Celine happily sent
Lolly home and Liam returned at the right moment do you know what I successfully fixed your client's
heart really did you do it right you still don't believe me look at my heart oh that's great so fixing
someone's heart also heals your own heart hmm that's right thank you Liam hmm however the next
day The Pink Spot disappeared Celine felt discouraged but Liam decided to research how to fix a
cursed heart in the town's Library he discovered that the only thing that could help The Pink Spot on
celine's heart not disappear was the essence of the Stars foreign s huh I know where it is come with
me quickly as Liam and Celine ran through a magical forest a roaring sound echoed a monster tiger
jumped out from the bushes instead of feeling scared Liam left with her impressive if you know how
to use your power for good who knows maybe you wouldn't be cursed now stop talking nonsense let's
keep going Liam is so much like his daughter even his smile brings healing they arrived at a cave
blocked by a giant boulder Liam studied the symbols on the Rock and saw that each Square
represented four elements earth air fire and water Liam looked around picked up a clump of dirt and
put it in the Earth symbol Liam used to spell to gather wind and put it in the air symbol Celine
understood and used a spell to create a spark and put it into fire symbol and Liam immediately used
magic to put water in the water Square inside the cave was a dark room with three dark Wizards
gathered they were holding a competition to find the strongest wizard to become their leader Celine
met Ramsey a jealous dark wizard who always envied her power he was wearing a necklace with a
vial of star Essence isn't this a supreme dark wizard Celine do you want to do with us crush your
arrogance no I am only here for the star essence Ramsay immediately realized that Celine wanted to
fix her cursed heart he secretly devised a plan to defeat Celine once and for all oh a dark wizard who
wants to fix their heart all right then let's fight you win I'll give you the star essence okay celine's
eyes turned red and she summoned a pack of venomous snakes around her Ramsey quickly summoned
a thunderous storm above them both of the Two Witches was willing to lose determined to defeat the
other it seems I've underestimated you watch this fine let me go don't even think about defeating me
catch him good ah it's a waste of such power to fall into your hands if you want this star Essence so
badly then give all your strength to me you resist he will be punished Celine didn't know when she
started the show a special concern for Liam those days were the happiest in her life perhaps this power
no longer meant anything to her if it did not bring happiness to her therefore Celine decided to let
Ramsay drain her magic Celine with the last bit of strength Celine looked through Ramsay's chest
and saw that his heart had turned black just like hers now no one can stop me someday you will under
stand the feeling of loneliness when you are on top like I once was although Celine and Liam had
lost Celine believed that she had made the right decision Celine and Liam returned to ever glow they
were welcomed by Emily and the people in the town including Lolly who was very grateful porceline's
efforts Celine happily gave Liam a passionate kiss his kindness was what had saved her she continued
working at the shop until her heart was completely free from the curse now a beautiful deep bread
from then on Celine stayed in ever glow forever and play the role of a mother who always took care
of Emily she taught the little girl to use her magic for good aiming for peace and love for her loved