
I Switched Bodies with My Mom

Queen nasia was a stripped and cold person while her daughter princess niana was playful and full

 of energy what if they switched places with the mother becoming the daughter and the daughter

becoming the mother subscribe to Woe fairy tales to find out the reason behind the Scandal hmm 

impossible one week earlier niana was considered the happiest princess in the world as she had

everything that Ordinary People could ever wish for with just a flicker of joy in her eyes no matter

 how rare or precious an item was it would belong to niana banyana was not happy as she felt like

she was trapped in a stuffy bubble that she could not escape from all the stories of her life were 

only known through books and storytelling she was not allowed to do anything on her own and 

with just a little effort a servant would be there to help her ah even exposure to sunlight was limited

 by her mother who feared she would fall ill every detailed miana's daily life was recorded and 

reported back to her mother meanwhile niana loved to explore the world and go to the places she

 desired of course her mother would never agree niana was a doll and Dolls could only live in 

castles why I just want to live like a normal person one day a lost bird flew into niana's room 

taking advantage of the servant's carelessness Jana kept the quote and took care of it herself when

 the bird was able to fly high with its wings niana mischievously tried to communicate with the

 outside world by tying a letter to its foot to her surprise the bird brought back a response from then

 on niana's life became more interesting with this pen pal friend the pen pal told niana many 

interesting things about the places he had been to this inspired niana to make a decision to run away

 from the palace and go to the magical forest she had always wanted to visit but in the end the honest

 Joy of being so close to Freedom was crushed she was caught by the queen and her soldiers it's a         

 mess it's a real mess who gave you the courage to do such a thing mother why did you read my 

letter let's try to manage me like a lifeless doll don't act like you don't know anything look you're 

living a life that everyone wants then you live like this can you really bear it mother I just want to be

 a normal person in the midst of a tense atmosphere a bright light Shone and the queen and the 

princess both fainted when they woke up their souls have been swapped Miata was living in her

 mother's body while her mother woke up in her daughter's body their behavior was strange no

 matter how much they explain it was too unbelievable the king and everyone else didn't believe it

I suppose the two of you were just too stressed so let each other rest in your own rooms niana more

 aware of the current situation saw this as an opportunity to change her life release me stop joking

 around niana I'm very busy there are many things I need to deal with niana ordered her servants 

to bring her mother the best and most strictly controlled items just as she had always experienced

 before the queen was almost bursting at the seams after her first day living as her daughter Release

 Me Do you believe that when I return to my body I won't punish you oh knowing she should intrude 

on her daughter's privacy the queen secretly read the letters niana wrote to her pen pal out of boredom

 I know my mother loves me very much is why she can chicken even if it means I may suffer be

hungry or be in pain I have to go now my mother's health is deteriorating come with me to the

 magical forest I read that there is a flower there that can cure my mother's severe headaches I was

wrong I misunderstood it thank you luckily the pen pal finally arrived that was the same person 

that the queen had previously prohibited the princess from playing with thinking he was a thief 

and not trustworthy but now he was the one who helped her escape from the castle Queen realized

 that she had not imposed her thoughts on others and almost made her daughter lose her good friend

laughs meanwhile as Queen niana decided to dedicate a day to herself to enjoy and have fun now I

 can freely go outside and have fun no you can't your majesty still has to finish your work come on       

 come on it'll only take a moment living as a queen and having a seal in hand niana was able to 

cancel the order to destroy the magical forest Rihanna focused on approving and resolving her work

 until she was tortured by Queen mother's chronic headache it turns out that her mother for the 

country and family did not have any time for herself oh your majesty did anyone come to visit 

the princess today you have never missed this before niana decided that she had to immediately

 continue her plan to go to the magical forest to find the precious flower to heal her mother's

illness experiencing life outside the palace for the first time niana was surprised and delighted 

by everything however her excitement also brought unexpected troubles a group of Thieves saw

 that lyanna had money and lured her to be kidnapped hmm of course Diana quickly fell into the

Trap of these kidnappers however she was rescued by her pin pack and the queen happened to 

pass by niana realized that her mother's previous warnings were not redundant I just want to

 provide you with the best environment I'm afraid that you'll get hurt or fall it's my fault you're

 right I don't understand your heart and always want to follow my own desires sometimes failure

 is a necessary experience thanks to that the two of you finally understand each other that's right

 at this moment magic happens once again just like the moment when the two of them and they 

woke up Yana saw that they were floating on a boat in the Magical Force that she always wanted 

to visit mother we're back to normal why why is this happening don't worry everything will be 

fine I want to show his to the princess as soon as the voice faded a piece of old memory was projected

 by that year the queen gave birth to princess niana while traveling through this forest with the King

fortunately the entire Royal Family escaped the pack of savage beasts however because niana was

 born prematurely her breath was fragile and feeble a mighty mermaid please let my child live I

 am willing to exchange my own lifespan for hers no matter how many years moved by the sacred

 bond between mother and daughter the mermaid granted niana an additional 18 years of life at 

the cost of reducing the Queen's lifespan by that amount of 18th birthday approached the queen

grew increasingly afraid her love for her daughter almost drove her to commit heinous act of

 destroying the forest foreign I am truly despicable and selfish I only thought of doing whatever            

 it takes to keep niana alive I apologize to her the time has come today I will take niana away

please Grant her more time at the cost of any amount of my lifespan or even my own life please 

just one more year for Indiana she is still too young princess your mother's love is understood

mother please don't do this 18 years having you in my life for 18 years already brings me so much

 happiness I cannot Grant niana a normal human life but because the princess has done Good

Deeds by Saving this Forest I will allow her to become a nature Spirit here for the Magnificent

 natural world and as a special privilege each year the mermaid Grant and niana and her mother

the chance to reunite showing me how beautiful cherish it and live happily.

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