Long long ago when Atlantis was the most advanced civilization in the world under the guidance
of their wise leaders they discovered the secret of a rare and precious mineral called atlantium which
they use to create magnificent machines and devices far surpassing any technology of their time for
decades in particular the height of their progress occurred during the reign of Prince Jethro the most
exceptional prince in Marvel history despite being the youngest Prince General's ambition and
exceptional intellect made him the leading candidate to inherit the throne Jethro's greatest invention
was a machine that could enable merfolk to fly into outer space oh huh this is fantastic indeed my
son but father to activate this machine we will need a massive amount of atlantium then let's start
mining the ancient mountains Beneath the Sea immediately whatever you need the merfolk could
never have anticipated that the day the prince pressed the button to extract the plantium from the
Dixie mountain range was the day that the mountain would collapse causing the eruption of pollutants
that heavily polluted Atlantis and spread throughout the world with the remaining fuel the merfle
immediately evacuated on their machines and flew into space from then on the merfolk gradually
adapted to their new environment they gradually adapted to life there and established a new kingdom
called aplinverse in just a few hundred years the civilization of atlanverse developed brilliantly the
merfolk not only created magnificent and modern structures but also continued to explore new fuel
sources in space to serve their research to live freely in the space the Merkel had to wear a breathing
support machine on their ears to deliver nutrients and oxygen to their bodies at the same time their
fish tales were replaced with Machinery enabling them to resist gravity and move freely through
the void of space however being modern doesn't necessarily mean everything is good Delia The
Talented descendant of atlanverse saw this most clearly we do it every month we still have to rely on
technology when will it end singing had been a sacred tradition in her kind through many generations
the love of Music continued to run deep in the blood of their descendants but because they had to
wear breathing support machines and had their tails replaced with Machinery they were becoming
weaker and almost no one could sing anymore they depended on the machines to prolong their lives
Leah don't be Reckless we're at landfirst people not Atlantean for 15 years I've been studying and
researching for what to save our adlanverse people technological merfolk with this tale with this
dependence are we still merfolk despite Adler's remarkable progress it faced the risk of falling into
the same fate as a plant has once again huh the fuel has run out and at this rate we will only survive
for another week we can't hesitate any longer please let me carry out the time travel mission but the
machine isn't complete yet what if something goes wrong it will be a success there's no room for
failure to correct the mistakes of the past the Royal Research Institute poured all the remaining fuel
into creating a time machine Delia became the one entrusted with the lofty Mission traveling back to
Atlantis using the machine the burden and heavy pressure on Delia's shoulders quickly disappeared as
she immersed herself in the ocean The Towering coral reefs the diverse species of Mother Nature and
even after she had thrown away her breathing device Delia could still freely breathe in the pure green
oxygen huh she joyfully sang about her love for nature and life her singing caught the attention of
Jethro The Talented prince who was on his way to the ancient mountains on that fateful day however
what truly shocked him was Delia's technology tale which was beyond his understanding she's not
from Atlantis upon realizing that the person in front of him looked exactly like Prince Jethro in history
Delia quickly explained the reason for her appearance in Atlantis and her background saying that I'm
your ancestor huh well probably a distant one then guards make sure to keep an eye on her and don't
let her ruin our plan it's not that Jethro didn't believe in the prophecy in fact he himself heard doubts
about the safety of mining the ancient Mountain but he lacked The Willpower to stand up against
his father Jethro was afraid of losing his future position and everything he had worked hard to build
it'll be fun I can easily prevent the destruction that girl talked about right after General left the mining
system for atlantium was ready to dig deep into the ancient mountain range taking advantage of a
moment of weakness among the guards Delia immediately rushed towards the mountain range at
Breakneck speed to stop the event from happening appearing suddenly in her strange appearance
and speaking words unfamiliar to the merfolk Delia was thought to be a sea monster or an extra
terrestrial creature both with a great threat to the merfle not only did they not see her warning but the
Royal Army even aimed their weapons at Delia ignore that sea monster continue with the plan
witnessing billious efforts Jethro realized that the situation was more serious than he had thought
with the Brave and unyielding girl's life at stake the princess heart raised as he urged himself to rush
to her rescue Jethro didn't expect that he himself would be pulled into the time machine with Delia
as they embarked on their journey into space what in the world what have you done inside the space
ship Jennifer watched the footage that the people of Atlantis had gathered at the time of the destruction
and after they had built the new Apple and verse Kingdom the merfolk may have more advanced
technology in the future and life becomes modern able to do extraordinary things that the people of
Atlantis may not have even thought of yet we still lose the most basic thing the ability to live as a
normal mermaid could I have been wrong he understood the cruel Dark Side of Technology he
decided to sacrifice his right to the throne to destroy the machine that had cost him so much research
and effort huh with their superhuman mind even though they were 500 years apart Jethro and
Delia could still work together to repair the machine and reverse the time of their disappearance
with time running out they temporarily suppress the strange emotions between two harmonious
Hearts to achieve their common goal when Jethro and Delia use all the fuel of the spaceship to make
the jump to Atlantis the atlantium mining machine had already been activated the machine dug deep
and caused small Tremors within the mountain hello it's too late there's only one way to stop it
Jethro did not hesitate to use the reputation and honor of the prince to carry out his plan noticing the
abnormal signs from his son the King was angry and ordered his army to stop them gilia with
futuristic state-of-the-art devices made every effort to prolong the princess time with the help of
touristic equipment Jethro successfully launched the spacecraft and crashed into the mining machine
to stop it the historic Collision caused a huge explosion although the area was uninhabited it took a
long time for the surrounding ecosystem to recover future mermaid we did it Atlantis is saved your
body what happened to your body yes because we changed the past it is possible that there might not
be me in the future anymore that is why when Jethro talked excitedly about the future and repaired
the spaceship before Delia remained silent it's not that I don't recognize your feelings but you better
forget about me and soon you will truly forget me promise me you must help the mermaid tribe
become better and you must be truly happy I love you Jethro fanatically takes notes of things to
remember and do afraid of forgetting her from beginning to end I don't even know your name after
the incident the prince forgot about his meeting with the future mermaid he also received punishment
and was no longer a prince however Jethro tirelessly work day and night to create a time machine
following the instructions he wrote down himself hmm even though he couldn't understand their
meaning this task was much more difficult without using atlantium fuel despite not understanding
their significance he managed to complete the machine after 10 years the lovesick Prince could finally
step inside it to fulfill his promise from a decade ago Jethro's heart raised as he stepped out of the
machine's door after one thousand years Atlantis was still there and the scenery was even more
pristine than before come quickly the Royal research team has succeeded in creating life outside the
universe Delia is leading the team back Delia on intuition Jethro quickly squeezed into the crowd and
waited for the research team to disembark Delia appeared her eyes scanning the surroundings before
settling on Jethro she was briefly stunned then beamed a radiant smile huh.