once upon a time a great battle erupted between demons and angels the demons possessing Darkness
within were powerful and dominated the war for many years but when the Archangel United all the
Angelic tribes they finally achieved Victory and nearly wiped out the entire demon race oh almost but
not entirely own this is the story of Vera the princess of the underworld demon Kingdom little demon
in the end you're just a child although Vera was a demon she was still a child without any malicious
intent the Archangel decided to adopt her despite the objections of other angels and so Vera grew up
in the love and care of the Archangel and his son Prince Daniel if Darkness possesses one's heart
anyone can become a demon if enough goodness is present anyone can become an angel if you
subscribe to the war fairy tales Channel we will reach one million huh did you write something
inappropriate in the book Vera the attention from the Vera was still bullied by others after all the
Angels couldn't empathize with her no matter what being a demon Vera always had Darkness within
her when her emotions were her the darkness would often manifest especially when he was teased by
the Angels Vera started to feel insecure she despised her demonic Heritage which made her different
and ostracized hmm huh as she Grew Older Vera developed feelings for Prince Daniel one of the
few people who treated her kindly of course Vera concealed her emotions out of self-consciousness
and also because stay away from him you demon you're a demon like you linger here perhaps I was
destined to be a demon from the start things took a turn for the worse when Daniel announced his
engagement to Lucifer the princess of another Angelic tribe with fear of faded partly due to his
responsibility to the Heavenly realm after his father's passing and partly because what is my future
husband doing stay away from him or it's best for a demon like you to stay in the Underworld Lucifer
wasn't entirely wrong a demon like Vera couldn't possibly aspire to be with Daniel though her heart
was shattered Vera managed to restrain her outbursts of Darkness despite the pain why stay here when
the one I love no longer loves me Vera decided to return to the underworld to live alone a demon like
her didn't belong in heaven anymore and she had no reason to stay here little did Vera know that some
of her kind had not been completely eradicated there were still a few surviving demons hiding evading
the pursuit of the Angels huh huh is that the demon princess I can't believe it I thought it's the Royal
Blood we're finally saved after all these years Vera had never been happier surrounding her were eyes
filled with admiration rather than disdain or pity as in heaven soon Vera was influenced by the
mischievous demons they whispered that the Angels treated her poorly and were not as virtuous as
they seemed Veera had to embrace the pride of a demon jealousy in spiteful words made it impossible
for Vera to suppress her Darkness any longer she decided to leave the demons in an attack on heaven
however the moment Veera and the demon set foot in heaven a battalion of angelic Warriors led by
Lucifer appeared as if they were already aware of the impending attack I knew it a demon will always
be a demon I was right to warn Daniel about you it turned out that Vira along with the demons were
thrown into the dungeon waiting for the day of judgment Vera Prince Daniel I'm disappointed in you I
always thought you could suppress the Demonic blood within you I never expected tomorrow is the
wedding and so much has happened I pleaded for your life but the demons Vera now regrets her actions
but it is too late I plan to leave why did I come back it's all my fault I betrayed your trust via's dark
Nature has diminished significantly due to her remorse and love for Daniel she decides to flee far
away to avoid causing further trouble for the prince um it's not difficult for Vera to escape she knows
the pathways of the Heavenly realm since she was young however Vera still wants to see her beloved
one last time for that reason she decides to disguise herself and infiltrate the princess wedding princess
Lucifer entered the wedding procession huh wow what a beautiful bride and a such a perfect couple
only she is worthy of the prince hmm time has come from Vera to leave she can't bear to see her loved
one hand in hand with someone else just catching a glimpse of Daniel erases any regrets she may have
is there anyone who objects to this marriage I object huh why are these Intruders causing chaos
now it turns out that the attackers of the wedding are the demons themselves Lucifer how dare you
deceive us Lucifer had always wanted to claim Daniel only for herself in fact Daniel held feelings for
Vera which prompted lucifa to hatch a wicked plan knowing about the surviving demons Lucifer
cunningly plotted to manipulate Vera into attacking Heaven costing Daniel to despise Vera Lucifer you
promised to convince the Angels not to pursue us and now you abandon us to be judged you you
monster you demon so it's true Lucifer I marry you because you promised to remove the darkness
from Vera to help her no longer be a demon so you deceive me it was all part of lucifa's plan from the
beginning she wanted to possess Daniel's Love and further to use him to rule over all Angelic tribes
enraged by being exposed Lucifer's inherent wickedness blended with her emotions for transforming
her into a full-fledged demons Lucifer you are an angel there's still time to turn back I don't need to
be an angel in that moment of Heartless harm towards her Beloved the darkness of the Demonic nature
took hold of the FIFA completely oh heavens it can't be Lucifer's extreme cruelty allowed The Evil
Within her to consume her transforming her into a demon a fallen angel of tremendous strength
receiver possessed forth the power of an angel and a demon making her unbeatable I will deal with all
of you I have nothing left to lose no more Angels or demons no you oh wow look who it is Vera
couldn't stay idle any longer she decided to reveal her true identity as the princess of the demon realm
Vera was inherently strong even capable of matching Lucifer's power a fierce battle ensued with
magical spells flying in all directions endangering the Angels and Demons nearby Vera couldn't ignore
the situation regardless of everything Daniel and the Archangel always taught her to become a
good person however just as Vera was distracted Lucifer managed to strike her significantly weakening
her beerus magic spells grew weaker and Lucifer easily evaded them in the end Vero was finally
repeated by the cephas cunning and dirty tricks do whatever you want you demon it's not that simple
little demon Lucifer was not satisfied yet she wanted Vera to witness her harming Prince Daniel to
make bira suffer and torment her Vera couldn't bear to see her beloved being harmed knowing that
Lucifer would defend against her attacks Vera knew she had to get close Vera embraced the Fallen
Angel pouring all her remaining strength into casting the most powerful spells and she defeated Lucifer
but Vera herself was too close to the magical explosion Vera why would you do that my goodness
hmm Prince I'm sorry it's all my fault if only I hadn't been selfish things wouldn't have turned out like
this no it's my fault if I hadn't been indifferent if I hadn't doubted please Vera don't leave me though
Prince Daniel expressed remorse it was too late but perhaps Daniel had forgotten the story his father
once told him Thief Darkness possesses one's heart anyone can become a demon Vera now you are
an angel free from persecution stay in heaven with me no I cannot you mean well but I will forever be
a demon that's who I am I cannot with you if you keep wanting me to abandon my true self and I
must lead my kind I cannot let them fall into despair again Prince Daniel couldn't deny beerus wish
he also convinced the Angelic tribes to reconcile with the demons after all it was Vera the princess of
the demon realm who sacrificed herself to save both racists under the leadership of Queen Vera
demons no longer committed acts of wickedness more intriguingly from time to time one could witness
the queen of the demons and the Archangel meeting each other as true Kindred Spirits.