
Nightmare on Halloween Night | Bedtime Stories For Kids


Toast every time being deep into the sleep we all have the chance to experience many of interesting

dreams however sometimes we have a couple of nightmares which reflect the fears deep inside each

person huh most of us forget the dreams as if they never existed but there are some rare people who 

still can remember all the dreams they had people called them nightmare genius the target of 

Boogeyman who survived by the fear of human in a beautiful kingdom there lived a beautiful princess 

named Savia she especially spent her love and care for the poor children at the orphanage hello

princess we've made you lose your time when coming here again it's not a big deal I want to visit 

these cute kids moreover tomorrow is Halloween I prepared some tricks and toys for them thank you 

so much for your kind heart at that moment Savia noticed a girl who sadly sat in a corner of the room

 it's Jenna she's just come here for a few days she talk to anyone at night no matter how we advise 

she refused to go to bed just stared at the dark corner like she's scared of something is there any way

 she's also like me before she just remembered when she had been a child she usually had nightmares 

and saw scary things from the dark corner but since the day she had received a teddy bear from a 

strange woman she didn't have nightmares anymore when she Grew Older she gradually forgot about 

that bear luckily it was still in her drawer and she gave it to Jenna with a hope that it could bring Nice

 Dreams to her however the next morning Savia discovered that the teddy bear by somehow appeared 

right in front of her room with a wounded body the bear suddenly moved making the princess


startled don't worry princess I won't harm you who are you actually what do you intend to do the 

bear told her everything turned out that the bear named kenam who was a grandson of a Kind 

witch she used to take him to the Palace to help the king do some rituals and to protect the princess 

from Boogeyman was one of the works one time when his grandma was fighting against a boogie 

although being told before kenel still made a peek at them thus the boogeyman had a chance to escape

 and he even Ked kenam to protect Ken's Soul his grandma had to bring it into a teddy bear and she 

gave all of her magic to kenel so she was not able to protect the princess anymore from that moment 

kenel had to take the responsibility of protecting the princess's sleep every night thanks to that she 

could mature peacefully when Savia matured kenam thought that he could come back with her 

grandma but she predicted that in the near future he still had the mission to protect the princess so he

 had to stay being kept in a drawer for too long my magic was weakened so I was wounded after 

fighting against him turned out you have been protecting me for the whole time and I don't even 

know thank you so much and how about Jenna boyan took her away just go to my grandma place 

she will tell us what to do following kennel's instructions the two went to his grandma's house 

knowing everything his grandma soon prepared for it she had worked on an amulet which could help

 kennel turn Back To Human in a short time my magic can only work until midnight so you two have 

to find him and prevent him before that time this is the magic fire which can help you fight against 

the dark force but why he always choose to act on Halloween night because this is the night for The

 Ghost and it also means the dark power is strongest then but how can we find him now rest assured 

before he left I quickly casted a navigation spell on his buddy thanks to the magic map they could 

see that he was going to the sandman's place he was The God Who helped people fall into sleep why 

does he go there the nightmare genius all find it more difficult to fall into the sleep than normal person

so he needs to have more sleeping sand so we have to be quick although they moved really fast by

the broomstick but they were a little bit later the boogeyman had made the Sandman drunk and taken

 away his sandbag you're too slow but now I have no time to play with you two after this Hall night 

you all will live in my nightmares forever then he let out Dark Shadows to attack them salvia and

 kennel had to struggle for a while to defeat all of  the Ferocious dark Forces When the Last Shadow 

was defeated the magic fire on savia's hand also ran out of its energy and went off however they 

couldn't step back at that moment so they took the risk and followed the boogeyman to stop him 

taking too much time to fight against the Dark Shadows so when they reached the boogeyman's place 

he had successfully brought Jenna into a deep sleep at that moment her nightmares was also released 

it wasn't the image of her dream anymore the nightmares appeared right in front of their eyes the  

nightmar started attacking them without the magic fire they were badly injured at that moment the 

princess saw the sandbag which Boogeyman still placed on the bed right I'm also a dream genius 

why don't I use my dream to defeat her dream understanding princess's intention kenel used the amulet

 to create a firm Shield protecting Savia she rushed to the bed using sleeping sand to be in her dream 

at that moment kenel used all of his magic to protect Savia when Savia was deep into her sleep an

  armed Force immediately appeared defeating all the dark Forces after a while Jenna finally woke

up and the nightmare Shadows was no longer existent the boogeyman really angry when his plan had

 been broken totally he rushed there to attack kenel making him badly injured right at that moment the 

Clock Struck midnight Halloween had arrived magic didn't work anymore Ken immediately turned

 back into a teddy bear only Savia and Jenna were shaking Savor long time no seea it looks like given

 you're an adult you're still a shy little lamb her darkest memories turn back making her body shake 

all the time your fear is always a special flavor do you know it even you broke this precious chance 

of mine but it's all right this time no one can stop me I will make you two immerse in fear and the 

next Halloween you two will be the ones who create my Dark Army which is strong enough to make

 this world immerse in nightmares forever I'm not scared of you h Huh oh look at of the shy rabbit 

trying to be strong how pitiful you are that's right we won't be scared of a man who has a weird 

appearance like you you look exactly like a scarecrow at the field h Huh no one tells you that shaming 

others appearance is impl that's for human but you're not human you're just a scarecrow with a funny

 clown nose and even a rainbow hair no one will be scared of you and the crow will even lay egg on 

your hair they realize that boogeyman will Exist by the imagination of each person provided that they 

weren't scared he wouldn't be able to harm anyone you all stop you have to be scared not to make fun 

of me you also bring a fear that no one will be scared of you right now you are nothing but a poor kid

 and even a crying baby finally the two girls together overcame their fears and defeated the boogey

man however at that moment they realized that kenel hadn't moved at all suddenly the Sandman 

appeared right in front of them oh my how cute this kid is kenel he is not a kid but a hero I mean that

 kid the kid shouldn't sleep late maybe I have to co him a little bit for giving him a nice sleep he is an

 ambitious and evil Boogeyman please defeat him he was born from the fear of human if you want to

defeat him unless there is no fear on this world it also means that if you have no fear he can do 

nothing to you all right I will bring you home and help that bear take back his appearance but on one

 condition you all have to keep the secret that my sandbag was taken away I will be really embarrassed

 happy Halloween immediately everyone saw themselves stand in front of the orphanage kenam also 

turned into human like before huh so another Halloween passed in peace and joy Trick or Treat come

 on don't cry peekaboo look what I have it's your favorite spider candy.

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