
Revenge of The Bride Squad | Bedtime Stories For Kids


Forgiveness is a good thing but forgiving betrayal is always a mistake everywhere was filled with joy 

at the wedding of Sophia and Cooper she was the princess of the kingdom of the sea never in love and 

only wanting to find a deserving person and he was a talented Prince incredibly wealthy sweet and 

polite does anybody object to this marriage I object things took a turn for the worse when Sophia's 

rival the princess of the Green Forest appeared how dare you ruin my happiness Grace today should 

have been my wedding and Cooper should have been the groom oh my naive little girls he had given

them love which made them willing to enter into marriage they dreamed of a complete love only to 

receive Unforgettable humiliation you wretch were you the one spreading rumors to bring me here

the overflowing emotions of passionate love and the pain of betrayal caused the two girls to react

 strongly why cry without me there would be someone else because he was a deceitful Prince he

skilled its seduction and still in the hearts of unsuspecting princesses the story Avery worked as a 

server in a luxurious Tavern with her simple appearance and called indifferent nature she seemed

 invisible to everyone as she Grew Older she became more indifferent binding herself to a boring

 serving job The Tavern had a regular guest Prince Cooper every month he would bring a different

 Princess to the tavern for a date Avery despised Cooper because he reminded her of her father her 

father had abandoned her and her mother for another woman lost faith in love and withdrawn into a

dull life due to her deep hatred Avery had tried many times to expose Cooper but failed but perhaps 

lug would come her way this time do you know what he said to me without you life has no meaning

 anymore so Avery joined them and revealed Cooper's previous deceitful actions this is too much we 

need someone who can make him suffer and experience the feeling of betrayal but who he has tracked

 almost every princess in the world not every princess yet hmm although Cooper had visited the 

tavern many times he had never noticed Avery to him she was just a commoner in they would 

transform her into the ideal girlfriend and teach him a lesson for someone accustomed to getting

everything he wants Cooper will be impressed by an arrogant princess mysterious and acting

 submissive at the right moment remember the first encounter with Cooper happened at the tavern 


again Sophia and Grace secretly gave Cooper a mysterious drink that made him behave foolishly do

 you know you're so attractive you're insane what is this wait a minute according to the plan this was

 when Avery appeared leaving Cooper stunned with just one glance in the following days Cooper

 sought to meet Avery continuously Avery maintained an unpredictable attitude towards Cooper

sometimes friendly and open sometimes cold and icy confusing him he was going crazy because he 

had never made so much effort before huh come on Avery when will you agree to go on a date with 

me you I don't know what's true anymore what do I have to do to prove my sincerity I really mean it

 suddenly a thief appeared and Cooper immediately stood up to protect Avery Avery pretended to be

 moved and accepted his 100th confession of love the plan was on its way to perfect success Avery 

and her accomplices laughed at Cooper's foolishness however things were not as easy as she thought

 Cooper was overly sweet and genuinely caring he actively learned about her interests and Tenderly

 took care of her step by step huh they spent many nights talking to each other delivery kept reminding

 herself that it was all just a play and he was still a villain huh remember his true nature wake up

on an unsuspected night oh no who Avery called him and helped trade his wounds in this touching

 moment a marriage proposal went just around the corner Avery had prepared herself for a Cheesy 

line he would say to countless other girls but Avery I know I'm terrible but for you I will change I 

want to be worthy of being by your side come on let me show you this huh huh it's in his childhood 

I have been seriously ill and at risk of dying early my mother made a deal with a demon to give me 

her remaining gears in exchange for her Revival I couldn't bear it then sold my soul to the demon 

with the deal for my mother's Revival I swore to open the gates and bring the demon to the mortar

 World using the broken hearts of the princesses as the main ingredient I already have enough

 ingredients to complete the Gateway but I've decided not to open it anymore because now I love 

you I want to live a redeemed Life by your side forever are these words true Avery began to feel

 conflicted about her revenge plan and perhaps had developed some feelings for Cooper she shared

 everything with Sophia and Grace this is evidence to put him in jail and we'll attend his wedding

 wearing bridal gowns huh Cooper Avery's wedding was Splendid the promiscuous Prince finally 

found his life's destination saphir and Grace secretly blended into the wedding to witness the perfect

ending of their play thank you for giving me the chance to change please let me love you for the

rest of my life Avery became more and more confused huh if she continued to deceive him at this

 moment she wouldn't be any better than him she grated her teeth and finally revealed the truth that

everything was part of a Revenge plan by the Betrayed Brides oh betrayed Brides ah you will repent 

in prison ironically fate punished Cooper severely the one he loved couldn't be with him and she 

made him taste extreme agony it turned out that one of the Demons minions had secretly observed

 Cooper I knew that he had abandoned his plan to open the gates of hell therefore the minion brought

 the gateway to the wedding and completed it the demon decided to punish huh Grace and Sophia 

called upon mystical creatures from the ocean and the forest to join the battle huh however the 

darkened Cooper was too powerful and they couldn't defeat him seeing the image of a corrupted 

Cooper in agony Avery realized that she had indeed developed feelings for him I Believe In You 

Don't Lose Yourself this made him recall the moment when his mother passed away how do you 

want me to become become whoever you want as long as you live with integrity and treat others

kindly that will always make me proud of you don't Lose Yourself my child at this moment Cooper 

saw his mother's image in angry sinful person like you deserves to go to hell with me no Cooper that

 Cooper chose to atone for his mistakes the shards of broken hearts scattered and returned to the

 deceived Brides there was one piece of the heart that he had given to the one he loved after every

thing Avery lived a positive and open Life ready to embrace love occasionally she would remember

 Cooper and remind herself that true kindness could transform everything she always had the choice 

to live a righteous life.

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