
Mean Girl Messed Up My Life - Fairy Tales in English

Fairy to the magical world of fairywood was the home of magical creatures with special powers

 therefore fairywood High School the school of magic is always the most coveted place with its

 crucial mission to train young individuals in using magic skills in their lives those girls should 

learn how to control their power better however in that school there were still exceptional cases 

such as Katie a girl with an outstanding Beauty but lacking magical abilities believing that every

 child deserved a chance to learn especially a well- behaved and kind girl like Katie the principal

 agreed to admit her to the school nevertheless Katie still doesn't truly believe in her self as she

 feels different from everyone else in the school one afternoon while looking for a place to eat a

 mischievous elf played a prank on her preventing her from going anywhere suddenly the elf 

was magically dressed in a beautiful princess gown making him embarrassed and he ran away

are you okay that elf likes teasing beautiful girls a lot I told Karen to give him that dress yes it

 looks nice why I haven't known you oh you're a girl without magic as the rumors say yeah it's

 me they are the fairy meanies a group which consisted of the three most beautiful stylish and

 famous girls at fairywood high the adorable fairy Karen created the most dazzling clothes 

but she wasn't very smart h next was the elf Gretchen who could hear every rumor in the school

 finally the vampire queen Regina with the ability to manipulate and enchant no one dared to

 oppose her Regina found Katie beautiful and feeling sorry for her lack of magic came up with

an idea we want to invite you to have lunch with us every day for the rest of the week oh let me

 tell you one thing our signature color is pink you should know that this is an honor the warmth

kindness and beautiful appearance of the fairy meanies made Katie want to be friends with 

them okay then see you tomorrow great see you tomorrow in addition to wearing pink the 

girls must always share stories with each other and not betray one another playing with the fairy

 meanies Katie received enthusiastic care and support helping her transform into a fashionable 

and trendy person the four always had fun together and shared their story gradually Katie 

adapted and changed becoming more beautiful and confident then no one cared that Katie 

didn't have magic anymore everyone admired her and many boys wanted to pursue her how

ever cadd secretly had feelings with another boy the handsome and strong Aaron people in the

 school noticed Aaron and Katie becoming closer and rumors about their relationship started 

spreading throughout the school and as usual the rumor quickly reach Gretchen's ears she 

quickly gathered the fairy meanies to talk Katie I heard that you like someone is that true oh 

you guys already know it's Aeron oh my is that on he used to be Regina's ex-boyfriend that 

situation made Katie uncomfortable because she didn't want her feelings to hurt Regina and 

affect their friendship Katie it's okay that's in the past you just go ahead with airon touched 

by Regina's kindness Katie felt even more affectionate towards that group of sisters to become

 closer to Aaron Katie tried to create more private time for both of them by approaching and

 pursuing Aaron after classes after that Katie continued to spend time getting closer to Aaron 

the two shared beautiful feelings and Katie decided to confess her love on the day Katie planned

 to confess she confided in the fairy meanies just when Regina hadn't arrived yet so only Karen

 and Gretchen knew both initially supported her but suddenly Gretchen heard a strange rumor

 look Aaron is dating Regina again huh Gretchen quickly told Katie about the rumor she just 

heard preventing her from confessing to Aaron Katie didn't believe the rumor but then she saw

Regina holding hands with Aaron feeling betrayed Katie became Furious and confronted Regina

 h asking why she changed her previous words I'm just reclaiming what's mine Katie after 

spending some time with Katie she became more beautiful and people started to adore her 

despite lacking any special abilities this made Regina resentful and feel threatened in her position

 as the leader at fairywood high therefore Regina manipul ated aon's feelings towards her to 

make Katie feel devastated and sad Katie couldn't believe it and her anger escalated to the point

 where she tightly grasped Regina's hand causing her pain taking advantage of the situation 

Regina pushed Katie away and pretended to fall to the ground to frame her Katie don't be angry

 like that Aon doesn't like you it's not my fault students witnessed Katie seemingly aggressively

 pushing Regina down leading to a wave of Oppression against her from that day on Katie no

 longer played with the fairy meanies and no one wanted to be near her because of the incident

 with Regina at that point she was more confident and no longer cared about what others

 thought the incident was quickly forgotten as the Spring siling Festival approached the day 

when fairywood high would vote for the girl everyone liked the most who would then become

 the queen and possess the magical crown for this queen title Regina was the most Desiring she

 tried to train maintain a low calorie diet and take care of herself to become the queen because

 the competition required fairness the principal casted a spell on the entire School prohibiting

 all students from using magic until the day of the festival Katie also decided to participate in

Spring cling to assert herself and partly to hope that people would understand her true self better

 on the day of the festival everyone dressed elegantly enjoying the festive atmosphere and then

 the most awaited moment of the night arrived the award ceremony with the presence of the

 two most beautiful girls at Berrywood high as expected Regina and Katie you can possibly 

win against me Katie huh congratulations Katie Regina was shocked upon hearing the result

Regina's strange behavior before the festival made Katie suspicious and indeed the results were

 manipulated by Regina Katie was determined not to let herself be disadvantaged that Time

Regina Furious rushed to snatch the crown from Katie Katie was cornered by Regina just as

 Regina lunged at Katie she managed to dodge the attack but Regina was propelled forward 

at that moment Katie still kindhearted extended her hand to help Regina but Regina driven by

 greed tried to grab the crown the audience witnessed the entire incident and shouted vehemently

 against Regina Regina is wicked she doesn't deserve to be the spring siling Queen the crowd's

 opposition infuriated Regina prompting her to use her power to manipulate silencing everyone

 everyone be silent Katie realized Regina's intention and immediately used the magic from the

crown to thwart Regina the principal immediately sealed Regina's Powers again and reclaimed

 the magical Crown the spring ceiling Queen is Katie Satie became the most famous girl and 

an icon of the perfect girl for everyone Regina was banned from using magic was avoided by

 everyone and faced mockery after the Spring siling Festival no one will help you Regina the

wicked one suddenly the mischievous elf wore in a cute princess dress made him embarrassed 

and run away once again are you okay Regina Karen's dress looked stunning on him although

 Regina had behaved poorly she now received help from these friends making Regina touched

 after all the selfish things I've done you still forgive me everyone makes mistakes Regina what

 m matters is that we acknowledge them and strive to be better I'm sorry for being mean forgive

me fairy meanies forever fairy meanies forever.

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