
The Three Little Pigs

Three little pigs building their homes out of straw, sticks, and bricks.

The Three Little Pigs


A Tale of Hard Work, Wisdom, and Teamwork


When Hard Work Meets Wisdom, Strength Prevails

Story written by:

M Muzamil Shami


In this classic story, three little pigs named Porky, Petunia, and Percy learn the importance of hard work and wisdom. After building their homes from different materials, they face a hungry wolf whose huffing and puffing threaten their safety. The tale emphasizes the value of strength and determination in overcoming challenges and living happily ever after.


Once upon a time, three little pigs ventured into the world to build their homes. The choices they made, based on their personalities, determined the fate of their safety when a hungry wolf came knocking. This timeless story teaches valuable lessons about hard work, planning, and teamwork.

Character Profiles


The laziest of the three, Porky quickly builds a house out of straw to spend more time playing. His lack of effort puts him at risk when the wolf comes.


A bit more diligent than her brother, Petunia builds a house made of sticks. While stronger than straw, it still isn't enough to withstand the wolf’s attack.


The wisest and hardest-working sibling, Percy takes his time to construct a sturdy house made of bricks, ensuring safety and stability.

The Big Bad Wolf: 

A hungry wolf, determined to feast on the three little pigs, attempts to blow down their houses to catch them.

Setting Description

The story unfolds in a picturesque countryside dotted with meadows and trees. The warm sun shines as the pigs play near their homes, and a gentle breeze rustles through the trees. However, the atmosphere changes when the menacing wolf appears, bringing with him a sense of danger and urgency.


Once upon a time, three little pigs named Porky, Petunia, and Percy set off into the world to build their own homes. Their mother warned them to build their houses strong, but each pig had a different approach to the task.

Porky, the laziest, found a pile of straw and quickly built his home. He wanted to finish fast so he could play all day.

Petunia, a bit more diligent, gathered sticks and twigs to create her house. While it took longer than Porky's, her house still wasn't the sturdiest.

Percy, the wisest of the three, took his time and built his home from strong, durable bricks. Though it took effort and patience, he knew it would pay off in the end.

One day, a hungry big bad wolf came upon the pigs' homes. He approached Porky’s straw house and said, “Little pig, little pig, let me in!”

Porky, terrified, responded, “Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!”

The wolf huffed and puffed and blew the straw house down. Porky ran to Petunia’s house for safety. The wolf followed and once again demanded entry. Petunia replied, “Not by the hair of our chinny-chin-chins!”

The wolf huffed and puffed and blew down the stick house as well. Porky and Petunia, in a panic, fled to Percy’s brick house.

When the wolf reached Percy’s house, he repeated, “Little pigs, little pigs, let me in!”

Percy calmly answered, “Not by the hair of our chinny-chin-chins!”

The wolf huffed and puffed with all his might, but he couldn’t blow down the sturdy brick house. Defeated, the wolf slunk away into the woods, leaving the pigs safe and sound.

Porky and Petunia realized the importance of hard work and determination, and from that day on, the three siblings lived happily in Percy’s strong brick house.

Moral of the Story

Hard work and wisdom will always lead to safety and success, while shortcuts may put you at risk.

Significant Quotes

“The world can be tricky, so build your houses strong and sturdy to keep you safe from harm.” – Mother Pig

“Not by the hair of our chinny-chin-chins!” – The Three Little Pigs

“Hard work always pays off.” – Percy


1. Why did the wolf fail to blow down Percy’s house?

Percy built his house using bricks, which are much stronger than straw or sticks. The wolf couldn't blow it down because of its sturdy construction.

2. What lesson do the three little pigs learn?

They learn that hard work, determination, and wisdom are necessary to overcome challenges.

3. Why did Porky and Petunia choose weaker materials for their houses?

Porky was lazy, and Petunia didn't take the task as seriously as Percy. They learned the hard way that effort and thoughtful planning are important.

Author Bio

M Muzamil Shami is a passionate storyteller who brings classic tales to life with fresh perspectives. His stories for children and adults alike convey timeless lessons of courage, wisdom, and perseverance.

Keywords and Synonyms

Primary Keywords: The Three Little Pigs, hard work, wisdom, teamwork, building a house

Synonyms: Trio of pigs, strong home, cunning wolf, teamwork triumph, effort over shortcuts

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