
Moon Goddess and Moon Unicorn | Bedtime Stories For Kids

To after passing away there were Souls that lingered in the Mortal realm refusing to transcend huh 

they concealed themselves within the night regardless of the Peril posed by the soul sucking demons 

little girl that's my line under the moon's blow these swords revealed their true forms knowing that

death would witness and condemn them to the Underworld for eternity are you death sugra my love

have you taken him sugra you yuna's beloved had cured her when she fell ill but later he vanished 

mysteriously huh so I am left Afflicted and ailing again nd unable to move on I must remain in the 

Mortal realm to find him I beg you don't take me death agreed with a condition that Yuna must 

become the goddess of the moon controlling its lights assisting death in seeking wandering Souls 

death entrusted her with a moon unicorn guarding the tree of spirits that empowered the moon I'll 

Grant you only a year if you refuse to transcend I will still take you to the underworld I am arus your

servant becoming the goddess of the moon was eun's chance to locate sugra swiftly she learned to 

control the moon's Radiance yet wherever the Moonlight touched the SS eluded her it took immense 

effort for Yuna to find her first Soul immediately Argus brought the soul to the moon for auna to

confront to her surprise this Soul like auna was reluctant to transcend because she had lost her lover

before passing away ignore it Yuna let me carry her to the underworld empathizing with the stubborn 

Soul Yuna resolved to Aid her ignoring the unicorn's counsil sarcastically she realized the man had

left his lover for another oh thus auna couldn't help her find peace Yuna had no choice but to let augus 

take the soul to the depths of despair such stubborn Souls will never find transcend I don't want to be 

like that give up your love you can find peace and transcend you look couldn't bear it she continued 

to seek and assist the souls huh meeting the next one in person huh a man who couldn't Bid Farewell 

to his wife before passing away ignoring argus's protest euna was determined to help him it turned 

out that the couple was separated in their search for their abducted son The Man passed away without

saying goodbye to his wife huh the moon goddess resolved to find their son unexpectedly the one 


euna was seeking was none other than her very first Soul the love of the lady she had helped oh he 

had been cursed by a dark sorcerer and taken away with argus's help euna rescued him and reunited 

him with his parents she also made sure he reunited with his true love to resolve the misunderstanding 

thus eun's first two Souls found contentment huh allowing them to transcend see they are not stubborn 

they are suffering and lost they're like me they need my help and I will never stop looking for my 

beloved Yuna had proved that she was right gradually auna and Aus became Inseparable friends 

despite listen to me if you give up sugar you'll transcend and you won't suffer anymore I've already 

said I won't give up as the one-year deadline Drew near euna helped numerous Souls but still couldn't 

find sugra and at this very moment the Moonlight is fading away I can no longer illuminate the Mortal

Realm has the Moon tree withered isn't this the doing of the soul sucking demons stubbornly Aus 

refused carry auna to the land of the Demons no the deadline is approaching you can't do anything 

please transcend Yuna reluctantly pretended to agree because the moon unicorn was too stubborn then

 she discreetly used the remaining bit of energy H to fly down to the realm of the soul sucking demons 

the demons were surprised to see the moon goddess they weren't aware of the withered tree huh 

however they wouldn't let a un go easily the moon goddess had caused them much trouble just then 

the moon unicorn arrived huh timely rescuing his master yet Argus was unfortunate falling victim 

to the Demon's attack and thus Yuna discovered a horrifying truth Argus sugra what what has 

happened sug could no longer conceal the truth it all began with a yun's illness she could only live

until that moment sugar had struck a deal with a demon deceiving death to extend aun's life but death

 found out and pis sug turning him into a moon unicorn guarding the moon forever Yuna could never 

Escape her fate huh huh fearing that auna would transcend if she knew Sugar's punishment he asked 

death to keep the secret touched by eun's compassion death appointed her the goddess of the moon

 sugura would live as a unicorn assisting yuna's mission to convince him to transcend however as 

Yuna persisted sugara used dark magic to harm the moon I thought you would give up but your effort 

is so strong the Demon's magic might break my unicorn form Yuna understood everything now I

have healed the moon and as for you Yuna your time has come no I'm begging you don't take her 

rules are rules can I take sugis punishment can he become a normal Soul unas plea didn't break any

rules no you can't do that it can't be I'm the cause of your punishment I'll find peace only if I take your

 sentence when I became the goddess of the moon I helped many people like you and me helping 

them made me happy now I must help you as long as you transcend I will have no regrets if that's the

 only way you can be happy after a year of journeying together with her love sugar knew there

was no other way since then Yuna became the Eternal goddess of the moon using her gentle light to 

shine upon the Mortal realm shielding the Mortal realm from malv volent forces huh guiding lost 

souls like her own helping them find Solace death decided to give auna a gift with each of Sugar's 

subsequent lifetimes the soul would retain memories of auna and death would carry him to the 

Moon huh so auna could meet her beloved more and more.

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