all that however huh I one month ago the old theater was known for many scary rumors and Mysteries
Oriental drama theater in the heart of the Magnificent European capital foreign what a waste of time
I said we should have gone to see the circus how was the revenue today don't worry I'm always here
to share with you this made the this like just an extremely painful he was going crazy looking for a
new Direction his face exhausted from lack of sleep and food that night when the script that Justin
had worked hard on was completed he fell asleep on his desk the wind blew to script into the hands
of a strange lady she looked at the script and danced according to what was written on it she was so
engrossed that she didn't notice that Justin had woken up and was watching her you you're the person
I'm looking for just then a rooster crowed loudly and Justin turned towards the sound as usual when
he turned back the girl had completely disappeared huh in the following days Justin both worked hard
pushed Justin into a miserable situation that night under too much pressure and unable to release it
that no one else could sing please don't go I will definitely turn you into a big star with Justin's
Discover the Story of "The Bride of Death"
anything their only common crown was their passion for the Arts the day they had been waiting for
was a success beyond their expectations Celia became a highly prized star with the audience always
packed and cheering love everyone in the theater company admired and loved Celia except for Zelda
the former female lead in all the previous plays huh she held the most important position in the
become closer from the position of fellow artists they develop real feelings for each other what are
wait and accompany me before a performance Zelda secretly put a sharp needle in Celia's shoe let's
see how you dance with that Zelda was extremely frightened when she saw Celia put on the shoes as
if nothing had happened no way no pain no bleeding is she even human Zelda recalled that Celia
always avoided sunlight was afraid of rooster crowing and never ate with anyone else as her senses
arose one night after the theater company had left Zelda stayed behind to observe cilia what what is
this cilia had completely disappeared and in her place was Celia oh no what are you ah the next
morning she started a rumor about Celia who was not the one causing the disturbance in the theater
Zelda you've gone too far what kind of demon and ghosts are you talking about getting angry Zelda
used her reputation to ensure and pulled everyone to the area where she had seen the puppet in that
Discover the Story of "The Mystic Third Eye of Princess"
dark room now only filled with props there was no trace of worship or any demonic activity no it
Zelda spoke out about demons in the theater a series of strange events occur objects were moved
audience members were kidnapped and even worse some were injured and constantly murmured like
they were possessed by a demon these bizarre incidents occurred so frequently that people could no
longer ignore them and they secretly looked at Celia and evaluated her hmm there have been some
bad rumors lately or should we invite an exorcist to end everything nonsense there's never been any
kind of demon let's get back to work however under pressure from the public opinion and the theater
searching for a while the earrings reappeared Achilles makeup desk is there anything to explain top
the tragedy began Kenny appeared he was the son of a Duke a wealthy man he was infatuated with
Discover the Story of "The Secret Behind the Princess Mask"
want to meet Celia Celia is no longer with the theater please come down sir what within a week
bring cilia here don't blame me for destroying this rundown theater the theater troop beg Justin to
meeting with Kenny Zelda was supposed to be the main actress but she secretly ran away thanks
to secretly following Justin Selden knew the location where he hid the puppet and quietly went there
to release Celia don't be afraid I came to rescue you help me but why after today's performance
you Justin is just using you that's why he easily kicked you out he also hired someone to lock you
just replace me on stage and end Justin's life Celia hit her face and began to passionately play her
role she danced like she had never danced before because it was her last time on stage even Justin
realized that something was wrong only Celia could reach this level hmm but it was too late when
a demon repellent Talisman in Justine's costume so any demon with malicious intent towards him
would instantly turn to dust okay Justin you don't know what she intends to harm you even though
you love her however the smile on Zelda's face faded the person that sealed his knife Twisted into
was not Justin but Kenny who was sitting next to him his soldiers realized that something was wrong
no longer exist I'm sorry for deceiving you Justin I'm not human the Grim Reaper will take me away
soon don't say any more Celia run away quickly I know you have always silently protected me just as
you promised you chase me away because you were afraid of the Demon Hunter that Zelda had found
at the same time you wanted to protect me from Kenny so you went to find a teacher to seal me I
Kenny and help you fulfill your dream Justin I finally protected you no don't leave me cilia I know
you're a ghost and I'm very scared of ghosts but losing you is what I fear the most after Celia
disappeared Zelda was punished for being discovered as a mastermind behind all the fake Super
for all the theater members and then enclosed the theater traveling around everywhere ooh he wrote
wonderful works but only saved them for someone suitable one day the wind blew away the script
girl she picked it up studied it for a while and then sang a beautiful Melody for men tears suddenly
streamed down Justine's face that voice that figure he had been waiting for them a long time.
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